# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2019 Mike Fährmann # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. """Extractors for https://www.plurk.com/""" from .common import Extractor, Message from .. import text, extractor, exception import datetime import time import json import re class PlurkExtractor(Extractor): """Base class for plurk extractors""" category = "plurk" root = "https://www.plurk.com" def items(self): urls = self._urls_ex if self.config("comments", False) else self._urls yield Message.Version, 1 with extractor.blacklist(("plurk",)): for plurk in self.plurks(): for url in urls(plurk): yield Message.Queue, url, plurk def plurks(self): """Return an iterable with all relevant 'plurk' objects""" @staticmethod def _urls(obj): """Extract URLs from a 'plurk' object""" return text.extract_iter(obj["content"], ' href="', '"') def _urls_ex(self, plurk): """Extract URLs from a 'plurk' and its comments""" yield from self._urls(plurk) for comment in self._comments(plurk): yield from self._urls(comment) def _comments(self, plurk): """Return an iterable with a 'plurk's comments""" url = "https://www.plurk.com/Responses/get" data = {"plurk_id": plurk["id"], "count": "200"} headers = { "Origin": self.root, "Referer": self.root, "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest", } while True: info = self.request( url, method="POST", headers=headers, data=data).json() yield from info["responses"] if not info["has_newer"]: return elif info["has_newer"] < 200: del data["count"] time.sleep(1) data["from_response_id"] = info["responses"][-1]["id"] + 1 @staticmethod def _load(data): if not data: raise exception.NotFoundError("user") return json.loads(re.sub(r"new Date\(([^)]+)\)", r"\1", data)) class PlurkTimelineExtractor(PlurkExtractor): """Extractor for URLs from all posts in a Plurk timeline""" subcategory = "timeline" pattern = r"(?:https?://)?(?:www\.)?plurk\.com/(?!p/)(\w+)/?(?:$|[?&#])" test = ("https://www.plurk.com/plurkapi", { "pattern": r"https?://.+", "count": ">= 23" }) def __init__(self, match): PlurkExtractor.__init__(self, match) self.user = match.group(1) def plurks(self): url = "{}/{}".format(self.root, self.user) page = self.request(url).text user_id, pos = text.extract(page, '"user_id":', ',') plurks = self._load(text.extract(page, "_PLURKS = ", ";\n", pos)[0]) headers = {"Referer": url, "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"} data = {"user_id": user_id.strip()} url = "https://www.plurk.com/TimeLine/getPlurks" while plurks: yield from plurks offset = datetime.datetime.strptime( plurks[-1]["posted"], "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z") data["offset"] = offset.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z") response = self.request( url, method="POST", headers=headers, data=data) plurks = response.json()["plurks"] class PlurkPostExtractor(PlurkExtractor): """Extractor for URLs from a Plurk post""" subcategory = "post" pattern = r"(?:https?://)?(?:www\.)?plurk\.com/p/(\w+)" test = ( ("https://www.plurk.com/p/i701j1", { "url": "2115f208564591b8748525c2807a84596aaaaa5f", "count": 3, }), ("https://www.plurk.com/p/i701j1", { "options": (("comments", True),), "count": ">= 210", }), ) def __init__(self, match): PlurkExtractor.__init__(self, match) self.plurk_id = match.group(1) def plurks(self): url = "{}/p/{}".format(self.root, self.plurk_id) page = self.request(url).text user, pos = text.extract(page, " GLOBAL = ", "\n") data, pos = text.extract(page, "plurk = ", ";\n", pos) data = self._load(data) data["user"] = self._load(user)["page_user"] return (data,)