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2023-02-03 18:25:38 -04:00

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<a href="">Last Day of Freedom</a>
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2023-01-31 ::
<span class="post-author">Captain Arepa</span>
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#<a href="">random</a>&nbsp;
#<a href="">work</a>&nbsp;
#<a href="">life</a>&nbsp;
#<a href="">rant</a>&nbsp;
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<h2 id="back-to-being-employed">Back to being &ldquo;employed&rdquo;.<a href="#back-to-being-employed" class="hanchor" ariaLabel="Anchor">&#8983;</a> </h2>
<p>I&rsquo;ll start working (again) tomorrow. To be quite honest, I took the job out of desperation (again, it was the one with the lowest salary expectation), but given that the process was quite smooth I cannot complain too much (which surprised me, because it&rsquo;s a freelance/contractor position). My only concern so far is whether I&rsquo;ll be able to lurk/shitpost on fedi, since I have to use a private VPN to connect to the company&rsquo;s git instance and Jenkins and wotnot. Like, I know most sysadmins don&rsquo;t read logs, but browsing on 3 different fedi instances at the time can use a <em>bit</em> of bandwith.</p>
<h2 id="the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly">The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.<a href="#the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly" class="hanchor" ariaLabel="Anchor">&#8983;</a> </h2>
<p><img src="/img/the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly-post.jpg" alt="I fucking love this movie"><em>I fucking love this movie.</em></p>
<p>Like most life events, getting hired again comes with good, bad and ugly things.</p>
<p>The Good is that, while the contract renews on a yearly basis, I can quit at any time without penalties. Aaaaand it has a non-exclusivity clause, so I can take a side-gig to make more munnies (if I have time, that is).</p>
<p>The Bad is that now I have to deal with a lot of unfinished/ongoing recruiting processes, so that&rsquo;ll be quite uncomfortable (joke&rsquo;s on them, they&rsquo;re too damn slow, it&rsquo;s almost as if they don&rsquo;t want to hire people or want to hire a cheaper pajeet or nigger).</p>
<p>The Ugly is that I&rsquo;ll probably have to quit sooner than expected (I initially gave it like 4 months), but since my migration process is speeding up (luckily), it could be 2-3 months tops before crossing the pond (I&rsquo;m moving to Europe, btw, will write about that later)&hellip; Which will suck in my résumé. Not that I should care, it&rsquo;s a reloc process, I&rsquo;ll end up working almost immediately after arriving.</p>
<h2 id="rant">rant()<a href="#rant" class="hanchor" ariaLabel="Anchor">&#8983;</a> </h2>
<p>So, here&rsquo;s today&rsquo;s rant: a few days ago I listed my PS3 for sale (like, I&rsquo;m in dire need of money, only a couple of hundred bucks left in my account and almost 3 grand in debts), and some random guy on the page I published the ad tried to buy it, but he looked iffy as fuck. Anyways, I agreed to sell and then he send me his address to send him the PS3 and told me he paid through the page&hellip; which is bullshit, that site deactivated the integrated payment years ago. I immediately blocked him on WhatsApp, and reported his account to the site&rsquo;s personnel, who ended up banning him.</p>
<p>Good thing I didn&rsquo;t fall for that shit. Guess I better keep my console for when I move out.</p>
<h2 id="thats-all">That&rsquo;s all!<a href="#thats-all" class="hanchor" ariaLabel="Anchor">&#8983;</a> </h2>
<p><img src="/img/swimsuit_shork_gurl.jpg" alt="I wanna wreck her uoooooh!">
<em>Here, some cunny to end this post ;)</em></p>
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