{ "extractor": { "base-directory": "~/gallery-dl/", "#": "set global archive file for all extractors", "archive": "~/gallery-dl/archive.sqlite3", "#": "replace invalid path characters with unicode alternatives", "path-restrict": { "\\": "⧹", "/" : "⧸", "|" : "│", ":" : "꞉", "*" : "∗", "?" : "?", "\"": "″", "<" : "﹤", ">" : "﹥" }, "#": "write tags for several *booru sites", "postprocessors": [ { "name": "metadata", "mode": "tags", "whitelist": ["danbooru", "moebooru", "sankaku"] } ], "pixiv": { "#": "override global archive setting for pixiv", "archive": "~/gallery-dl/archive-pixiv.sqlite3", "#": "set custom directory and filename format strings for all pixiv downloads", "filename": "{id}{num}.{extension}", "directory": ["Pixiv", "Works", "{user[id]}"], "refresh-token": "aBcDeFgHiJkLmNoPqRsTuVwXyZ01234567890-FedC9", "#": "transform ugoira into lossless MKVs", "ugoira": true, "postprocessors": ["ugoira-copy"], "#": "use special settings for favorites and bookmarks", "favorite": { "directory": ["Pixiv", "Favorites", "{user[id]}"] }, "bookmark": { "directory": ["Pixiv", "My Bookmarks"], "refresh-token": "01234567890aBcDeFgHiJkLmNoPqRsTuVwXyZ-ZyxW1" } }, "danbooru": { "ugoira": true, "postprocessors": ["ugoira-webm"] }, "exhentai": { "#": "use cookies instead of logging in with username and password", "cookies": { "ipb_member_id": "12345", "ipb_pass_hash": "1234567890abcdef", "igneous" : "123456789", "hath_perks" : "m1.m2.m3.a-123456789a", "sk" : "n4m34tv3574m2c4e22c35zgeehiw", "sl" : "dm_2" }, "#": "wait 2 to 4.8 seconds between HTTP requests", "sleep-request": [2.0, 4.8], "filename": "{num:>04}_{name}.{extension}", "directory": ["{category!c}", "{title}"] }, "sankaku": { "#": "authentication with cookies is not possible for sankaku", "username": "user", "password": "#secret#" }, "furaffinity": { "#": "authentication with username and password is not possible due to CAPTCHA", "cookies": { "a": "01234567-89ab-cdef-fedc-ba9876543210", "b": "fedcba98-7654-3210-0123-456789abcdef" }, "descriptions": "html", "postprocessors": ["content"] }, "deviantart": { "#": "download 'gallery' and 'scraps' images for user profile URLs", "include": "gallery,scraps", "#": "use custom API credentials to avoid 429 errors", "client-id": "98765", "client-secret": "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef", "refresh-token": "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567", "#": "put description texts into a separate directory", "metadata": true, "postprocessors": [ { "name": "metadata", "mode": "custom", "directory" : "Descriptions", "content-format" : "{description}\n", "extension-format": "descr.txt" } ] }, "flickr": { "access-token": "1234567890-abcdef", "access-token-secret": "1234567890abcdef", "size-max": 1920 }, "mangadex": { "#": "only download safe/suggestive chapters translated to English", "lang": "en", "ratings": ["safe", "suggestive"], "#": "put chapters into '.cbz' archives", "postprocessors": ["cbz"] }, "reddit": { "#": "put files from child extractors into the reddit directory", "parent-directory": true, "#": "transfer metadata to any child extractor as '_reddit'", "parent-metadata": "_reddit", "#": "only spawn child extractors for links to specific sites", "whitelist": ["imgur", "redgifs", "gfycat"] }, "imgur": { "#": "use different directory and filename formats when coming from a reddit post", "directory": { "locals().get('_reddit')": [] }, "filename": { "locals().get('_reddit')": "{_reddit[id]} {id}.{extension}", "" : "{id}.