# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. gallery_dl = __import__("gallery_dl.extractor.8chan") _8chan = getattr(gallery_dl.extractor, "8chan") __tests__ = ( { "#url" : "https://8chan.moe/vhs/res/4.html", "#category": ("", "8chan", "thread"), "#class" : _8chan._8chanThreadExtractor, "#pattern" : r"https://8chan\.moe/\.media/[0-9a-f]{64}\.\w+$", "#count" : 14, "archived" : False, "autoSage" : False, "boardDescription": "Film and Cinema", "boardMarkdown" : None, "boardName" : "Movies", "boardUri" : "vhs", "creation" : r"re:\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3}Z", "cyclic" : False, "email" : None, "id" : r"re:^[0-9a-f]{6}$", "locked" : False, "markdown" : str, "maxFileCount" : 5, "maxFileSize" : "32.00 MB", "maxMessageLength": 8001, "message" : str, "mime" : str, "name" : "Anonymous", "num" : int, "originalName" : str, "path" : r"re:/.media/[0-9a-f]{64}\.\w+$", "pinned" : False, "postId" : int, "signedRole" : None, "size" : int, "threadId" : 4, "thumb" : r"re:/.media/t_[0-9a-f]{64}$", "uniquePosters" : 9, "usesCustomCss" : True, "usesCustomJs" : False, "?wsPort" : 8880, "?wssPort" : 2087, }, { "#url" : "https://8chan.se/vhs/res/4.html", "#category": ("", "8chan", "thread"), "#class" : _8chan._8chanThreadExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://8chan.cc/vhs/res/4.html", "#category": ("", "8chan", "thread"), "#class" : _8chan._8chanThreadExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://8chan.moe/vhs/", "#category": ("", "8chan", "board"), "#class" : _8chan._8chanBoardExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://8chan.moe/vhs/2.html", "#category": ("", "8chan", "board"), "#class" : _8chan._8chanBoardExtractor, "#pattern" : _8chan._8chanThreadExtractor.pattern, "#count" : range(24, 28), }, { "#url" : "https://8chan.se/vhs/", "#category": ("", "8chan", "board"), "#class" : _8chan._8chanBoardExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://8chan.cc/vhs/", "#category": ("", "8chan", "board"), "#class" : _8chan._8chanBoardExtractor, }, )