#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2018-2023 Mike Fährmann # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. import os import sys import unittest from unittest.mock import patch import time import string from datetime import datetime, timedelta sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) from gallery_dl import extractor # noqa E402 from gallery_dl.extractor import mastodon # noqa E402 from gallery_dl.extractor.common import Extractor, Message # noqa E402 from gallery_dl.extractor.directlink import DirectlinkExtractor # noqa E402 _list_classes = extractor._list_classes class FakeExtractor(Extractor): category = "fake" subcategory = "test" pattern = "fake:" def items(self): yield Message.Version, 1 yield Message.Url, "text:foobar", {} class TestExtractorModule(unittest.TestCase): VALID_URIS = ( "https://example.org/file.jpg", "tumblr:foobar", "oauth:flickr", "test:pixiv:", "recursive:https://example.org/document.html", ) def setUp(self): extractor._cache.clear() extractor._module_iter = extractor._modules_internal() extractor._list_classes = _list_classes def test_find(self): for uri in self.VALID_URIS: result = extractor.find(uri) self.assertIsInstance(result, Extractor, uri) for not_found in ("", "/tmp/file.ext"): self.assertIsNone(extractor.find(not_found)) for invalid in (None, [], {}, 123, b"test:"): with self.assertRaises(TypeError): extractor.find(invalid) def test_add(self): uri = "fake:foobar" self.assertIsNone(extractor.find(uri)) extractor.add(FakeExtractor) self.assertIsInstance(extractor.find(uri), FakeExtractor) def test_add_module(self): uri = "fake:foobar" self.assertIsNone(extractor.find(uri)) classes = extractor.add_module(sys.modules[__name__]) self.assertEqual(len(classes), 1) self.assertEqual(classes[0].pattern, FakeExtractor.pattern) self.assertEqual(classes[0], FakeExtractor) self.assertIsInstance(extractor.find(uri), FakeExtractor) def test_from_url(self): for uri in self.VALID_URIS: cls = extractor.find(uri).__class__ extr = cls.from_url(uri) self.assertIs(type(extr), cls) self.assertIsInstance(extr, Extractor) for not_found in ("", "/tmp/file.ext"): self.assertIsNone(FakeExtractor.from_url(not_found)) for invalid in (None, [], {}, 123, b"test:"): with self.assertRaises(TypeError): FakeExtractor.from_url(invalid) def test_unique_pattern_matches(self): try: import test.results except ImportError: raise unittest.SkipTest("no test data") # collect testcase URLs test_urls = [] append = test_urls.append for result in test.results.all(): append((result["#url"], result["#class"])) # iterate over all testcase URLs for url, extr1 in test_urls: matches = [] # ... and apply all regex patterns to each one for extr2 in _list_classes(): # skip DirectlinkExtractor pattern if it isn't tested if extr1 != DirectlinkExtractor and \ extr2 == DirectlinkExtractor: continue match = extr2.pattern.match(url) if match: matches.append((match, extr2)) # fail if more or less than 1 match happened if len(matches) > 1: msg = "'{}' gets matched by more than one pattern:".format(url) for match, extr in matches: msg += "\n\n- {}:\n{}".format( extr.__name__, match.re.pattern) self.fail(msg) elif len(matches) < 1: msg = "'{}' isn't matched by any pattern".format(url) self.fail(msg) else: self.assertIs(extr1, matches[0][1], url) def test_init(self): """Test for exceptions in Extractor.initialize() and .finalize()""" for cls in extractor.extractors(): if cls.category == "ytdl": continue extr = cls.from_url(cls.example) extr.initialize() extr.finalize() @unittest.skipIf(sys.hexversion < 0x3060000, "test fails in CI") def test_init_ytdl(self): try: extr = extractor.find("ytdl:") extr.initialize() extr.finalize() except ImportError as exc: if exc.name in ("youtube_dl", "yt_dlp"): raise unittest.SkipTest("cannot import module '{}'".format( exc.name)) raise def test_docstrings(self): """Ensure docstring uniqueness""" for extr1 in extractor.extractors(): for extr2 in extractor.extractors(): if extr1 != extr2 and extr1.