import os import importlib import inspect from pathlib import PurePath import subprocess from typing import TypedDict def get_defined_functions_and_classes(module): functions = [] classes = [] for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(module): if inspect.isfunction(obj) and obj.__module__ == module.__name__: functions.append(name) elif inspect.isclass(obj) and obj.__module__ == module.__name__: classes.append(name) return functions, classes class IGenerateSphinx(TypedDict): module_path: PurePath module_name: str functions: list[str] classes: list[str] def generate_sphinx_output(data: list[IGenerateSphinx]): output = [] output.append("API Reference\n===============\n") tmp = {} for i in hierarchy.values(): tmp[i] = [] # tmp[i].append(f"{i}\n{'-'*len(i)}") tmp["__OTHER"] = [] def add_data(_data: IGenerateSphinx, add_to: list): if _data["functions"]: for function in _data["functions"]: add_to.append(f"\n{function}\n" + "~" * len(function)) add_to.append(f".. autofunction:: {_data['module_name']}.{function}") if _data["classes"]: for class_name in _data["classes"]: add_to.append(f"\n{class_name}\n" + "~" * len(class_name)) full_class_name = f"{_data['module_name']}.{class_name}" add_to.append(f".. attributetable:: {full_class_name}") add_to.append(f".. autoclass:: {full_class_name}\n :members:") for i in data: add_to = "__OTHER" for category in hierarchy.keys(): if PurePath(category).as_posix() in i["module_path"].as_posix(): add_to = hierarchy[category] add_data(i, tmp[add_to]) for k, v in tmp.items(): output.append(f"{k}\n{'-'*len(k)}") output.append("\n\n".join(v)) return "\n".join(output) def generate_documentation(base_path, output_file, hierarchy, exclude_files=[]): documentation = [] items: list[IGenerateSphinx] = [] for file in [ {"filename": file, "root": root} for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_path) if root != "__pycache__" for file in files ]: if file["filename"].endswith(".py") and file["filename"] not in exclude_files: module_path = os.path.join(file["root"], file["filename"]) module_import_path = module_path.replace(os.path.sep, ".").replace(".py", "") module = importlib.import_module(module_import_path) functions, classes = get_defined_functions_and_classes(module) if functions or classes: items.append( { "module_path": PurePath(module_path), "module_name": module_import_path, "functions": functions, "classes": classes, } ) doc_content = generate_sphinx_output(items) documentation.append(doc_content) with open(output_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as doc_file: doc_file.write("\n\n".join(documentation)) if __name__ == "__main__": hierarchy = { "mipac/models": "Misskey Models", "mipac/manager": "Managers", "mipac/actions": "Actions", "mipac/types": "Type class", "mipac/errors": "Errors", } source_path = "mipac" output_path = "docs/index.rst" excluded_files = ["", ""] # Add files to exclude here generate_documentation(source_path, output_path, hierarchy, exclude_files=excluded_files) os.chdir("./docs") "make gettext && sphinx-intl update -p _build/gettext && ./", shell=True )