# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2019-2023 Mike Fährmann # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. """Extractors for https://500px.com/""" from .common import Extractor, Message from .. import util BASE_PATTERN = r"(?:https?://)?(?:web\.)?500px\.com" class _500pxExtractor(Extractor): """Base class for 500px extractors""" category = "500px" directory_fmt = ("{category}", "{user[username]}") filename_fmt = "{id}_{name}.{extension}" archive_fmt = "{id}" root = "https://500px.com" cookiedomain = ".500px.com" def __init__(self, match): Extractor.__init__(self, match) self.session.headers["Referer"] = self.root + "/" def items(self): data = self.metadata() for photo in self.photos(): url = photo["images"][-1]["url"] photo["extension"] = photo["image_format"] if data: photo.update(data) yield Message.Directory, photo yield Message.Url, url, photo def metadata(self): """Returns general metadata""" def photos(self): """Returns an iterable containing all relevant photo IDs""" def _extend(self, edges): """Extend photos with additional metadata and higher resolution URLs""" ids = [str(edge["node"]["legacyId"]) for edge in edges] url = "https://api.500px.com/v1/photos" params = { "expanded_user_info" : "true", "include_tags" : "true", "include_geo" : "true", "include_equipment_info": "true", "vendor_photos" : "true", "include_licensing" : "true", "include_releases" : "true", "liked_by" : "1", "following_sample" : "100", "image_size" : "4096", "ids" : ",".join(ids), } photos = self._request_api(url, params)["photos"] return [ photos[pid] for pid in ids if pid in photos or self.log.warning("Unable to fetch photo %s", pid) ] def _request_api(self, url, params): headers = { "Origin": self.root, "x-csrf-token": self.session.cookies.get( "x-csrf-token", domain=".500px.com"), } return self.request(url, headers=headers, params=params).json() def _request_graphql(self, opname, variables): url = "https://api.500px.com/graphql" headers = { "x-csrf-token": self.session.cookies.get( "x-csrf-token", domain=".500px.com"), } data = { "operationName": opname, "variables" : util.json_dumps(variables), "query" : QUERIES[opname], } return self.request( url, method="POST", headers=headers, json=data).json()["data"] class _500pxUserExtractor(_500pxExtractor): """Extractor for photos from a user's photostream on 500px.com""" subcategory = "user" pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/(?!photo/|liked)(?:p/)?([^/?#]+)/?(?:$|[?#])" test = ( ("https://500px.com/p/light_expression_photography", { "pattern": r"https?://drscdn.500px.org/photo/\d+/m%3D4096/v2", "range": "1-99", "count": 99, }), ("https://500px.com/light_expression_photography"), ("https://web.500px.com/light_expression_photography"), ) def __init__(self, match): _500pxExtractor.__init__(self, match) self.user = match.group(1) def photos(self): variables = {"username": self.user, "pageSize": 20} photos = self._request_graphql( "OtherPhotosQuery", variables, )["user"]["photos"] while True: yield from self._extend(photos["edges"]) if not photos["pageInfo"]["hasNextPage"]: return variables["cursor"] = photos["pageInfo"]["endCursor"] photos = self._request_graphql( "OtherPhotosPaginationContainerQuery", variables, )["userByUsername"]["photos"] class _500pxGalleryExtractor(_500pxExtractor): """Extractor for photo galleries on 500px.com""" subcategory = "gallery" directory_fmt = ("{category}", "{user[username]}", "{gallery[name]}") pattern = (BASE_PATTERN + r"/(?!photo/)(?:p/)?" r"([^/?#]+)/galleries/([^/?#]+)") test = ( ("https://500px.com/p/fashvamp/galleries/lera", { "url": "002dc81dee5b4a655f0e31ad8349e8903b296df6", "count": 3, "keyword": { "gallery": dict, "user": dict, }, }), ("https://500px.com/fashvamp/galleries/lera"), ) def __init__(self, match): _500pxExtractor.