# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. from gallery_dl.extractor import twitter from gallery_dl import util, exception __tests__ = ( { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/supernaturepics", "#category": ("", "twitter", "user"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterUserExtractor, "#options" : {"include": "all"}, "#pattern" : r"https://twitter\.com/supernaturepics/(photo|header_photo|timeline|tweets|media|with_replies|likes)$", "#count" : 7, }, { "#url" : "https://mobile.twitter.com/supernaturepics?p=i", "#category": ("", "twitter", "user"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterUserExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://www.twitter.com/id:2976459548", "#category": ("", "twitter", "user"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterUserExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/i/user/2976459548", "#category": ("", "twitter", "user"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterUserExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=2976459548", "#category": ("", "twitter", "user"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterUserExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://fxtwitter.com/supernaturepics", "#category": ("", "twitter", "user"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterUserExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://vxtwitter.com/supernaturepics", "#category": ("", "twitter", "user"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterUserExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://fixupx.com/supernaturepics", "#category": ("", "twitter", "user"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterUserExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://x.com/supernaturepics", "#category": ("", "twitter", "user"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterUserExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/supernaturepics/timeline", "#category": ("", "twitter", "timeline"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTimelineExtractor, "#range" : "1-40", "#sha1_url": "c570ac1aae38ed1463be726cc46f31cac3d82a40", }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/OptionalTypo/timeline", "#comment" : "suspended account (#2216)", "#category": ("", "twitter", "timeline"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTimelineExtractor, "#exception": exception.NotFoundError, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/id:772949683521978368/timeline", "#comment" : "suspended account user ID", "#category": ("", "twitter", "timeline"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTimelineExtractor, "#exception": exception.NotFoundError, }, { "#url" : "https://mobile.twitter.com/supernaturepics/timeline#t", "#category": ("", "twitter", "timeline"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTimelineExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://www.twitter.com/id:2976459548/timeline", "#category": ("", "twitter", "timeline"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTimelineExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/supernaturepics/tweets", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweets"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetsExtractor, "#range" : "1-40", "#sha1_url": "c570ac1aae38ed1463be726cc46f31cac3d82a40", }, { "#url" : "https://mobile.twitter.com/supernaturepics/tweets#t", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweets"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetsExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://www.twitter.com/id:2976459548/tweets", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweets"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetsExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/supernaturepics/with_replies", "#category": ("", "twitter", "replies"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterRepliesExtractor, "#range" : "1-40", "#sha1_url": "c570ac1aae38ed1463be726cc46f31cac3d82a40", }, { "#url" : "https://mobile.twitter.com/supernaturepics/with_replies#t", "#category": ("", "twitter", "replies"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterRepliesExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://www.twitter.com/id:2976459548/with_replies", "#category": ("", "twitter", "replies"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterRepliesExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/supernaturepics/media", "#category": ("", "twitter", "media"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterMediaExtractor, "#range" : "1-40", "#sha1_url": "c570ac1aae38ed1463be726cc46f31cac3d82a40", }, { "#url" : "https://mobile.twitter.com/supernaturepics/media#t", "#category": ("", "twitter", "media"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterMediaExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://www.twitter.com/id:2976459548/media", "#category": ("", "twitter", "media"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterMediaExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/supernaturepics/likes", "#category": ("", "twitter", "likes"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterLikesExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/i/bookmarks", "#category": ("", "twitter", "bookmark"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterBookmarkExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/i/lists/784214683683127296", "#category": ("", "twitter", "list"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterListExtractor, "#range" : "1-40", "#count" : 40, "#archive" : False, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/i/lists/784214683683127296/members", "#category": ("", "twitter", "list-members"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterListMembersExtractor, "#pattern" : twitter.TwitterUserExtractor.pattern, "#range" : "1-40", "#count" : 40, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/supernaturepics/following", "#category": ("", "twitter", "following"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterFollowingExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://www.twitter.com/id:2976459548/following", "#category": ("", "twitter", "following"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterFollowingExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/search?q=nature", "#category": ("", "twitter", "search"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterSearchExtractor, "#range" : "1-20", "#count" : 