#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2019 Mike Fährmann # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. """Generate man pages""" import re import datetime import util import gallery_dl.option import gallery_dl.version def build_gallery_dl_1(path=None): OPTS_FMT = """.TP\n.B "{}" {}\n{}""" TEMPLATE = r""" .TH "GALLERY-DL" "1" "%(date)s" "%(version)s" "gallery-dl Manual" .\" disable hyphenation .nh .SH NAME gallery-dl \- download image-galleries and -collections .SH SYNOPSIS .B gallery-dl [OPTION]... URL... .SH DESCRIPTION .B gallery-dl is a command-line program to download image-galleries and -collections from several image hosting sites. It is a cross-platform tool with many configuration options and powerful filenaming capabilities. .SH OPTIONS %(options)s .SH EXAMPLES .TP gallery-dl \f[I]URL\f[] Download images from \f[I]URL\f[]. .TP gallery-dl -g -u -p \f[I]URL\f[] Print direct URLs from a site that requires authentication. .TP gallery-dl --filter 'type == "ugoira"' --range '2-4' \f[I]URL\f[] Apply filter and range expressions. This will only download the second, third, and fourth file where its type value is equal to "ugoira". .TP gallery-dl r:\f[I]URL\f[] Scan \f[I]URL\f[] for other URLs and invoke \f[B]gallery-dl\f[] on them. .TP gallery-dl oauth:\f[I]SITE\-NAME\f[] Gain OAuth authentication tokens for .IR deviantart , .IR flickr , .IR reddit , .IR smugmug ", and" .IR tumblr . .SH FILES .TP .I /etc/gallery-dl.conf The system wide configuration file. .TP .I ~/.config/gallery-dl/config.json Per user configuration file. .TP .I ~/.gallery-dl.conf Alternate per user configuration file. .SH BUGS https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl/issues .SH AUTHORS Mike Fährmann .br and https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl/graphs/contributors .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR gallery-dl.conf (5) """ options = [] for action in gallery_dl.option.build_parser()._actions: if action.help.startswith("=="): continue options.append(OPTS_FMT.format( ", ".join(action.option_strings).replace("-", r"\-"), r"\f[I]{}\f[]".format(action.metavar) if action.metavar else "", action.help, )) if not path: path = util.path("data/man/gallery-dl.1") with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write(TEMPLATE.lstrip() % { "options": "\n".join(options), "version": gallery_dl.version.__version__, "date" : datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), }) def build_gallery_dl_conf_5(path=None): TEMPLATE = r""" .TH "GALLERY-DL.CONF" "5" "%(date)s" "%(version)s" "gallery-dl Manual" .\" disable hyphenation .nh .\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only) .ad l .SH NAME gallery-dl.conf \- gallery-dl configuration file .SH DESCRIPTION gallery-dl will search for configuration files in the following places every time it is started, unless .B --ignore-config is specified: .PP .RS 4 .nf .I /etc/gallery-dl.conf .I $HOME/.config/gallery-dl/config.json .I $HOME/.gallery-dl.conf .fi .RE .PP It is also possible to specify additional configuration files with the .B -c/--config command-line option or to add further option values with .B -o/--option as = pairs, Configuration files are JSON-based and therefore don't allow any ordinary comments, but, since unused keys are simply ignored, it is possible to utilize those as makeshift comments by settings their values to arbitrary strings. .SH EXAMPLE { .RS 4 "base-directory": "/tmp/", .br "extractor": { .RS 4 "pixiv": { .RS 4 "directory": ["Pixiv", "Works", "{user[id]}"], .br "filename": "{id}{num}.{extension}", .br "username": "foo", .br "password": "bar" .RE }, .br "flickr": { .RS 4 "_comment": "OAuth keys for account 'foobar'", .br "access-token": "0123456789-0123456789abcdef", .br "access-token-secret": "fedcba9876543210" .RE } .RE }, .br "downloader": { .RS 4 "retries": 3, .br "timeout": 2.5 .RE } .RE } %(options)s .SH BUGS https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl/issues .SH AUTHORS Mike Fährmann .br and https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl/graphs/contributors .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR gallery-dl (1) """ sections = parse_docs_configuration() content = [] for sec_name, section in sections.items(): content.append(".SH " + sec_name.upper()) for opt_name, option in section.items(): content.append(".SS " + opt_name) for field, text in option.items(): if field in ("Type", "Default"): content.append('.IP "{}:" {}'.format(field, len(field)+2)) content.append(strip_rst(text)) else: content.append('.IP "{}:" 4'.format(field)) content.append(strip_rst(text, field != "Example")) if not path: path = util.path("data/man/gallery-dl.conf.5") with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write(TEMPLATE.lstrip() % { "options": "\n".join(content), "version": gallery_dl.version.__version__, "date" : datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), }) def parse_docs_configuration(): doc_path = util.path("docs", "configuration.rst") with open(doc_path, encoding="utf-8") as file: doc_lines = file.readlines() sections = {} sec_name = None options = None opt_name = None opt_desc = None name = None last = last2 = None for line in doc_lines: # start of new section if re.match(r"^=+$", line): if sec_name and options: sections[sec_name] = options sec_name = last.strip() options = {} elif re.match(r"^=+ =+$", line): # start of option table if re.match(r"^-+$", last): opt_name = last2.strip() opt_desc = {} # end of option table elif opt_desc: options[opt_name] = opt_desc opt_name = None name = None # inside option table elif opt_name: if line[0].isalpha(): name, _, line = line.partition(" ") opt_desc[name] = "" line = line.strip() if line.startswith(("* ", "- ")): line = "\n" + line elif line.startswith("| "): line = line[2:] + "\n.br" opt_desc[name] += line + "\n" last2 = last last = line sections[sec_name] = options return sections def strip_rst(text, extended=True, *, ITALIC=r"\\f[I]\1\\f[]", REGULAR=r"\1"): text = text.replace("\\", "\\\\") # ``foo`` repl = ITALIC if extended else REGULAR text = re.sub(r"``([^`]+)``", repl, text) # |foo|_ text = re.sub(r"\|([^|]+)\|_*", ITALIC, text) # `foo`_ text = re.sub(r"`([^`]+)`_+", ITALIC, text) # `foo` text = re.sub(r"`([^`]+)`", REGULAR, text) # foo_ text = re.sub(r"([A-Za-z0-9-]+)_+(?=\s)", ITALIC, text) # ------- text = re.sub(r"---+", "", text) return text if __name__ == "__main__": build_gallery_dl_1() build_gallery_dl_conf_5()