# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2021-2023 Mike Fährmann # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. """Extractors for https://rule34.us/""" from .booru import BooruExtractor from .. import text import collections import re class Rule34usExtractor(BooruExtractor): category = "rule34us" root = "https://rule34.us" per_page = 42 def _init(self): self._find_tags = re.compile( r'
  • ]*>'), ">", "<")[0], "score" : text.extract(extr('Score: ', '> - <'), ">", "<")[0], "width" : extr('Size: ', 'w'), "height" : extr(' x ', 'h'), "file_url": extr(' src="', '"'), } url = post["file_url"] if "//video-cdn1." in url: post["_fallback"] = (url.replace("//video-cdn1.", "//video."),) post["md5"] = url.rpartition("/")[2].partition(".")[0] tags = collections.defaultdict(list) for tag_type, tag_name in self._find_tags(page): tags[tag_type].append(text.unquote(tag_name)) for key, value in tags.items(): post["tags_" + key] = " ".join(value) return post class Rule34usTagExtractor(Rule34usExtractor): subcategory = "tag" directory_fmt = ("{category}", "{search_tags}") archive_fmt = "t_{search_tags}_{id}" pattern = r"(?:https?://)?rule34\.us/index\.php\?r=posts/index&q=([^&#]+)" example = "https://rule34.us/index.php?r=posts/index&q=TAG" def __init__(self, match): Rule34usExtractor.__init__(self, match) self.tags = text.unquote(match.group(1).replace("+", " ")) def metadata(self): return {"search_tags": self.tags} def posts(self): url = self.root + "/index.php" params = { "r" : "posts/index", "q" : self.tags, "page": self.page_start, } while True: page = self.request(url, params=params).text cnt = 0 for post_id in text.extract_iter(page, '>