# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. from gallery_dl.extractor import naver __tests__ = ( { "#url" : "https://blog.naver.com/rlfqjxm0/221430673006", "#category": ("", "naver", "post"), "#class" : naver.NaverPostExtractor, "#sha1_url" : "6c694f3aced075ed5e9511f1e796d14cb26619cc", "#sha1_metadata": "a6e23d19afbee86b37d6e7ad934650c379d2cb1e", }, { "#url" : "https://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=rlfqjxm0&logNo=221430673006", "#category": ("", "naver", "post"), "#class" : naver.NaverPostExtractor, "#sha1_url" : "6c694f3aced075ed5e9511f1e796d14cb26619cc", "#sha1_metadata": "a6e23d19afbee86b37d6e7ad934650c379d2cb1e", }, { "#url" : "https://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=rlfqjxm0&logNo=70161391809", "#comment" : "filenames in EUC-KR encoding (#5126)", "#category": ("", "naver", "post"), "#class" : naver.NaverPostExtractor, "#urls": ( "https://blogfiles.pstatic.net/20130305_23/ping9303_1362411028002Dpz9z_PNG/1_사본.png", "https://blogfiles.pstatic.net/20130305_46/rlfqjxm0_1362473322580x33zi_PNG/오마갓합작.png", ), "blog": { "id" : "rlfqjxm0", "num" : 43030507, "user": "에나", }, "post": { "date" : "dt:2013-03-05 17:48:00", "description": " ◈ PROMOTER :핑수 ˚ 아담 EDITOR:핑수 넵:이크:핑수...", "num" : 70161391809, "title" : "[공유] { 합작}  OH, MY GOD! ~ 아 또 무슨 종말을 한다 그래~", }, "count" : 2, "num" : range(1, 2), "filename" : r"re:1_사본|오마갓합작", "extension": "png", }, { "#url" : "https://blog.naver.com/PostView.naver?blogId=rlfqjxm0&logNo=221430673006", "#category": ("", "naver", "post"), "#class" : naver.NaverPostExtractor, }, { "#url" : "https://blog.naver.com/gukjung", "#category": ("", "naver", "blog"), "#class" : naver.NaverBlogExtractor, "#pattern" : naver.NaverPostExtractor.pattern, "#range" : "1-12", "#count" : 12, }, { "#url" : "https://blog.naver.com/PostList.nhn?blogId=gukjung", "#category": ("", "naver", "blog"), "#class" : naver.NaverBlogExtractor, "#pattern" : naver.NaverPostExtractor.pattern, "#range" : "1-12", "#count" : 12, }, { "#url" : "https://blog.naver.com/PostList.naver?blogId=gukjung", "#category": ("", "naver", "blog"), "#class" : naver.NaverBlogExtractor, }, )