# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2019-2023 Mike Fährmann # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. """Extractors for https://fuskator.com/""" from .common import GalleryExtractor, Extractor, Message from .. import text import time class FuskatorGalleryExtractor(GalleryExtractor): """Extractor for image galleries on fuskator.com""" category = "fuskator" root = "https://fuskator.com" pattern = r"(?:https?://)?fuskator\.com/(?:thumbs|expanded)/([^/?#]+)" example = "https://fuskator.com/thumbs/ID/" def __init__(self, match): self.gallery_hash = match.group(1) url = "{}/thumbs/{}/".format(self.root, self.gallery_hash) GalleryExtractor.__init__(self, match, url) def metadata(self, page): headers = { "Referer" : self.gallery_url, "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest", } auth = self.request( self.root + "/ajax/auth.aspx", method="POST", headers=headers, ).text params = { "X-Auth": auth, "hash" : self.gallery_hash, "_" : int(time.time()), } self.data = data = self.request( self.root + "/ajax/gal.aspx", params=params, headers=headers, ).json() title = text.extr(page, "", "").strip() title, _, gallery_id = title.rpartition("#") return { "gallery_id" : text.parse_int(gallery_id), "gallery_hash": self.gallery_hash, "title" : text.unescape(title[:-15]), "views" : data["hits"], "score" : data["rating"], "tags" : data["tags"].split(","), "count" : len(data["images"]), } def images(self, page): for image in self.data["images"]: yield "https:" + image["imageUrl"], image class FuskatorSearchExtractor(Extractor): """Extractor for search results on fuskator.com""" category = "fuskator" subcategory = "search" root = "https://fuskator.com" pattern = r"(?:https?://)?fuskator\.com(/(?:search|page)/.+)" example = "https://fuskator.com/search/TAG/" def __init__(self, match): Extractor.__init__(self, match) self.path = match.group(1) def items(self): url = self.root + self.path data = {"_extractor": FuskatorGalleryExtractor} while True: page = self.request(url).text for path in text.extract_iter( page, 'class="pic_pad">', '>>><') if not pages: return url = self.root + text.rextract(pages, 'href="', '"')[0]