# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. from gallery_dl.extractor import hentaifoundry import datetime __tests__ = ( { "#url" : "https://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/Tenpura/profile", "#category": ("", "hentaifoundry", "user"), "#class" : hentaifoundry.HentaifoundryUserExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/Tenpura", "#category": ("", "hentaifoundry", "pictures"), "#class" : hentaifoundry.HentaifoundryPicturesExtractor, "#sha1_url": "ebbc981a85073745e3ca64a0f2ab31fab967fc28", }, { "#url" : "https://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/Tenpura/page/3", "#category": ("", "hentaifoundry", "pictures"), "#class" : hentaifoundry.HentaifoundryPicturesExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/Evulchibi/scraps", "#category": ("", "hentaifoundry", "scraps"), "#class" : hentaifoundry.HentaifoundryScrapsExtractor, "#sha1_url": "7cd9c6ec6258c4ab8c44991f7731be82337492a7", }, { "#url" : "https://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/Evulchibi/scraps/page/3", "#category": ("", "hentaifoundry", "scraps"), "#class" : hentaifoundry.HentaifoundryScrapsExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/Tenpura/faves/pictures", "#category": ("", "hentaifoundry", "favorite"), "#class" : hentaifoundry.HentaifoundryFavoriteExtractor, "#sha1_url": "56f9ae2e89fe855e9fe1da9b81e5ec6212b0320b", }, { "#url" : "https://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/Tenpura/faves/pictures/page/3", "#category": ("", "hentaifoundry", "favorite"), "#class" : hentaifoundry.HentaifoundryFavoriteExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/recent/2018-09-20", "#category": ("", "hentaifoundry", "recent"), "#class" : hentaifoundry.HentaifoundryRecentExtractor, "#pattern" : r"https://pictures.hentai-foundry.com/[^/]/[^/?#]+/\d+/", "#range" : "20-30", }, { "#url" : "https://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/popular", "#category": ("", "hentaifoundry", "popular"), "#class" : hentaifoundry.HentaifoundryPopularExtractor, "#pattern" : r"https://pictures.hentai-foundry.com/[^/]/[^/?#]+/\d+/", "#range" : "20-30", }, { "#url" : "https://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/Tenpura/407501/shimakaze", "#category": ("", "hentaifoundry", "image"), "#class" : hentaifoundry.HentaifoundryImageExtractor, "#sha1_url" : "fbf2fd74906738094e2575d2728e8dc3de18a8a3", "#sha1_content": "91bf01497c39254b6dfb234a18e8f01629c77fd1", "artist" : "Tenpura", "date" : "dt:2016-02-22 14:41:19", "description": "Thank you!", "height" : 700, "index" : 407501, "media" : "Other digital art", "ratings" : [ "Sexual content", "Contains female nudity", ], "score" : int, "tags" : [ "collection", "kancolle", "kantai", "shimakaze", ], "title" : "shimakaze", "user" : "Tenpura", "views" : int, "width" : 495, }, { "#url" : "https://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/suuxe/161533/ANIMATION-of-Insane-Black-Rock-Shooter-FAN-ART", "#comment" : "SWF / rumble embed (#4641)", "#category": ("", "hentaifoundry", "image"), "#class" : hentaifoundry.HentaifoundryImageExtractor, "#urls" : "https://pictures.hentai-foundry.com/s/suuxe/161533/suuxe-161533-ANIMATION_of_Insane_Black_Rock_Shooter_FAN_ART.swf", "artist" : "suuxe", "date" : "dt:2012-09-15 09:50:45", "description": "Here is one of my fav drawings I have made NOW with ANIMATIONS! \"yay\" \n\nTook me ages to get this animation to right size because when I was rendering it out from after effects it crop the freaking drawing so it would be \"widescreen\" for some reason after effects wants that but I was able to \"fix it\" by making it believe the whole drawing was widescreen while the drawing was in the corner then I crop it in flash to get the right size I am soooo smart mohahahaha.....!\n\nYou can also find it on my deviantart site:\nhttp://suuxe.deviantart.com/art/ANIMATION-of-Insane-Black-Rock-Shooter-FAN-ART-327072898\n\nUPDATE:\n-Her left arm moves\n-\"Eye flame\" glow is stronger\n-Fire sparkle on the eye flame\n-Rain animations are more visible now\n-Front mist animation also moves around\n-Sparkle animation down left is more visible now\n-Changed the color on the flying dust so it looks more like flame/glow\n\nOld animations made in After Effects:\n-Fire sparkle thingy down left \n-Two layers of rain \n-Glow on her left eye \n-Four layers of mist \n-Some dust particles or what ever you want to call it \n\nStep by Step video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_-4PLmOCNg", "extension" : "swf", "filename" : "suuxe-161533-ANIMATION_of_Insane_Black_Rock_Shooter_FAN_ART", "height" : 900, "index" : 161533, "media" : "Digital drawing or painting", "ratings" : ["Teen content"], "score" : range(10, 30), "src" : "https://pictures.hentai-foundry.com/s/suuxe/161533/suuxe-161533-ANIMATION_of_Insane_Black_Rock_Shooter_FAN_ART.swf", "tags" : [ "animation", "art", "black", "brs", "epic", "fan", "flash", "hot", "insane", "kid", "rock", "shooter" ], "title" : "ANIMATION of Insane Black Rock Shooter FAN ART", "user" : "suuxe", "views" : range(30000, 40000), "width" : 393, }, { "#url" : "http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/Tenpura/407501/", "#category": ("", "hentaifoundry", "image"), "#class" : hentaifoundry.HentaifoundryImageExtractor, "#pattern" : "http://pictures.hentai-foundry.com/t/Tenpura/407501/", }, { "#url" : "https://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/Tenpura/407501/", "#category": ("", "hentaifoundry", "image"), "#class" : hentaifoundry.HentaifoundryImageExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://pictures.hentai-foundry.com/t/Tenpura/407501/Tenpura-407501-shimakaze.png", "#category": ("", "hentaifoundry", "image"), "#class" : hentaifoundry.HentaifoundryImageExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/SnowWolf35", "#category": ("", "hentaifoundry", "stories"), "#class" : hentaifoundry.HentaifoundryStoriesExtractor, "#count" : ">= 35", "author" : "SnowWolf35", "chapters" : int, "comments" : int, "date" : datetime.datetime, "description": str, "index" : int, "rating" : int, "ratings" : list, "status" : r"re:(Inc|C)omplete", "title" : str, "user" : "SnowWolf35", "views" : int, "words" : int, }, { "#url" : "https://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/SnowWolf35/26416/Overwatch-High-Chapter-Voting-Location", "#category": ("", "hentaifoundry", "story"), "#class" : hentaifoundry.HentaifoundryStoryExtractor, "#sha1_url": "5a67cfa8c3bf7634c8af8485dd07c1ea74ee0ae8", "title": "Overwatch High Chapter Voting Location", }, )