# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. from gallery_dl.extractor import newgrounds __tests__ = ( { "#url" : "https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/tomfulp/ryu-is-hawt", "#category": ("", "newgrounds", "image"), "#class" : newgrounds.NewgroundsImageExtractor, "#sha1_url" : "57f182bcbbf2612690c3a54f16ffa1da5105245e", "#sha1_content": "8f395e08333eb2457ba8d8b715238f8910221365", "artist" : ["tomfulp"], "comment" : r"re:Consider this the bottom threshold for ", "date" : "dt:2009-06-04 14:44:05", "description": r"re:Consider this the bottom threshold for ", "favorites" : int, "filename" : "94_tomfulp_ryu-is-hawt", "height" : 476, "index" : 94, "rating" : "e", "score" : float, "tags" : [ "ryu", "streetfighter", ], "title" : "Ryu is Hawt", "type" : "article", "user" : "tomfulp", "width" : 447, }, { "#url" : "https://art.ngfiles.com/images/0/94_tomfulp_ryu-is-hawt.gif", "#category": ("", "newgrounds", "image"), "#class" : newgrounds.NewgroundsImageExtractor, "#sha1_url": "57f182bcbbf2612690c3a54f16ffa1da5105245e", }, { "#url" : "https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/sailoryon/yon-dream-buster", "#category": ("", "newgrounds", "image"), "#class" : newgrounds.NewgroundsImageExtractor, "#count" : 2, "#sha1_url": "84eec95e663041a80630df72719f231e157e5f5d", }, { "#url" : "https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/kekiiro/red", "#comment" : "'adult' rated (#2456)", "#category": ("", "newgrounds", "image"), "#class" : newgrounds.NewgroundsImageExtractor, "#options" : {"username": None}, "#count" : 1, }, { "#url" : "https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/595355", "#category": ("", "newgrounds", "media"), "#class" : newgrounds.NewgroundsMediaExtractor, "#pattern" : r"https://uploads\.ungrounded\.net/alternate/564000/564957_alternate_31\.mp4\?1359712249", "artist" : [ "kickinthehead", "danpaladin", "tomfulp", ], "comment" : r"re:My fan trailer for Alien Hominid HD!", "date" : "dt:2013-02-01 09:50:49", "description": "Fan trailer for Alien Hominid HD!", "favorites" : int, "filename" : "564957_alternate_31", "index" : 595355, "rating" : "e", "score" : float, "tags" : [ "alienhominid", "trailer", ], "title" : "Alien Hominid Fan Trailer", "type" : "movie", "user" : "kickinthehead", }, { "#url" : "https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/609768", "#category": ("", "newgrounds", "media"), "#class" : newgrounds.NewgroundsMediaExtractor, "#sha1_url": "f4c5490ae559a3b05e46821bb7ee834f93a43c95", "artist" : [ "zj", "tomfulp", ], "comment" : r"""re:RECORDED 12-09-2014 From The ZJ "Late """, "date" : "dt:2015-02-23 19:31:59", "description": "From The ZJ Report Show!", "favorites" : int, "index" : 609768, "rating" : "", "score" : float, "tags" : [ "fulp", "interview", "tom", "zj", ], "title" : "ZJ Interviews Tom Fulp!", "type" : "music.song", "user" : "zj", }, { "#url" : "https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/161181/format/flash", "#comment" : "flash animation (#1257)", "#category": ("", "newgrounds", "media"), "#class" : newgrounds.NewgroundsMediaExtractor, "#pattern" : r"https://uploads\.ungrounded\.net/161000/161181_ddautta_mask__550x281_\.swf\?f1081628129", "type": "movie", }, { "#url" : "https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/758545", "#comment" : "format selection (#1729)", "#category": ("", "newgrounds", "media"), "#class" : newgrounds.NewgroundsMediaExtractor, "#options" : {"format": "720p"}, "#pattern" : r"https://uploads\.ungrounded\.net/alternate/1482000/1482860_alternate_102516\.720p\.mp4\?