import uvicorn from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, HTTPException, responses import sqlite3 from hashlib import sha256 from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates from requests import get from json import loads from re import sub with open("config.json") as f: config = loads( base_url = config["base_url"] port = config["port"] app = FastAPI(docs_url=base_url+"/docs", redoc_url=base_url+"/redoc") templates = Jinja2Templates(directory=".") def get_hash(domain: str) -> str: return sha256(domain.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() @app.get(base_url+"/info") def info(): conn = sqlite3.connect("blocks.db") c = conn.cursor() c.execute("select (select count(domain) from instances), (select count(domain) from instances where software in ('pleroma', 'mastodon', 'misskey', 'gotosocial', 'friendica')), (select count(blocker) from blocks)") known, indexed, blocks = c.fetchone() c.close() return { "known_instances": known, "indexed_instances": indexed, "blocks_recorded": blocks } @app.get(base_url+"/api") def blocked(domain: str = None, reason: str = None): if domain == None and reason == None: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="No filter specified") if reason != None: reason = sub("(%|_)", "", reason) if len(reason) < 3: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Keyword is shorter than three characters") conn = sqlite3.connect("blocks.db") c = conn.cursor() if domain != None: wildchar = "*." + ".".join(domain.split(".")[-domain.count("."):]) punycode = domain.encode('idna').decode('utf-8') c.execute("select blocker, blocked, block_level, reason from blocks where blocked = ? or blocked = ? or blocked = ? or blocked = ? or blocked = ? or blocked = ?", (domain, "*." + domain, wildchar, get_hash(domain), punycode, "*." + punycode)) else: c.execute("select blocker, blocked, reason, block_level from blocks where reason like ? and reason != ''", ("%"+reason+"%",)) blocks = c.fetchall() conn.close() result = {} reasons = {} wildcards = [] if domain != None: for domain, blocked, block_level, reason in blocks: if block_level in result: result[block_level].append(domain) else: result[block_level] = [domain] if blocked == "*." + ".".join(blocked.split(".")[-blocked.count("."):]): wildcards.append(domain) if reason != "": if block_level in reasons: reasons[block_level][domain] = reason else: reasons[block_level] = {domain: reason} return {"blocks": result, "reasons": reasons, "wildcards": wildcards} for blocker, blocked, reason, block_level in blocks: if block_level in result: result[block_level].append({"blocker": blocker, "blocked": blocked, "reason": reason}) else: result[block_level] = [{"blocker": blocker, "blocked": blocked, "reason": reason}] return {"blocks": result} @app.get(base_url+"/") def index(request: Request, domain: str = None, reason: str = None): if domain == "" or reason == "": return responses.RedirectResponse("/") info = None blocks = None if domain == None and reason == None: info = get(f"{port}{base_url}/info") if not info.ok: raise HTTPException(status_code=info.status_code, detail=info.text) info = info.json() elif domain != None: blocks = get(f"{port}{base_url}/api?domain={domain}") elif reason != None: blocks = get(f"{port}{base_url}/api?reason={reason}") if blocks != None: if not blocks.ok: raise HTTPException(status_code=blocks.status_code, detail=blocks.text) blocks = blocks.json() return templates.TemplateResponse("index.html", {"request": request, "domain": domain, "blocks": blocks, "reason": reason, "info": info}) if __name__ == "__main__":"api:app", host="", port=port, log_level="info")