# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. """Extractors for https://myhentaigallery.com/""" from .common import GalleryExtractor from .. import text, exception class MyhentaigalleryGalleryExtractor(GalleryExtractor): """Extractor for image galleries from myhentaigallery.com""" category = "myhentaigallery" directory_fmt = ("{category}", "{gallery_id} {artist:?[/] /J, }{title}") pattern = (r"(?:https?://)?myhentaigallery\.com" r"/gallery/(?:thumbnails|show)/(\d+)") test = ( ("https://myhentaigallery.com/gallery/thumbnails/16247", { "pattern": r"https://images.myhentaicomics\.com/imagesgallery" r"/images/[^/]+/original/\d+\.jpg", "keyword": { "artist" : list, "count" : 11, "gallery_id": 16247, "group" : list, "parodies" : list, "tags" : ["Giantess"], "title" : "Attack Of The 50ft Woman 1", }, }), ("https://myhentaigallery.com/gallery/show/16247/1"), ) root = "https://myhentaigallery.com" def __init__(self, match): self.gallery_id = match.group(1) url = "{}/gallery/thumbnails/{}".format(self.root, self.gallery_id) GalleryExtractor.__init__(self, match, url) self.session.headers["Referer"] = url def metadata(self, page): extr = text.extract_from(page) split = text.split_html title = extr('

', '

') if not title: raise exception.NotFoundError("gallery") return { "title" : text.unescape(title), "gallery_id": text.parse_int(self.gallery_id), "tags" : split(extr('
\nCategories:', '
')), "artist" : split(extr('
\nArtists:' , '
')), "group" : split(extr('
\nGroups:' , '
')), "parodies" : split(extr('
\nParodies:' , '
')), } def images(self, page): return [ (text.unescape(text.extract(url, 'src="', '"')[0]).replace( "/thumbnail/", "/original/"), None) for url in text.extract_iter(page, 'class="comic-thumb"', '
') ]