#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2021-2023 Mike Fährmann # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. import os import sys import unittest from unittest.mock import patch import io import contextlib sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) from gallery_dl import job, config, text # noqa E402 from gallery_dl.extractor.common import Extractor, Message # noqa E402 class TestJob(unittest.TestCase): def tearDown(self): config.clear() def _capture_stdout(self, extr_or_job): if isinstance(extr_or_job, Extractor): jobinstance = self.jobclass(extr_or_job) else: jobinstance = extr_or_job with io.StringIO() as buffer: with contextlib.redirect_stdout(buffer): jobinstance.run() return buffer.getvalue() class TestDownloadJob(TestJob): jobclass = job.DownloadJob def test_extractor_filter(self): extr = TestExtractor.from_url("test:") tjob = self.jobclass(extr) func = tjob._build_extractor_filter() self.assertEqual(func(TestExtractor) , False) self.assertEqual(func(TestExtractorParent), False) self.assertEqual(func(TestExtractorAlt) , True) config.set((), "blacklist", ":test_subcategory") func = tjob._build_extractor_filter() self.assertEqual(func(TestExtractor) , False) self.assertEqual(func(TestExtractorParent), True) self.assertEqual(func(TestExtractorAlt) , False) config.set((), "whitelist", "test_category:test_subcategory") func = tjob._build_extractor_filter() self.assertEqual(func(TestExtractor) , True) self.assertEqual(func(TestExtractorParent), False) self.assertEqual(func(TestExtractorAlt) , False) class TestKeywordJob(TestJob): jobclass = job.KeywordJob def test_default(self): self.maxDiff = None extr = TestExtractor.from_url("test:self") self.assertEqual(self._capture_stdout(extr), """\ Keywords for directory names: ----------------------------- author['id'] 123 author['name'] test author['self'] category test_category subcategory test_subcategory user['id'] 123 user['name'] test user['self'] Keywords for filenames and --filter: ------------------------------------ author['id'] 123 author['name'] test author['self'] category test_category extension jpg filename 1 num 1 subcategory test_subcategory tags[N] 0 foo 1 bar 2 テスト user['id'] 123 user['name'] test user['self'] """) class TestUrlJob(TestJob): jobclass = job.UrlJob def test_default(self): extr = TestExtractor.from_url("test:") self.assertEqual(self._capture_stdout(extr), """\ https://example.org/1.jpg https://example.org/2.jpg https://example.org/3.jpg """) def test_fallback(self): extr = TestExtractor.from_url("test:") tjob = self.jobclass(extr) tjob.handle_url = tjob.handle_url_fallback self.assertEqual(self._capture_stdout(tjob), """\ https://example.org/1.jpg | https://example.org/alt/1.jpg https://example.org/2.jpg | https://example.org/alt/2.jpg https://example.org/3.jpg | https://example.org/alt/3.jpg """) def test_parent(self): extr = TestExtractorParent.from_url("test:parent") self.assertEqual(self._capture_stdout(extr), """\ test:child test:child test:child """) def test_child(self): extr = TestExtractorParent.from_url("test:parent") tjob = job.UrlJob(extr, depth=0) self.assertEqual(self._capture_stdout(tjob), 3 * """\ https://example.org/1.jpg https://example.org/2.jpg https://example.org/3.jpg """) class TestInfoJob(TestJob): jobclass = job.InfoJob def test_default(self): extr = TestExtractor.from_url("test:") self.assertEqual(self._capture_stdout(extr), """\ Category / Subcategory "test_category" / "test_subcategory" Filename format (default): "test_{filename}.{extension}" Directory format (default): ["{category}"] """) def test_custom(self): config.set((), "filename", "custom") config.set((), "directory", ("custom",)) config.set((), "sleep-request", 321) extr = TestExtractor.from_url("test:") extr.request_interval = 123.456 self.assertEqual(self._capture_stdout(extr), """\ Category / Subcategory "test_category" / "test_subcategory" Filename format (custom): "custom" Filename format (default): "test_{filename}.{extension}" Directory format (custom): ["custom"] Directory format (default): ["{category}"] Request interval (custom): 321 Request interval (default): 123.456 """) def test_base_category(self): extr = TestExtractor.from_url("test:") extr.basecategory = "test_basecategory" self.assertEqual(self._capture_stdout(extr), """\ Category / Subcategory / Basecategory "test_category" / "test_subcategory" / "test_basecategory" Filename format (default): "test_{filename}.