\d+", }, { "#url" : "https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/717744", "#comment" : "'adult' rated (#2456)", "#category": ("", "newgrounds", "media"), "#class" : newgrounds.NewgroundsMediaExtractor, "#options" : {"username": None}, "#count" : 1, }, { "#url" : "https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/829032", "#comment" : "flash game", "#category": ("", "newgrounds", "media"), "#class" : newgrounds.NewgroundsMediaExtractor, "#pattern" : r"https://uploads\.ungrounded\.net/829000/829032_picovsbeardx\.swf\?f1641968445", "#range" : "1", "artist" : [ "dungeonation", "carpetbakery", "animalspeakandrews", "bill", "chipollo", "dylz49", "gappyshamp", "pinktophat", "rad", "shapeshiftingblob", "tomfulp", "voicesbycorey", "psychogoldfish", ], "comment" : r"re:The children are expendable. Take out the ", "date" : "dt:2022-01-10 23:00:57", "description": "Bloodshed in The Big House that Blew...again!", "favorites" : int, "index" : 829032, "post_url" : "https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/829032", "rating" : "m", "score" : float, "tags" : [ "assassin", "boyfriend", "darnell", "nene", "pico", "picos-school", ], "title" : "PICO VS BEAR DX", "type" : "game", "url" : "https://uploads.ungrounded.net/829000/829032_picovsbeardx.swf?f1641968445", }, { "#url" : "https://tomfulp.newgrounds.com/art", "#category": ("", "newgrounds", "art"), "#class" : newgrounds.NewgroundsArtExtractor, "#pattern" : newgrounds.NewgroundsImageExtractor.pattern, "#count" : ">= 3", }, { "#url" : "https://tomfulp.newgrounds.com/audio", "#category": ("", "newgrounds", "audio"), "#class" : newgrounds.NewgroundsAudioExtractor, "#pattern" : r"https://audio.ngfiles.com/\d+/\d+_.+\.mp3", "#count" : ">= 4", }, { "#url" : "https://tomfulp.newgrounds.com/movies", "#category": ("", "newgrounds", "movies"), "#class" : newgrounds.NewgroundsMoviesExtractor, "#pattern" : r"https://uploads.ungrounded.net(/alternate)?/\d+/\d+_.+", "#range" : "1-10", "#count" : 10, }, { "#url" : "https://tomfulp.newgrounds.com/games", "#category": ("", "newgrounds", "games"), "#class" : newgrounds.NewgroundsGamesExtractor, "#pattern" : r"https://uploads.ungrounded.net(/alternate)?/\d+/\d+_.+", "#range" : "1-10", "#count" : 10, }, { "#url" : "https://tomfulp.newgrounds.com", "#category": ("", "newgrounds", "user"), "#class" : newgrounds.NewgroundsUserExtractor, "#pattern" : "https://tomfulp.newgrounds.com/art$", }, { "#url" : "https://tomfulp.newgrounds.com", "#category": ("", "newgrounds", "user"), "#class" : newgrounds.NewgroundsUserExtractor, "#options" : {"include": "all"}, "#pattern" : "https://tomfulp.newgrounds.com/(art|audio|movies)$", "#count" : 3, }, { "#url" : "https://tomfulp.newgrounds.com/favorites/art", "#category": ("", "newgrounds", "favorite"), "#class" : newgrounds.NewgroundsFavoriteExtractor, "#range" : "1-10", "#count" : ">= 10", }, { "#url" : "https://tomfulp.newgrounds.com/favorites/audio", "#category": ("", "newgrounds", "favorite"), "#class" : newgrounds.NewgroundsFavoriteExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://tomfulp.newgrounds.com/favorites/movies", "#category": ("", "newgrounds", "favorite"), "#class" : newgrounds.NewgroundsFavoriteExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://tomfulp.newgrounds.com/favorites/", "#category": ("", "newgrounds", "favorite"), "#class" : newgrounds.NewgroundsFavoriteExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://tomfulp.newgrounds.com/favorites/following", "#category": ("", "newgrounds", "following"), "#class" : newgrounds.NewgroundsFollowingExtractor, "#pattern" : newgrounds.NewgroundsUserExtractor.pattern, "#range" : "76-125", "#count" : 50, }, { "#url" : "https://www.newgrounds.com/search/conduct/art?terms=tree", "#category": ("", "newgrounds", "search"), "#class" : newgrounds.NewgroundsSearchExtractor, "#pattern" : newgrounds.NewgroundsImageExtractor.pattern, "#range" : "1-10", "#count" : 10, "search_tags": "tree", }, { "#url" : "https://www.newgrounds.com/search/conduct/movies?terms=tree", "#category": ("", "newgrounds", "search"), "#class" : newgrounds.NewgroundsSearchExtractor, "#pattern" : r"https://uploads.ungrounded.net(/alternate)?/\d+/\d+", "#range" : "1-10", "#count" : 10, }, { "#url" : "https://www.newgrounds.com/search/conduct/audio?advanced=1&terms=tree+green+nature&match=tdtu&genre=5&suitabilities=e%2Cm", "#category": ("", "newgrounds", "search"), "#class" : newgrounds.NewgroundsSearchExtractor, }, )