Terms on cachapa.xyz - Captain Arepa's main page http://cachapa.xyz/terms/ Recent content in Terms on cachapa.xyz - Captain Arepa's main page Hugo -- gohugo.io en-us Sat, 11 Feb 2023 11:18:24 -0400 General Terms http://cachapa.xyz/terms/general-terms/ Sat, 11 Feb 2023 11:18:24 -0400 http://cachapa.xyz/terms/general-terms/ Preliminary Statement By means of the present I hereby place on record that I, the individual bearing the online alias “Captain Arepa” -henceforth knonwn as admin-, am the owner, administrator and operator of every single website and/or service -henceforth known as site(s)- hosted and running within the scope of the cachapa.xyz domain and sub-domains. General Guidelines The sites hosted under the cachapa.xyz domain are varied in nature, ranging from email clients to federated microblogging sites.