# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2015-2017 Mike Fährmann # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. """Extract images from https://www.deviantart.com/""" from .common import Extractor, Message from .. import text, exception from ..cache import cache import itertools import datetime import time import re class DeviantartExtractor(Extractor): """Base class for deviantart extractors""" category = "deviantart" directory_fmt = ["{category}", "{author[username]}"] filename_fmt = "{category}_{index}_{title}.{extension}" def __init__(self): Extractor.__init__(self) self.api = DeviantartAPI(self) self.offset = 0 def skip(self, num): self.offset += num return num def items(self): last_author = None yield Message.Version, 1 for deviation in self.deviations(): self.prepare(deviation) try: author = deviation["author"] except KeyError: author = None deviation["author"] = {"username": "", "userid": "", "usericon": "", "type": ""} if author != last_author: yield Message.Directory, deviation last_author = author if "content" in deviation: yield self.commit(deviation, deviation["content"]) if "videos" in deviation: video = max(deviation["videos"], key=lambda x: int(x["quality"][:-1])) yield self.commit(deviation, video) if "flash" in deviation: yield self.commit(deviation, deviation["flash"]) if "excerpt" in deviation: journal = self.api.deviation_content(deviation["deviationid"]) yield self.commit_journal(deviation, journal) def deviations(self): """Return an iterable containing all relevant Deviation-objects""" return [] @staticmethod def prepare(deviation): """Adjust the contents of a Deviation-object""" for key in ("stats", "preview", "is_favourited", "allows_comments"): if key in deviation: del deviation[key] try: deviation["index"] = deviation["url"].rsplit("-", 1)[1] except KeyError: deviation["index"] = 0 @staticmethod def commit(deviation, target): url = target["src"] deviation["target"] = text.nameext_from_url(url, target.copy()) deviation["extension"] = deviation["target"]["extension"] return Message.Url, url, deviation @staticmethod def commit_journal(deviation, journal): title = text.escape(deviation["title"]) url = deviation["url"] thumbs = deviation["thumbs"] html = journal["html"] date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(deviation["published_time"]) shadow = SHADOW_TEMPLATE.format_map(thumbs[0]) if thumbs else "" if "css" in journal: css, cls = journal["css"], "withskin" else: css, cls = "", "journal-green" if html.find('
', 0, 250) != -1: needle = '
' header = HEADER_CUSTOM_TEMPLATE.format( title=title, url=url, date=str(date), ) else: needle = '
' catlist = deviation["category_path"].split("/") categories = " / ".join( ('' '{}').format(cpath, cat.capitalize()) for cat, cpath in zip( catlist, itertools.accumulate(catlist, lambda t, c: t + "/" + c) ) ) header = HEADER_TEMPLATE.format( title=title, url=url, userurl=url[:url.find("/", 8)], username=deviation["author"]["username"], date=str(date), categories=categories, ) html = JOURNAL_TEMPLATE.format( title=title, html=html.replace(needle, header, 1), shadow=shadow, css=css, cls=cls, ) deviation["extension"] = "htm" return Message.Url, html, deviation class DeviantartGalleryExtractor(DeviantartExtractor): """Extractor for all deviations from an artist's gallery""" subcategory = "gallery" pattern = [r"(?:https?://)?([^.]+)\.deviantart\.com(?:/gallery)?/?$"] test = [("http://shimoda7.deviantart.com/gallery/", { "url": "63bfa8efba199e27181943c9060f6770f91a8441", "keyword": "e017b1eec5d052dedbb219259ae8c01d0db678a3", })] def __init__(self, match): DeviantartExtractor.__init__(self) self.user = match.group(1) def deviations(self): return self.api.gallery_all(self.user, self.offset) class DeviantartDeviationExtractor(DeviantartExtractor): """Extractor for single deviations""" subcategory = "deviation" pattern = [(r"(?:https?://)?([^.]+\.deviantart\.com/" r"(?:art|journal)/[^/?&#]+-\d+)"), r"(?:https?://)?(sta\.sh/[a-z0-9]+)"] test = [ (("http://shimoda7.deviantart.com/art/" "For-the-sake-of-a-memory-10073852"), { "url": "71345ce3bef5b19bd2a56d7b96e6b5ddba747c2e", "keyword": "597be070582e105489e82cce531888d07f9d45b1", "content": "6a7c74dc823ebbd457bdd9b3c2838a6ee728091e", }), ("https://zzz.deviantart.com/art/zzz-1234567890", { "exception": exception.NotFoundError, }), ("http://sta.sh/01ijs78ebagf", { "url": "1692cd075059d24657a01b954413c84a56e2de8f", "keyword": "659fdf02d7de2e9181468286de19c526348ca1a1", }), ("http://sta.sh/abcdefghijkl", { "exception": exception.NotFoundError, }), ] def __init__(self, match): DeviantartExtractor.__init__(self) self.url = "https://" + match.group(1) def deviations(self): response = self.session.get(self.url) deviation_id = text.extract(response.text, '//deviation/', '"')[0] if response.status_code != 200 or not deviation_id: raise exception.NotFoundError("image") return (self.api.deviation(deviation_id),) class DeviantartFavoriteExtractor(DeviantartExtractor): """Extractor for an artist's favorites""" subcategory = "favorite" directory_fmt = ["{category}", "{subcategory}", "{collection[owner]} - {collection[title]}"] pattern = [r"(?:https?://)?([^.]+)\.deviantart\.com/favourites" r"(?:/((\d+)/([^/?]