20, "#archive" : False, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/hashtag/nature", "#category": ("", "twitter", "hashtag"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterHashtagExtractor, "#pattern" : twitter.TwitterSearchExtractor.pattern, "#sha1_url": "3571c3a53b7647ea35517041fdc17f77ec5b2cb9", }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/i/events/1484669206993903616", "#category": ("", "twitter", "event"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterEventExtractor, "#range" : "1-20", "#count" : ">=1", }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/i/communities", "#category": ("", "twitter", "communities"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterCommunitiesExtractor, "#range" : "1-20", "#count" : 20, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/i/communities/1651515740753735697", "#category": ("", "twitter", "community"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterCommunityExtractor, "#range" : "1-20", "#count" : 20, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/supernaturepics/status/604341487988576256", "#comment" : "all Tweets from a 'conversation' (#1319)", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweet"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetExtractor, "#sha1_url" : "88a40f7d25529c2501c46f2218f9e0de9aa634b4", "#sha1_content": "ab05e1d8d21f8d43496df284d31e8b362cd3bcab", }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/perrypumas/status/894001459754180609", "#comment" : "4 images", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweet"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetExtractor, "#sha1_url": "3a2a43dc5fb79dd5432c701d8e55e87c4e551f47", }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/perrypumas/status/1065692031626829824", "#comment" : "video", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweet"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetExtractor, "#pattern" : r"https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/.+\.mp4\?tag=5", }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/playpokemon/status/1263832915173048321", "#comment" : "content with emoji, newlines, hashtags (#338)", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweet"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetExtractor, "source" : "Sprinklr", "content": r"""re:Gear up for #PokemonSwordShieldEX with special Mystery Gifts! \n You’ll be able to receive four Galarian form Pokémon with Hidden Abilities, plus some very useful items. It’s our \(Mystery\) Gift to you, Trainers! \n ❓🎁➡️ """, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1170041925560258560", "#comment" : "'replies' option (#705)", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweet"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetExtractor, "#pattern" : "https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EDzS7VrU0AAFL4_", }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1170041925560258560", "#comment" : "'replies' option (#705)", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweet"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetExtractor, "#options" : {"replies": False}, "#count" : 0, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1424882930803908612", "#comment" : "'replies' to self (#1254)", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweet"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetExtractor, "#options" : {"replies": "self"}, "#count" : 4, "user": { "description": r"re:business email-- rhettaro.bloom@gmail.com patreon- http://patreon.com/Princecanary", "url" : "http://princecanary.tumblr.com", }, }, { "#url" : 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321629993, "name": "Cakes_Comics", }, "user" : { "id" : 718928225360080897, "name": "StobiesGalaxy", }, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/i/web/status/112900228289540096", "#comment" : "TwitPic embeds (#579)", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweet"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetExtractor, "#options" : { "twitpic": True, "cards" : False, }, "#pattern" : r"https://\w+.cloudfront.net/photos/large/\d+.jpg", "#count" : 2, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/shimoigusaP/status/8138669971", "#comment" : "TwitPic URL not in 'urls' (#3792)", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweet"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetExtractor, "#options" : {"twitpic": True}, "#pattern" : r"https://\w+.cloudfront.net/photos/large/\d+.png", "#count" : 1, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/billboard/status/1306599586602135555", "#comment" : "Twitter card (#1005)", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweet"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetExtractor, "#options" : {"cards": True}, "#pattern" : r"https://pbs.twimg.com/card_img/\d+/", }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1561674543323910144", "#comment" : "unified_card image_website (#2875)", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweet"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetExtractor, "#options" : {"cards": True}, "#pattern" : r"https://pbs\.twimg\.com/media/F.+=jpg", }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/doax_vv_staff/status/1479438945662685184", "#comment" : "unified_card image_carousel_website", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweet"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetExtractor, "#options" : {"cards": True}, "#pattern" : r"https://pbs\.twimg\.com/media/F.