__init__(self, match) self.user_name, self.gallery_name = match.groups() self.user_id = self._photos = None def metadata(self): user = self._request_graphql( "ProfileRendererQuery", {"username": self.user_name}, )["profile"] self.user_id = str(user["legacyId"]) variables = { "galleryOwnerLegacyId": self.user_id, "ownerLegacyId" : self.user_id, "slug" : self.gallery_name, "token" : None, "pageSize" : 20, } gallery = self._request_graphql( "GalleriesDetailQueryRendererQuery", variables, )["gallery"] self._photos = gallery["photos"] del gallery["photos"] return { "gallery": gallery, "user" : user, } def photos(self): photos = self._photos variables = { "ownerLegacyId": self.user_id, "slug" : self.gallery_name, "token" : None, "pageSize" : 20, } while True: yield from self._extend(photos["edges"]) if not photos["pageInfo"]["hasNextPage"]: return variables["cursor"] = photos["pageInfo"]["endCursor"] photos = self._request_graphql( "GalleriesDetailPaginationContainerQuery", variables, )["galleryByOwnerIdAndSlugOrToken"]["photos"] class _500pxFavoriteExtractor(_500pxExtractor): """Extractor for favorite 500px photos""" subcategory = "favorite" pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/liked/?$" test = ("https://500px.com/liked",) def photos(self): variables = {"pageSize": 20} photos = self._request_graphql( "LikedPhotosQueryRendererQuery", variables, )["likedPhotos"] while True: yield from self._extend(photos["edges"]) if not photos["pageInfo"]["hasNextPage"]: return variables["cursor"] = photos["pageInfo"]["endCursor"] photos = self._request_graphql( "LikedPhotosPaginationContainerQuery", variables, )["likedPhotos"] class _500pxImageExtractor(_500pxExtractor): """Extractor for individual images from 500px.com""" subcategory = "image" pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/photo/(\d+)" test = ("https://500px.com/photo/222049255/queen-of-coasts", { "url": "fbdf7df39325cae02f5688e9f92935b0e7113315", "count": 1, "keyword": { "camera": "Canon EOS 600D", "camera_info": dict, "comments": list, "comments_count": int, "created_at": "2017-08-01T08:40:05+00:00", "description": str, "editored_by": None, "editors_choice": False, "extension": "jpg", "feature": "popular", "feature_date": "2017-08-01T09:58:28+00:00", "focal_length": "208", "height": 3111, "id": 222049255, "image_format": "jpg", "image_url": list, "images": list, "iso": "100", "lens": "EF-S55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS II", "lens_info": dict, "liked": None, "location": None, "location_details": dict, "name": "Queen Of Coasts", "nsfw": False, "privacy": False, "profile": True, "rating": float, "status": 1, "tags": list, "taken_at": "2017-05-04T17:36:51+00:00", "times_viewed": int, "url": "/photo/222049255/Queen-Of-Coasts-by-Alice-Nabieva", "user": dict, "user_id": 12847235, "votes_count": int, "watermark": True, "width": 4637, }, }) def __init__(self, match): _500pxExtractor.__init__(self, match) self.photo_id = match.group(1) def photos(self): edges = ({"node": {"legacyId": self.photo_id}},) return self._extend(edges) QUERIES = { "OtherPhotosQuery": """\ query OtherPhotosQuery($username: String!, $pageSize: Int) { user: userByUsername(username: $username) { ...OtherPhotosPaginationContainer_user_RlXb8 id } } fragment OtherPhotosPaginationContainer_user_RlXb8 on User { photos(first: $pageSize, privacy: PROFILE, sort: ID_DESC) { edges { node { id legacyId canonicalPath width height name isLikedByMe notSafeForWork photographer: uploader { id legacyId username displayName canonicalPath followedByUsers { isFollowedByMe } } images(sizes: [33, 35]) { size url jpegUrl webpUrl id } __typename } cursor } totalCount pageInfo { endCursor hasNextPage } } } """, "OtherPhotosPaginationContainerQuery": """\ query OtherPhotosPaginationContainerQuery($username: String!, $pageSize: Int, $cursor: String) { userByUsername(username: $username) { ...OtherPhotosPaginationContainer_user_3e6UuE id } } fragment OtherPhotosPaginationContainer_user_3e6UuE on User { photos(first: $pageSize, after: $cursor, privacy: PROFILE, sort: ID_DESC) { edges { node { id legacyId canonicalPath width height name isLikedByMe notSafeForWork photographer: uploader { id legacyId username displayName canonicalPath followedByUsers { isFollowedByMe } } images(sizes: [33, 35]) { size url jpegUrl webpUrl id } __typename } cursor } totalCount pageInfo { endCursor hasNextPage } } } """, "ProfileRendererQuery": """\ query ProfileRendererQuery($username: String!) { profile: userByUsername(username: $username) { id legacyId userType: type username firstName displayName registeredAt canonicalPath avatar { ...ProfileAvatar_avatar id } userProfile { firstname lastname state country city about id } socialMedia { website twitter instagram facebook id } coverPhotoUrl followedByUsers { totalCount isFollowedByMe } followingUsers { totalCount } membership { expiryDate membershipTier: tier photoUploadQuota refreshPhotoUploadQuotaAt paymentStatus id } profileTabs { tabs { name visible } } ...EditCover_cover photoStats { likeCount viewCount } photos(privacy: PROFILE) { totalCount } licensingPhotos(status: ACCEPTED) { totalCount } portfolio { id status userDisabled } } } fragment EditCover_cover on User { coverPhotoUrl } fragment ProfileAvatar_avatar on UserAvatar { images(sizes: [MEDIUM, LARGE]) { size url id } } """, "GalleriesDetailQueryRendererQuery": """\ query GalleriesDetailQueryRendererQuery($galleryOwnerLegacyId: ID!, $ownerLegacyId: String, $slug: String, $token: String, $pageSize: Int, $gallerySize: Int) { galleries(galleryOwnerLegacyId: $galleryOwnerLegacyId, first: $gallerySize) { edges { node { legacyId description name privacy canonicalPath notSafeForWork buttonName externalUrl cover { images(sizes: [35, 33]) { size webpUrl jpegUrl id } id } photos { totalCount } id } } } gallery: galleryByOwnerIdAndSlugOrToken(ownerLegacyId: $ownerLegacyId, slug: $slug, token: $token) { ...GalleriesDetailPaginationContainer_gallery_RlXb8 id } } fragment GalleriesDetailPaginationContainer_gallery_RlXb8 on Gallery { id legacyId name privacy notSafeForWork ownPhotosOnly canonicalPath publicSlug lastPublishedAt photosAddedSinceLastPublished reportStatus creator { legacyId id } cover { images(sizes: [33, 32, 36, 2048]) { url size webpUrl id } id } description externalUrl buttonName photos(first: $pageSize) { totalCount edges { cursor node { id legacyId canonicalPath name description category uploadedAt location width height isLikedByMe photographer: uploader { id legacyId username displayName canonicalPath avatar { images(sizes: SMALL) { url id } id } followedByUsers { totalCount isFollowedByMe } } images(sizes: [33, 32]) { size url webpUrl id } __typename } } pageInfo { endCursor hasNextPage } } } """, "GalleriesDetailPaginationContainerQuery": """\ query GalleriesDetailPaginationContainerQuery($ownerLegacyId: String, $slug: String, $token: String, $pageSize: Int, $cursor: String) { galleryByOwnerIdAndSlugOrToken(ownerLegacyId: $ownerLegacyId, slug: $slug, token: $token) { ...GalleriesDetailPaginationContainer_gallery_3e6UuE id } } fragment GalleriesDetailPaginationContainer_gallery_3e6UuE on Gallery { id legacyId name privacy notSafeForWork ownPhotosOnly canonicalPath publicSlug lastPublishedAt photosAddedSinceLastPublished reportStatus creator { legacyId id } cover { images(sizes: [33, 32, 36, 2048]) { url size webpUrl id } id } description externalUrl buttonName photos(first: $pageSize, after: $cursor) { totalCount edges { cursor node { id legacyId canonicalPath name description category uploadedAt location width height isLikedByMe photographer: uploader { id legacyId username displayName canonicalPath avatar { images(sizes: SMALL) { url id } id } followedByUsers { totalCount isFollowedByMe } } images(sizes: [33, 32]) { size url webpUrl id } __typename } } pageInfo { endCursor hasNextPage } } } """, "LikedPhotosQueryRendererQuery": """\ query LikedPhotosQueryRendererQuery($pageSize: Int) { ...LikedPhotosPaginationContainer_query_RlXb8 } fragment LikedPhotosPaginationContainer_query_RlXb8 on Query { likedPhotos(first: $pageSize) { edges { node { id legacyId canonicalPath name description category uploadedAt location width height isLikedByMe notSafeForWork tags photographer: uploader { id legacyId username displayName canonicalPath avatar { images { url id } id } followedByUsers { totalCount isFollowedByMe } } images(sizes: [33, 35]) { size url jpegUrl webpUrl id } __typename } cursor } pageInfo { endCursor hasNextPage } } } """, "LikedPhotosPaginationContainerQuery": """\ query LikedPhotosPaginationContainerQuery($cursor: String, $pageSize: Int) { ...LikedPhotosPaginationContainer_query_3e6UuE } fragment LikedPhotosPaginationContainer_query_3e6UuE on Query { likedPhotos(first: $pageSize, after: $cursor) { edges { node { id legacyId canonicalPath name description category uploadedAt location width height isLikedByMe notSafeForWork tags photographer: uploader { id legacyId username displayName canonicalPath avatar { images { url id } id } followedByUsers { totalCount isFollowedByMe } } images(sizes: [33, 35]) { size url jpegUrl webpUrl id } __typename } cursor } pageInfo { endCursor hasNextPage } } } """, }