# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2019-2023 Mike Fährmann # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. """Extractors for https://www.patreon.com/""" from .common import Extractor, Message from .. import text, util, exception from ..cache import memcache import collections import itertools class PatreonExtractor(Extractor): """Base class for patreon extractors""" category = "patreon" root = "https://www.patreon.com" cookies_domain = ".patreon.com" directory_fmt = ("{category}", "{creator[full_name]}") filename_fmt = "{id}_{title}_{num:>02}.{extension}" archive_fmt = "{id}_{num}" browser = "firefox" tls12 = False _warning = True def items(self): if self._warning: if not self.cookies_check(("session_id",)): self.log.warning("no 'session_id' cookie set") PatreonExtractor._warning = False generators = self._build_file_generators(self.config("files")) for post in self.posts(): if not post.get("current_user_can_view", True): self.log.warning("Not allowed to view post %s", post["id"]) continue yield Message.Directory, post post["num"] = 0 hashes = set() for kind, url, name in itertools.chain.from_iterable( g(post) for g in generators): fhash = self._filehash(url) if fhash not in hashes or not fhash: hashes.add(fhash) post["hash"] = fhash post["type"] = kind post["num"] += 1 text.nameext_from_url(name, post) if text.ext_from_url(url) == "m3u8": url = "ytdl:" + url post["extension"] = "mp4" yield Message.Url, url, post else: self.log.debug("skipping %s (%s %s)", url, fhash, kind) def _postfile(self, post): postfile = post.get("post_file") if postfile: url = postfile["url"] name = postfile.get("name") if not name: if url.startswith("https://stream.mux.com/"): name = url else: name = self._filename(url) or url return (("postfile", url, name),) return () def _images(self, post): for image in post.get("images") or (): url = image.get("download_url") if url: name = image.get("file_name") or self._filename(url) or url yield "image", url, name def _image_large(self, post): image = post.get("image") if image: url = image.get("large_url") if url: name = image.get("file_name") or self._filename(url) or url return (("image_large", url, name),) return () def _attachments(self, post): for attachment in post.get("attachments") or (): url = self.request( attachment["url"], method="HEAD", allow_redirects=False, fatal=False, ).headers.get("Location") if url: yield "attachment", url, attachment["name"] def _content(self, post): content = post.get("content") if content: for img in text.extract_iter( content, '= 400: return None user = response.json()["data"] attr = user["attributes"] attr["id"] = user["id"] attr["date"] = text.parse_datetime( attr["created"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z") return attr def _filename(self, url): """Fetch filename from an URL's Content-Disposition header""" response = self.request(url, method="HEAD", fatal=False) cd = response.headers.get("Content-Disposition") return text.extr(cd, 'filename="', '"') @staticmethod def _filehash(url): """Extract MD5 hash from a download URL""" parts = url.partition("?")[0].split("/") parts.reverse() for part in parts: if len(part) == 32: return part return "" @staticmethod def _build_url(endpoint, query): return ( "https://www.patreon.com/api/" + endpoint + "?include=campaign,access_rules,attachments,audio,images,media," "native_video_insights,poll.choices," "poll.current_user_responses.user," "poll.current_user_responses.choice," "poll.current_user_responses.poll," "user,user_defined_tags,ti_checks" "&fields[campaign]=currency,show_audio_post_download_links," "avatar_photo_url,avatar_photo_image_urls,earnings_visibility," "is_nsfw,is_monthly,name,url" "&fields[post]=change_visibility_at,comment_count,commenter_count," "content,current_user_can_comment,current_user_can_delete," "current_user_can_view,current_user_has_liked,embed,image," "insights_last_updated_at,is_paid,like_count,meta_image_url," "min_cents_pledged_to_view,post_file,post_metadata,published_at," "patreon_url,post_type,pledge_url,preview_asset_type,thumbnail," "thumbnail_url,teaser_text,title,upgrade_url,url," "was_posted_by_campaign_owner,has_ti_violation,moderation_status," "post_level_suspension_removal_date,pls_one_liners_by_category," "video_preview,view_count" "&fields[post_tag]=tag_type,value" "&fields[user]=image_url,full_name,url" "&fields[access_rule]=access_rule_type,amount_cents" "&fields[media]=id,image_urls,download_url,metadata,file_name" "&fields[native_video_insights]=average_view_duration," "average_view_pct,has_preview,id,last_updated_at,num_views," "preview_views,video_duration" + query + "&json-api-version=1.0" ) def _build_file_generators(self, filetypes): if filetypes is None: return (self._images, self._image_large, self._attachments, self._postfile, self._content) genmap = { "images" : self._images, "image_large": self._image_large, "attachments": self._attachments, "postfile" : self._postfile, "content" : self._content, } if isinstance(filetypes, str): filetypes = filetypes.split(",") return [genmap[ft] for ft in filetypes] def _extract_bootstrap(self, page): data = text.extr( page, 'id="__NEXT_DATA__" type="application/json">', '