# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2023 Mike Fährmann # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. """ """ import re import time import logging import operator import functools from . import util, exception def parse(actionspec): if isinstance(actionspec, dict): actionspec = actionspec.items() actions = {} actions[-logging.DEBUG] = actions_bd = [] actions[-logging.INFO] = actions_bi = [] actions[-logging.WARNING] = actions_bw = [] actions[-logging.ERROR] = actions_be = [] actions[logging.DEBUG] = actions_ad = [] actions[logging.INFO] = actions_ai = [] actions[logging.WARNING] = actions_aw = [] actions[logging.ERROR] = actions_ae = [] for event, spec in actionspec: level, _, pattern = event.partition(":") search = re.compile(pattern).search if pattern else util.true if isinstance(spec, str): type, _, args = spec.partition(" ") before, after = ACTIONS[type](args) else: actions_before = [] actions_after = [] for s in spec: type, _, args = s.partition(" ") before, after = ACTIONS[type](args) if before: actions_before.append(before) if after: actions_after.append(after) before = _chain_actions(actions_before) after = _chain_actions(actions_after) level = level.strip() if not level or level == "*": if before: action = (search, before) actions_bd.append(action) actions_bi.append(action) actions_bw.append(action) actions_be.append(action) if after: action = (search, after) actions_ad.append(action) actions_ai.append(action) actions_aw.append(action) actions_ae.append(action) else: level = _level_to_int(level) if before: actions[-level].append((search, before)) if after: actions[level].append((search, after)) return actions class LoggerAdapter(): def __init__(self, logger, job): self.logger = logger self.extra = job._logger_extra self.actions = job._logger_actions self.debug = functools.partial(self.log, logging.DEBUG) self.info = functools.partial(self.log, logging.INFO) self.warning = functools.partial(self.log, logging.WARNING) self.error = functools.partial(self.log, logging.ERROR) def log(self, level, msg, *args, **kwargs): msg = str(msg) if args: msg = msg % args before = self.actions[-level] after = self.actions[level] if before: args = self.extra.copy() args["level"] = level for cond, action in before: if cond(msg): action(args) level = args["level"] if self.logger.isEnabledFor(level): kwargs["extra"] = self.extra self.logger._log(level, msg, (), **kwargs) if after: args = self.extra.copy() for cond, action in after: if cond(msg): action(args) def _level_to_int(level): try: return logging._nameToLevel[level] except KeyError: return int(level) def _chain_actions(actions): def _chain(args): for action in actions: action(args) return _chain # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def action_print(opts): def _print(_): print(opts) return None, _print def action_status(opts): op, value = re.match(r"\s*([&|^=])=?\s*(\d+)", opts).groups() op = { "&": operator.and_, "|": operator.or_, "^": operator.xor, "=": lambda x, y: y, }[op] value = int(value) def _status(args): args["job"].status = op(args["job"].status, value) return _status, None def action_level(opts): level = _level_to_int(opts.lstrip(" ~=")) def _level(args): args["level"] = level return _level, None def action_exec(opts): def _exec(_): util.Popen(opts, shell=True).wait() return None, _exec def action_wait(opts): if opts: seconds = util.build_duration_func(opts) def _wait(args): time.sleep(seconds()) else: def _wait(args): input("Press Enter to continue") return None, _wait def action_abort(opts): return None, util.raises(exception.StopExtraction) def action_terminate(opts): return None, util.raises(exception.TerminateExtraction) def action_restart(opts): return None, util.raises(exception.RestartExtraction) def action_exit(opts): try: opts = int(opts) except ValueError: pass def _exit(args): raise SystemExit(opts) return None, _exit ACTIONS = { "abort" : action_abort, "exec" : action_exec, "exit" : action_exit, "level" : action_level, "print" : action_print, "restart" : action_restart, "status" : action_status, "terminate": action_terminate, "wait" : action_wait, }