+=png", "#count" : 6, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/bang_dream_1242/status/1561548715348746241", "#comment" : "unified_card video_website (#2875)", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweet"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetExtractor, "#options" : {"cards": True}, "#pattern" : r"https://video\.twimg\.com/amplify_video/1560607284333449216/vid/720x720/\w+\.mp4", }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1466183847628865544", "#comment" : "unified_card without type", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweet"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetExtractor, "#count" : 0, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1571141912295243776", "#comment" : "'cards-blacklist' option", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweet"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetExtractor, "#options" : { "cards" : "ytdl", "cards-blacklist": ("twitch.tv",), }, "#count" : 0, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/jessica_3978/status/1296304589591810048", "#comment" : "original retweets (#1026)", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweet"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetExtractor, "#options" : {"retweets": True}, "#count" : 2, "tweet_id" : 1296304589591810048, "retweet_id" : 1296296016002547713, "date" : "dt:2020-08-20 04:34:32", "date_original": "dt:2020-08-20 04:00:28", }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/jessica_3978/status/1296304589591810048", "#comment" : "original retweets (#1026)", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweet"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetExtractor, "#options" : {"retweets": "original"}, "#count" : 2, "tweet_id" : 1296296016002547713, "retweet_id" : 1296296016002547713, "date" : "dt:2020-08-20 04:00:28", "date_original": "dt:2020-08-20 04:00:28", }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/supernaturepics/status/604341487988576256", "#comment" : "all Tweets from a 'conversation' (#1319)", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweet"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetExtractor, "#options" : {"conversations": True}, "#count" : 5, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/morino_ya/status/1392763691599237121", "#comment" : "retweet with missing media entities (#1555)", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweet"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetExtractor, "#options" : {"retweets": True}, "#count" : 4, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1460044411165888515", "#comment" : "deleted quote tweet (#2225)", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweet"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetExtractor, "#count" : 0, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1486373748911575046", "#comment" : "'Misleading' content", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweet"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetExtractor, "#count" : 4, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/mightbecursed/status/1492954264909479936", "#comment" : "age-restricted (#2354)", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweet"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetExtractor, "#auth" : False, "#exception": exception.AuthorizationError, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/my0nruri/status/1528379296041299968", "#comment" : "media alt texts / descriptions (#2617)", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweet"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetExtractor, "description": "oc", }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/poco_dandy/status/1150646424461176832", "#comment" : "'?format=...&name=...'-style URLs", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweet"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetExtractor, "#options" : {"cards": True}, "#pattern" : r"https://pbs.twimg.com/card_img/174\d+/[\w-]+\?format=(jpg|png)&name=orig$", "#range" : "1,3", }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1629193457112686592", "#comment" : "note tweet with long 'content'", "#category": ("", "twitter", "tweet"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterTweetExtractor, "content": """BREAKING - DEADLY LIES: Independent researchers at Texas A&M University have just contradicted federal government regulators, saying that toxic air pollutants in East Palestine, Ohio, could pose long-term risks. \n The Washington Post writes, "Three weeks after the toxic train derailment in Ohio, an analysis of Environmental Protection Agency data has found nine air pollutants at levels that could raise long-term health concerns in and around East Palestine, according to an independent analysis. \n "The analysis by Texas A&M University seems to contradict statements by state and federal regulators that air near the crash site is completely safe, despite residents complaining about rashes, breathing problems and other health effects." Your reaction.""", }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/supernaturepics/photo", "#category": ("", "twitter", "avatar"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterAvatarExtractor, "#urls" : "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/554585280938659841/FLVAlX18.jpeg", "date" : "dt:2015-01-12 10:26:49", "extension": "jpeg", "filename" : "FLVAlX18", "tweet_id" : 554585280938659841, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/User16/photo", "#category": ("", "twitter", "avatar"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterAvatarExtractor, "#count" : 0, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/i_n_u/photo", "#comment" : "old avatar with small ID and no valid 'date' (#4696)", "#category": ("", "twitter", "avatar"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterAvatarExtractor, "#urls" : "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/2946444489/32028c6affdab425e037ff5a6bf77c1d.jpeg", "date" : util.NONE, "tweet_id" : 2946444489, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/supernaturepics/header_photo", "#category": ("", "twitter", "background"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterBackgroundExtractor, "#pattern" : r"https://pbs\.twimg\.com/profile_banners/2976459548/1421058583", "date" : "dt:2015-01-12 10:29:43", "filename": "1421058583", "tweet_id": 554586009367478272, }, { "#url" : "https://twitter.com/User16/header_photo", "#category": ("", "twitter", "background"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterBackgroundExtractor, "#count" : 0, }, { "#url" : "https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EqcpviCVoAAG-QG?format=jpg&name=orig", "#category": ("", "twitter", "image"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterImageExtractor, "#options" : {"size": "4096x4096,orig"}, "#sha1_url": "cb3042a6f6826923da98f0d2b66c427e9385114c", }, { "#url" : "https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EqcpviCVoAAG-QG.jpg:orig", "#category": ("", "twitter", "image"), "#class" : twitter.TwitterImageExtractor, }, )