# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2023 Mike Fährmann # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. """Extractors for Shimmie2 instances""" from .common import BaseExtractor, Message from .. import text class Shimmie2Extractor(BaseExtractor): """Base class for shimmie2 extractors""" basecategory = "shimmie2" filename_fmt = "{category}_{id}{md5:?_//}.{extension}" archive_fmt = "{id}" def _init(self): try: instance = INSTANCES[self.category] except KeyError: return cookies = instance.get("cookies") if cookies: domain = self.root.rpartition("/")[2] self.cookies_update_dict(cookies, domain=domain) file_url = instance.get("file_url") if file_url: self.file_url_fmt = file_url if self.category == "giantessbooru": self.posts = self._posts_giantessbooru if self.category == "rule34hentai": self.posts = self._posts_giantessbooru def items(self): data = self.metadata() for post in self.posts(): for key in ("id", "width", "height"): post[key] = text.parse_int(post[key]) post["tags"] = text.unquote(post["tags"]) post.update(data) url = post["file_url"] if "/index.php?" in url: post["filename"], _, post["extension"] = \ url.rpartition("/")[2].rpartition(".") else: text.nameext_from_url(url, post) yield Message.Directory, post yield Message.Url, url, post def metadata(self): """Return general metadata""" return () def posts(self): """Return an iterable containing data of all relevant posts""" return () INSTANCES = { "loudbooru": { "root": "https://loudbooru.com", "pattern": r"loudbooru\.com", "cookies": {"ui-tnc-agreed": "true"}, }, "giantessbooru": { "root": "https://giantessbooru.com", "pattern": r"giantessbooru\.com", "cookies": {"agreed": "true"}, }, "tentaclerape": { "root": "https://tentaclerape.net", "pattern": r"tentaclerape\.net", }, "cavemanon": { "root": "https://booru.cavemanon.xyz", "pattern": r"booru\.cavemanon\.xyz", "file_url": "{0}/index.php?q=image/{2}.{4}", }, "rule34hentai": { "root": "https://rule34hentai.net", "pattern": r"rule34hentai\.net", }, } BASE_PATTERN = Shimmie2Extractor.update(INSTANCES) + r"/(?:index\.php\?q=/?)?" class Shimmie2TagExtractor(Shimmie2Extractor): """Extractor for shimmie2 posts by tag search""" subcategory = "tag" directory_fmt = ("{category}", "{search_tags}") file_url_fmt = "{}/_images/{}/{}%20-%20{}.{}" pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"post/list/([^/?#]+)(?:/(\d+))?()" example = "https://loudbooru.com/post/list/TAG/1" def __init__(self, match): Shimmie2Extractor.__init__(self, match) lastindex = match.lastindex self.tags = text.unquote(match.group(lastindex-2)) self.page = match.group(lastindex-1) def metadata(self): return {"search_tags": self.tags} def posts(self): pnum = text.parse_int(self.page, 1) file_url_fmt = self.file_url_fmt.format init = True mime = "" while True: url = "{}/post/list/{}/{}".format(self.root, self.tags, pnum) page = self.request(url).text extr = text.extract_from(page) if init: init = False has_mime = ("data-mime='" in page) has_pid = ("data-post-id='" in page) while True: if has_mime: mime = extr("data-mime='", "'") if has_pid: pid = extr("data-post-id='", "'") else: pid = extr("href='/post/view/", "?") if not pid: break tags, dimensions, size = extr("title='", "'").split(" // ") width, _, height = dimensions.partition("x") md5 = extr("/_thumbs/", "/") yield { "file_url": file_url_fmt( self.root, md5, pid, text.quote(tags), mime.rpartition("/")[2] if mime else "jpg"), "id": pid, "md5": md5, "tags": tags, "width": width, "height": height, "size": text.parse_bytes(size[:-1]), } pnum += 1 if not extr(">Next<", ">"): if not extr("/{}'>{}<".format(pnum, pnum), ">"): return def _posts_giantessbooru(self): pnum = text.parse_int(self.page, 1) file_url_fmt = (self.root + "/index.php?q=/image/{}.jpg").format while True: url = "{}/index.php?q=/post/list/{}/{}".format( self.root, self.tags, pnum) extr = text.extract_from(self.request(url).text) while True: pid = extr('href="./index.php?q=/post/view/', '&') if not pid: break tags, dimensions, size = extr('title="', '"').split(" // ") width, _, height = dimensions.partition("x") yield { "file_url": file_url_fmt(pid), "id": pid, "md5": "", "tags": tags, "width": width, "height": height, "size": text.parse_bytes(size[:-1]), } pnum += 1 if not extr('/{}">{}<'.format(pnum, pnum), ">"): return def _posts_rule34hentai(self): pnum = text.parse_int(self.page, 1) file_url_fmt = self.file_url_fmt.format init = True mime = "" while True: url = "{}/post/list/{}/{}".format(self.root, self.tags, pnum) page = self.request(url).text extr = text.extract_from(page) if init: init = False has_mime = ("data-mime=\"" in page) has_pid = ("data-post-id=\"" in page) while True: if has_mime: mime = extr("data-mime=\"", "\"") if has_pid: pid = extr("data-post-id=\"", "\"") else: pid = extr("href='/post/view/", "?") if not pid: break tags, dimensions, size, ext = extr( "title=\"", "\"").split(" // ") width, _, height = dimensions.partition("x") md5 = extr("/_thumbs/", "/") yield { "file_url": file_url_fmt( self.root, md5, pid, text.quote(tags), mime.rpartition("/")[2] if mime else "jpg"), "id": pid, "md5": md5, "tags": tags, "width": width, "height": height, "size": text.parse_bytes(size[:-1]), } pnum += 1 if not extr(">Next<", ">"): if not extr("/{}'>{}<".format(pnum, pnum), ">"): return class Shimmie2PostExtractor(Shimmie2Extractor): """Extractor for single shimmie2 posts""" subcategory = "post" pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"post/view/(\d+)" example = "https://loudbooru.com/post/view/12345" def __init__(self, match): Shimmie2Extractor.__init__(self, match) self.post_id = match.group(match.lastindex) def posts(self): url = "{}/post/view/{}".format(self.root, self.post_id) extr = text.extract_from(self.request(url).text) post = { "id" : self.post_id, "tags" : extr(": ", "<").partition(" - ")[0].rstrip(")"), "md5" : extr("/_thumbs/", "/"), "file_url": self.root + ( extr("id='main_image' src='", "'") or extr("").partition( " ")[0].strip("\"'"), "size" : 0, } if not post["md5"]: post["md5"] = text.extr(post["file_url"], "/_images/", "/") return (post,) def _posts_giantessbooru(self): url = "{}/index.php?q=/post/view/{}".format( self.root, self.post_id) extr = text.extract_from(self.request(url).text) return ({ "id" : self.post_id, "tags" : extr(": ", "<").partition(" - ")[0].rstrip(")"), "md5" : "", "file_url": self.root + extr('id="main_image" src=".', '"'), "width" : extr("orig_width =", ";"), "height" : 0, "size" : 0, },) def _posts_rule34hentai(self): url = "{}/post/view/{}".format(self.root, self.post_id) extr = text.extract_from(self.request(url).text) post = { "id" : self.post_id, "tags" : extr(": ", "<").partition(" - ")[0].rstrip(")"), "md5" : extr("/_thumbs/", "/"), "file_url": self.root + ( extr("id='main_image' src=\"", "\"") or extr("").partition( " ")[0].strip("\"'"), "size" : 0, } if not post["md5"]: post["md5"] = text.extr(post["file_url"], "/_images/", "/") return (post,)