import asyncio import threading import re from time import sleep from mipa.ext import commands, tasks from mipa.router import Router from mipac import LiteUser, UserManager, UserDetailed, NotificationReaction from mipac.models import Note from mipac.util import check_multi_arg import roboduck # Load Misskey configuration config = roboduck.configparser.ConfigParser()'bot.cfg')) url = "https://" + config.get("misskey", "instance_write") token = config.get("misskey", "token") instance_val = config.get("misskey", "instance_write") instance_admin = config.get("misskey", "instance_admin") post_frequency = float(config.get("markov", "post_frequency")) try: contentwarning = config.get("misskey", "cw") if contentwarning.lower() == "none": contentwarning = None except (TypeError, ValueError, roboduck.configparser.NoOptionError): contentwarning = None if not check_multi_arg(url, token): raise Exception("Misskey instance and token are required.") class MyBot(commands.Bot): def __init__(self): super().__init__() @staticmethod async def get_bot_data(user_manager: UserManager): bot_user = await user_manager.action.get_me() bot_host = instance_val bot_short = '@' + bot_user.username bot_long = bot_short + '@' + bot_host return bot_host, bot_short, bot_long @tasks.loop(seconds=3600) async def loop_1h(self): text = roboduck.create_sentence() await bot.client.note.action.send(content=text, visibility="public", cw=contentwarning) @tasks.loop(seconds=600) async def loop_10m(self): text = roboduck.create_sentence() await bot.client.note.action.send(content=text, visibility="public", cw=contentwarning) @tasks.loop(seconds=post_frequency) async def loop_custom(self): print("POSTED! " +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) text = roboduck.create_sentence() await bot.client.note.action.send(content=text, visibility="public", cw=contentwarning) @tasks.loop(seconds=43200) async def loop_12h(self): thread_update = threading.Thread(target=roboduck.update()) thread_update.daemon = True thread_update.start() async def on_ready(self, ws): await Router(ws).connect_channel(["global", "main"]) # Connect to global and main channels await self.client.note.action.send('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + " Roboduck Bot started!", visibility="specified") self.loop_12h.start() # Launching renew posts every 12 hours self.loop_1h.start() # # self.loop_10m.start() self.loop_custom.start() # Custom duration bot print('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + " Roboduck Bot started!") async def on_mention(self, note: Note): # because this doesn't work for some reason*, I redid this shit # Get note user properties lite_user: LiteUser = note.__getattribute__("user") # Get user manager (for stuff) user_api: UserManager = lite_user.api # Get the bot's handle... bot_host, bot_short, bot_long = await self.get_bot_data(user_api) # print("Bot\n Host: {0} - Short handle: {1} - Long handle: {2}".format(bot_host, bot_short, bot_long)) # Get note author and host author_id = author_user = lite_user.username author_host = if is not None else bot_host # print("Author: {0} - Host: {1}".format(author_user, author_host)) reply_to = "@{0}".format(author_user) if author_host == bot_host else "@{0}@{1}".format(author_user, author_host) # Get user details (only to validate if it's a f***ing bot) user_detail = await user_api.action.fetch(author_id, author_user, author_host) # is the author a is_bot = user_detail.is_bot # Get original note content og_note: Note = note.__getattribute__("note") # print("Note content: {0} ".format(og_note.content)) # Regex to do some magic user_regex = "(?>@(?>[\w\-])+)(?>@(?>[\w\-\.])+)?" # Find all mentions in the note mentions = re.findall(user_regex, og_note.content) # All users mentioned in the note # print("All mentions:") # print(mentions) # Filter out the original author and the bot from the mentions filtered = list(filter(lambda user: user not in [author_user, bot_short, bot_long], mentions)) # print("Filtered mentions:") # print(filtered) # Validate if it's not a bot, and then reply if not is_bot: text = reply_to + " " + ' '.join(filtered) + " " text += roboduck.create_sentence() # print("Resulting note:\n {0}".format(text)) await og_note.api.action.reply(content=text, cw=contentwarning) async def on_reconnect(self, ws): await Router(ws).connect_channel(["global", "main"]) # Connect to global and main channels async def on_reply(self, note: Note): # Just... follow the thread, eh? await self.on_mention(note) async def on_user_follow(self, user: UserDetailed): # I'll add stuff here print("test") async def on_reaction(self, notice: NotificationReaction): # I'll also add stuff here... later. print("OI!") if __name__ == "__main__": databasepath = roboduck.Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('roboduck.db') if not (roboduck.os.path.exists(databasepath) and roboduck.os.stat(databasepath).st_size != 0): roboduck.init_bot() bot = MyBot() try:, token)) except Exception as e: print("Failed to run, retrying...") sleep(10), token))