__doc__ and extr2.__doc__: self.assertNotEqual( extr1.__doc__, extr2.__doc__, "{} <-> {}".format(extr1, extr2), ) def test_names(self): """Ensure extractor classes are named CategorySubcategoryExtractor""" def capitalize(c): if "-" in c: return string.capwords(c.replace("-", " ")).replace(" ", "") return c.capitalize() for extr in extractor.extractors(): if extr.category not in ("", "oauth", "ytdl"): expected = "{}{}Extractor".format( capitalize(extr.category), capitalize(extr.subcategory), ) if expected[0].isdigit(): expected = "_" + expected self.assertEqual(expected, extr.__name__) class TestExtractorWait(unittest.TestCase): def test_wait_seconds(self): extr = extractor.find("test:") seconds = 5 until = time.time() + seconds with patch("time.sleep") as sleep, patch.object(extr, "log") as log: extr.wait(seconds=seconds) sleep.assert_called_once_with(6.0) calls = log.info.mock_calls self.assertEqual(len(calls), 1) self._assert_isotime(calls[0][1][1], until) def test_wait_until(self): extr = extractor.find("test:") until = time.time() + 5 with patch("time.sleep") as sleep, patch.object(extr, "log") as log: extr.wait(until=until) calls = sleep.mock_calls self.assertEqual(len(calls), 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(calls[0][1][0], 6.0, places=1) calls = log.info.mock_calls self.assertEqual(len(calls), 1) self._assert_isotime(calls[0][1][1], until) def test_wait_until_datetime(self): extr = extractor.find("test:") until = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=5) until_local = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=5) with patch("time.sleep") as sleep, patch.object(extr, "log") as log: extr.wait(until=until) calls = sleep.mock_calls self.assertEqual(len(calls), 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(calls[0][1][0], 6.0, places=1) calls = log.info.mock_calls self.assertEqual(len(calls), 1) self._assert_isotime(calls[0][1][1], until_local) def _assert_isotime(self, output, until): if not isinstance(until, datetime): until = datetime.fromtimestamp(until) o = self._isotime_to_seconds(output) u = self._isotime_to_seconds(until.time().isoformat()[:8]) self.assertLessEqual(o-u, 1.0) @staticmethod def _isotime_to_seconds(isotime): parts = isotime.split(":") return int(parts[0]) * 3600 + int(parts[1]) * 60 + int(parts[2]) class TextExtractorOAuth(unittest.TestCase): def test_oauth1(self): for category in ("flickr", "smugmug", "tumblr"): extr = extractor.find("oauth:" + category) with patch.object(extr, "_oauth1_authorization_flow") as m: for msg in extr: pass self.assertEqual(len(m.mock_calls), 1) def test_oauth2(self): for category in ("deviantart", "reddit"): extr = extractor.find("oauth:" + category) with patch.object(extr, "_oauth2_authorization_code_grant") as m: for msg in extr: pass self.assertEqual(len(m.mock_calls), 1) def test_oauth2_mastodon(self): extr = extractor.find("oauth:mastodon:pawoo.net") with patch.object(extr, "_oauth2_authorization_code_grant") as m, \ patch.object(extr, "_register") as r: for msg in extr: pass self.assertEqual(len(r.mock_calls), 0) self.assertEqual(len(m.mock_calls), 1) def test_oauth2_mastodon_unknown(self): extr = extractor.find("oauth:mastodon:example.com") with patch.object(extr, "_oauth2_authorization_code_grant") as m, \ patch.object(extr, "_register") as r: r.return_value = { "client-id" : "foo", "client-secret": "bar", } for msg in extr: pass self.assertEqual(len(r.mock_calls), 1) self.assertEqual(len(m.mock_calls), 1) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()