import sys import os import requests from datetime import * import json import configparser def check_str_to_bool(text) -> bool: if (text == "True" or text == "true" or text == "TRUE"): return True elif (text == "False" or text == "false" or text == "FALSE"): return False else: return True token="" url="" noteList = [] reactionList = [] reactList=[] emojiList = [] emojisTotal = 0 doubleList = [] text = "" getReactions = False configfilePath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'miceco.cfg') if (not os.path.exists(configfilePath)): print("No config File found!") print("Exit programm!") sys.exit(1) #Load configuration config = configparser.ConfigParser() url = "https://" + config.get("misskey","instance") + "/api" token = config.get("misskey","token") user = config.get("misskey","user") try: getReactions = check_str_to_bool(config.get("misskey","getReaction")) except (TypeError, ValueError) as err: getReactions = False try: req ="/users/show", json={"username" : user, "host" : None, "i" : token}) req.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print("Couldn't get Username!\n"+str(err)) sys.exit(1) userid = req.json()["id"] nickname = req.json()["name"] heute = gestern = heute - timedelta(days = 1) mitternachtGestern = datetime.combine(gestern, time(0,0,0)) mitternachtHeute = datetime.combine(heute, time(0,0,0)) seit = int(mitternachtGestern.timestamp())*1000 #Javascript uses millisecond timestamp and Python uses float bis = int(mitternachtHeute.timestamp())*1000 lastTimestamp = bis while True: if ((bis != lastTimestamp) and (formerTimestamp == lastTimestamp)): break try: req ="/users/notes", json = { "i" : token, "userId" : userid, "sinceDate" : seit, "untilDate" : lastTimestamp, "includeReplies" : True, "limit" : 100, "includeMyRenotes" : False, "withFiles" : False, "excludeNsfw" : False }) req.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print("Couldn't get Posts! "+str(err)) sys.exit(1) for jsonObj in req.json(): #textDict = jsonObj noteList.append(jsonObj) formerTimestamp = lastTimestamp lastTime = noteList[len(noteList)-1]["createdAt"] lastTimestamp = int(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(lastTime, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z'))*1000) for element in noteList: if (element["text"] == None): #Skip Notes without text print("Skip Note " + element["id"] + " without Text\nTime noted: " + element["createdAt"]) continue if (element["text"].find(chr(8203))>0): #Skip notes with Zero-Width-Space (Marker to skip older MiCECo notes) print("Skip Note " + element["id"] + " with Zero-Width-Space\nTime noted: " + element["createdAt"]) continue emojis = element["emojis"] if (not emojis): #Notes without emojis will be skipped continue for emoji in emojis: if (emoji["name"].find("@") == -1): #Only emojis from the own instance, because reactions will be in "emojis" too if (not emoji["name"] in doubleList): doubleList.append(emoji["name"]) #Easy way to prevent a double emoji in the list. dict={"emoji" : emoji["name"], "count" : 0} emojiList.append(dict) #TODO: Append a dictionary to acces it way easier for emoji in emojiList: emoji["count"] += element["text"].count(emoji["emoji"]) #Count those Emojis, that are in this note if (element["cw"] is not None): emoji["count"] += element["cw"].count(emoji["emoji"]) #Count those Emojis, that are in this note doubleList = [] emojiList = sorted(emojiList, reverse = True , key = lambda d: d["count"]) #Sort it by the most used Emojis! if getReactions: lastTimestamp = bis while True: if ((bis != lastTimestamp) and (formerTimestamp == lastTimestamp)): break try: req ="/users/reactions", json = { "i" : token, "userId" : userid, "sinceDate" : seit, "untilDate" : lastTimestamp }) req.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print("Couldn't get Posts! "+str(err)) sys.exit(1) for jsonObj in req.json(): #textDict = jsonObj reactionList.append(jsonObj) formerTimestamp = lastTimestamp lastTime = reactionList[len(reactionList)-1]["createdAt"] lastTimestamp = int(datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(lastTime, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z'))*1000) for reaction in reactionList: react = reaction["type"] react = react.replace("@.","") if (not react in doubleList): doubleList.append(react) dict={"reaction" : react, "count" : 0} reactList.append(dict) for reaction in reactList: if (reaction["reaction"] == react): reaction["count"] += 1 reactList = sorted(reactList, reverse = True , key = lambda d: d["count"]) reactionCount = 0 for react in reactList: reactionCount += react["count"] if (len(reactList) > 0): reactText="\n\n\nAnd used " + str(reactionCount) + " reactions:\n\n" + chr(9553) + " " for reaction in reactList: reactText += str(reaction["count"]) + "x " + reaction["reaction"] + " " + chr(9553) + " " else: reactText="\n\nAnd didn't use any reactions." else: reactText="" for count in emojiList: emojisTotal += count["count"] if (emojisTotal > 0): text = nickname + " has written " + str(len(noteList)) + " Notes yesterday, " + gestern.strftime('%a %d-%m-%Y') + "\nand used a total of " + str(emojisTotal) + " Emojis. #miceco" + chr(8203) + "\n\n" + chr(9553) + " " for element in emojiList: text += str(element["count"]) + "x\u00A0:" + element["emoji"] + ": " + chr(9553) + " " else: text = nickname + " has written " + str(len(noteList)) + " Notes yesterday, " + gestern.strftime('%a %d-%m-%Y') + "\nand didn't used any emojis. #miceco" + chr(8203) text += reactText #print(text) try: req ="/notes/create", json = { "i" : token, "visibility": "public", "text": text }) req.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print("Couldn't create Posts! "+str(err)) sys.exit(1)