{extension}" Directory format (default): ["{category}"] """) class TestDataJob(TestJob): jobclass = job.DataJob def test_default(self): extr = TestExtractor.from_url("test:") tjob = self.jobclass(extr, file=io.StringIO()) user = {"id": 123, "name": "test"} tjob.run() self.assertEqual(tjob.data, [ (Message.Directory, { "category" : "test_category", "subcategory": "test_subcategory", "user" : user, "author" : user, }), (Message.Url, "https://example.org/1.jpg", { "category" : "test_category", "subcategory": "test_subcategory", "filename" : "1", "extension" : "jpg", "num" : 1, "tags" : ["foo", "bar", "テスト"], "user" : user, "author" : user, }), (Message.Url, "https://example.org/2.jpg", { "category" : "test_category", "subcategory": "test_subcategory", "filename" : "2", "extension" : "jpg", "num" : 2, "tags" : ["foo", "bar", "テスト"], "user" : user, "author" : user, }), (Message.Url, "https://example.org/3.jpg", { "category" : "test_category", "subcategory": "test_subcategory", "filename" : "3", "extension" : "jpg", "num" : 3, "tags" : ["foo", "bar", "テスト"], "user" : user, "author" : user, }), ]) def test_exception(self): extr = TestExtractorException.from_url("test:exception") tjob = self.jobclass(extr, file=io.StringIO()) tjob.run() self.assertEqual( tjob.data[-1], ("ZeroDivisionError", "division by zero")) def test_private(self): config.set(("output",), "private", True) extr = TestExtractor.from_url("test:") tjob = self.jobclass(extr, file=io.StringIO()) tjob.run() for i in range(1, 4): self.assertEqual( tjob.data[i][2]["_fallback"], ("https://example.org/alt/{}.jpg".format(i),), ) def test_sleep(self): extr = TestExtractor.from_url("test:") tjob = self.jobclass(extr, file=io.StringIO()) config.set((), "sleep-extractor", 123) with patch("time.sleep") as sleep: tjob.run() sleep.assert_called_once_with(123) config.set((), "sleep-extractor", 0) with patch("time.sleep") as sleep: tjob.run() sleep.assert_not_called() def test_ascii(self): extr = TestExtractor.from_url("test:") tjob = self.jobclass(extr) tjob.file = buffer = io.StringIO() tjob.run() self.assertIn("""\ "tags": [ "foo", "bar", "\\u30c6\\u30b9\\u30c8" ], """, buffer.getvalue()) tjob.file = buffer = io.StringIO() tjob.ascii = False tjob.run() self.assertIn("""\ "tags": [ "foo", "bar", "テスト" ], """, buffer.getvalue()) def test_num_string(self): extr = TestExtractor.from_url("test:") tjob = self.jobclass(extr, file=io.StringIO()) with patch("gallery_dl.util.number_to_string") as nts: tjob.run() self.assertEqual(len(nts.call_args_list), 0) config.set(("output",), "num-to-str", True) with patch("gallery_dl.util.number_to_string") as nts: tjob.run() self.assertEqual(len(nts.call_args_list), 72) tjob.run() self.assertEqual(tjob.data[-1][0], Message.Url) self.assertEqual(tjob.data[-1][2]["num"], "3") class TestExtractor(Extractor): category = "test_category" subcategory = "test_subcategory" directory_fmt = ("{category}",) filename_fmt = "test_{filename}.{extension}" pattern = r"test:(child|self)?$" def __init__(self, match): Extractor.__init__(self, match) self.user = {"id": 123, "name": "test"} if match.group(1) == "self": self.user["self"] = self.user def items(self): root = "https://example.org" user = self.user yield Message.Directory, { "user": user, "author": user, } for i in range(1, 4): url = "{}/{}.jpg".format(root, i) yield Message.Url, url, text.nameext_from_url(url, { "num" : i, "tags": ["foo", "bar", "テスト"], "user": user, "author": user, "_fallback": ("{}/alt/{}.jpg".format(root, i),), }) class TestExtractorParent(Extractor): category = "test_category" subcategory = "test_subcategory_parent" pattern = r"test:parent" def items(self): url = "test:child" for i in range(11, 14): yield Message.Queue, url, { "num" : i, "tags": ["abc", "def"], "_extractor": TestExtractor, } class TestExtractorException(Extractor): category = "test_category" subcategory = "test_subcategory_exception" pattern = r"test:exception$" def items(self): return 1/0 class TestExtractorAlt(Extractor): category = "test_category_alt" subcategory = "test_subcategory" if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()