{extension}" } }, "tumblr": { "posts": "all", "external": false, "reblogs": false, "inline": true, "#": "use special settings when downloading liked posts", "likes": { "posts": "video,photo,link", "external": true, "reblogs": true } }, "twitter": { "#": "write text content for *all* tweets", "postprocessors": ["content"], "text-tweets": true }, "mastodon": { "#": "add 'tabletop.social' as recognized mastodon instance", "#": "(run 'gallery-dl oauth:mastodon:tabletop.social to get an access token')", "tabletop.social": { "root": "https://tabletop.social", "access-token": "513a36c6..." }, "#": "set filename format strings for all 'mastodon' instances", "directory": ["mastodon", "{instance}", "{account[username]!l}"], "filename" : "{id}_{media[id]}.{extension}" }, "foolslide": { "#": "add two more foolslide instances", "otscans" : {"root": "https://otscans.com/foolslide"}, "helvetica": {"root": "https://helveticascans.com/r" } }, "foolfuuka": { "#": "add two other foolfuuka 4chan archives", "fireden-onion": {"root": "http://ydt6jy2ng3s3xg2e.onion"}, "scalearchive" : {"root": "https://archive.scaled.team" } } }, "downloader": { "#": "restrict download speed to 1 MB/s", "rate": "1M", "#": "show download progress indicator after 2 seconds", "progress": 2.0, "#": "retry failed downloads up to 3 times", "retries": 3, "#": "consider a download 'failed' after 8 seconds of inactivity", "timeout": 8.0, "#": "write '.part' files into a special directory", "part-directory": "/tmp/.download/", "#": "do not update file modification times", "mtime": false, "ytdl": { "#": "use yt-dlp instead of youtube-dl", "module": "yt_dlp" } }, "output": { "log": { "level": "info", "#": "use different ANSI colors for each log level", "format": { "debug" : "\u001b[0;37m{name}: {message}\u001b[0m", "info" : "\u001b[1;37m{name}: {message}\u001b[0m", "warning": "\u001b[1;33m{name}: {message}\u001b[0m", "error" : "\u001b[1;31m{name}: {message}\u001b[0m" } }, "#": "shorten filenames to fit into one terminal line", "#": "while also considering wider East-Asian characters", "shorten": "eaw", "#": "write logging messages to a separate file", "logfile": { "path": "~/gallery-dl/log.txt", "mode": "w", "level": "debug" }, "#": "write unrecognized URLs to a separate file", "unsupportedfile": { "path": "~/gallery-dl/unsupported.txt", "mode": "a", "format": "{asctime} {message}", "format-date": "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S" } }, "postprocessor": { "#": "write 'content' metadata into separate files", "content": { "name" : "metadata", "#": "write data for every post instead of each individual file", "event": "post", "filename": "{post_id|tweet_id|id}.txt", "#": "write only the values for 'content' or 'description'", "mode" : "custom", "format": "{content|description}\n" }, "#": "put files into a '.cbz' archive", "cbz": { "name": "zip", "extension": "cbz" }, "#": "various ugoira post processor configurations to create different file formats", "ugoira-webm": { "name": "ugoira", "extension": "webm", "ffmpeg-args": ["-c:v", "libvpx-vp9", "-an", "-b:v", "0", "-crf", "30"], "ffmpeg-twopass": true, "ffmpeg-demuxer": "image2" }, "ugoira-mp4": { "name": "ugoira", "extension": "mp4", "ffmpeg-args": ["-c:v", "libx264", "-an", "-b:v", "4M", "-preset", "veryslow"], "ffmpeg-twopass": true, "libx264-prevent-odd": true }, "ugoira-gif": { "name": "ugoira", "extension": "gif", "ffmpeg-args": ["-filter_complex", "[0:v] split [a][b];[a] palettegen [p];[b][p] paletteuse"] }, "ugoira-copy": { "name": "ugoira", "extension": "mkv", "ffmpeg-args": ["-c", "copy"], "libx264-prevent-odd": false, "repeat-last-frame": false } }, "#": "use a custom cache file location", "cache": { "file": "~/gallery-dl/cache.sqlite3" } }