# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. """Extractors for https://cyberdrop.me/""" from . import lolisafe from .. import text class CyberdropAlbumExtractor(lolisafe.LolisafeAlbumExtractor): category = "cyberdrop" root = "https://cyberdrop.me" pattern = r"(?:https?://)?(?:www\.)?cyberdrop\.(?:me|to)/a/([^/?#]+)" test = ( # images ("https://cyberdrop.me/a/keKRjm4t", { "pattern": r"https://fs-\d+\.cyberdrop\.to/.*\.(jpg|png|webp)$", "keyword": { "album_id": "keKRjm4t", "album_name": "Fate (SFW)", "album_size": 150069254, "count": 62, "date": "dt:2020-06-18 13:14:20", "description": "", "id": r"re:\w{8}", }, }), # videos ("https://cyberdrop.to/a/l8gIAXVD", { "pattern": r"https://fs-\d+\.cyberdrop\.to/.*\.mp4$", "count": 31, "keyword": { "album_id": "l8gIAXVD", "album_name": "Achelois17 videos", "album_size": 652037121, "date": "dt:2020-06-16 15:40:44", }, }), ) def fetch_album(self, album_id): url = self.root + "/a/" + self.album_id extr = text.extract_from(self.request(url).text) files = [] append = files.append while True: url = text.unescape(extr('id="file" href="', '"')) if not url: break append({"file": url, "_fallback": (self.root + url[url.find("/", 8):],)}) return files, { "album_id" : self.album_id, "album_name" : extr("name: '", "'"), "date" : text.parse_timestamp(extr("timestamp: ", ",")), "album_size" : text.parse_int(extr("totalSize: ", ",")), "description": extr("description: `", "`"), "count" : len(files), }