# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2017-2018 Mike Fährmann # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. """Extract manga-chapters and entire manga from http://fanfox.net/""" from .common import ChapterExtractor from .. import text class MangafoxChapterExtractor(ChapterExtractor): """Extractor for manga-chapters from fanfox.net""" category = "mangafox" pattern = [(r"(?:https?://)?(?:www\.|m\.)?(?:mangafox\.me|fanfox\.net)" r"(/manga/[^/]+/((?:v(\d+)/)?c(\d+)([^/?&#]*)))")] test = [ ("http://fanfox.net/manga/kidou_keisatsu_patlabor/v05/c006.2/1.html", { "keyword": "36b570e9ef11b4748407324fe08bebbe4856e6fd", "content": "5c50c252dcf12ffecf68801f4db8a2167265f66c", }), ("http://mangafox.me/manga/kidou_keisatsu_patlabor/v05/c006.2/", None), ] root = "http://m.fanfox.net" def __init__(self, match): base, self.cstr, self.volume, self.chapter, self.minor = match.groups() self.urlbase = self.root + base ChapterExtractor.__init__(self, self.urlbase + "/1.html") def get_metadata(self, page): manga, pos = text.extract(page, "", "") count, pos = text.extract( page, ">", "<", page.find("", pos) - 20) sid , pos = text.extract(page, "var series_id =", ";", pos) cid , pos = text.extract(page, "var chapter_id =", ";", pos) return { "manga": text.unescape(manga), "volume": text.parse_int(self.volume), "chapter": text.parse_int(self.chapter), "chapter_minor": self.minor or "", "chapter_string": self.cstr, "count": text.parse_int(count), "sid": text.parse_int(sid), "cid": text.parse_int(cid), } def get_images(self, page): pnum = 1 while True: url, pos = text.extract(page, '