+)|\?catpath=/))?"] test = [ ("http://rosuuri.deviantart.com/favourites/58951174/Useful", { "url": "65d070eae215b9375b4437a1ab4659efdad204e3", "keyword": "e5f3aaf35274e976ae81c5b151e650eea1dde775", }), ("http://h3813067.deviantart.com/favourites/", { "url": "71345ce3bef5b19bd2a56d7b96e6b5ddba747c2e", "keyword": "f0c557470ca850da65ec94804a20551b7bda7af5", "content": "6a7c74dc823ebbd457bdd9b3c2838a6ee728091e", }), ] def __init__(self, match): DeviantartExtractor.__init__(self) self.user, path, self.favid, self.favname = match.groups() if not self.favname: if path == "?catpath=/": self.favname = "All" self.deviations = self._deviations_all else: self.favname = "Featured" self.collection = { "owner": self.user, "title": self.favname, "index": self.favid or 0, } def deviations(self): regex = re.compile(self.favname.replace("-", ".") + "$") for folder in self.api.collections_folders(self.user): if regex.match(folder["name"]): self.collection["title"] = folder["name"] return self.api.collections( self.user, folder["folderid"], self.offset) raise exception.NotFoundError("collection") def _deviations_all(self): return itertools.chain.from_iterable([ self.api.collections(self.user, folder["folderid"], self.offset) for folder in self.api.collections_folders(self.user) ]) def prepare(self, deviation): DeviantartExtractor.prepare(deviation) deviation["collection"] = self.collection class DeviantartJournalExtractor(DeviantartExtractor): """Extractor for an artist's journals""" subcategory = "journal" pattern = [r"(?:https?://)?([^.]+)\.deviantart\.com/journal/?$"] test = [("http://shimoda7.deviantart.com/journal/", { "url": "f7960ae06e774d6931c61ad309c95a10710658b2", "keyword": "9ddc2e130198395c1dfaa55c65b6bf63713ec0a8", })] def __init__(self, match): DeviantartExtractor.__init__(self) self.user = match.group(1) def deviations(self): return self.api.browse_user_journals(self.user, self.offset) class DeviantartAPI(): """Minimal interface for the deviantart API""" def __init__(self, extractor, client_id="5388", client_secret="76b08c69cfb27f26d6161f9ab6d061a1"): self.session = extractor.session self.session.headers["dA-minor-version"] = "20160316" self.log = extractor.log self.client_id = client_id self.client_secret = client_secret self.delay = 0 self.mature = extractor.config("mature", "true") if not isinstance(self.mature, str): self.mature = "true" if self.mature else "false" def browse_user_journals(self, username, offset=0): """Yield all journal entries of a specific user""" endpoint = "browse/user/journals" params = {"username": username, "offset": offset, "limit": 10, "mature_content": self.mature, "featured": "false"} return self._pagination(endpoint, params) def collections(self, username, folder_id, offset=0): """Yield all Deviation-objects contained in a collection folder""" endpoint = "collections/" + folder_id params = {"username": username, "offset": offset, "limit": 10, "mature_content": self.mature} return self._pagination(endpoint, params) def collections_folders(self, username, offset=0): """Yield all collection folders of a specific user""" endpoint = "collections/folders" params = {"username": username, "offset": offset, "limit": 10, "mature_content": self.mature} return self._pagination(endpoint, params) def deviation(self, deviation_id): """Query and return info about a single Deviation""" endpoint = "deviation/" + deviation_id return self._call(endpoint) def deviation_content(self, deviation_id): """Get extended content of a single Deviation""" endpoint = "deviation/content" params = {"deviationid": deviation_id} return self._call(endpoint, params) def gallery_all(self, username, offset=0): """Yield all Deviation-objects of a specific user""" endpoint = "gallery/all" params = {"username": username, "offset": offset, "limit": 10, "mature_content": self.mature} return self._pagination(endpoint, params) def authenticate(self): """Authenticate the application by requesting an access token""" access_token = self._authenticate_impl( self.client_id, self.client_secret ) self.session.headers["Authorization"] = access_token @cache(maxage=3600, keyarg=1) def _authenticate_impl(self, client_id, client_secret): """Actual authenticate implementation""" url = "https://www.deviantart.com/oauth2/token" data = { "grant_type": "client_credentials", "client_id": client_id, "client_secret": client_secret, } response = self.session.post(url, data=data) if response.status_code != 200: raise exception.AuthenticationError() return "Bearer " + response.json()["access_token"] def _call(self, endpoint, params=None): """Call an API endpoint""" url = "https://www.deviantart.com/api/v1/oauth2/" + endpoint tries = 1 while True: if self.delay: time.sleep(self.delay) self.authenticate() response = self.session.get(url, params=params) if response.status_code == 200: break elif response.status_code == 429: self.delay += 1 self.log.debug("rate limit (delay: %d)", self.delay) else: self.delay = 1 self.log.debug("http status code %d (%d/3)", response.status_code, tries) tries += 1 if tries > 3: raise Exception(response.text) try: return response.json() except ValueError: return {} def _pagination(self, endpoint, params=None): while True: data = self._call(endpoint, params) if "results" in data: yield from data["results"] if not data["has_more"]: return params["offset"] = data["next_offset"] else: self.log.error("Unexpected API response: %s", data) return SHADOW_TEMPLATE = """



Journal Entry: {date} """ JOURNAL_TEMPLATE = """text: {title}