You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

185 lines
5.9 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019 Mike Fährmann
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
"""Extractors for 4chan archives based on FoolFuuka"""
from .common import Extractor, Message, SharedConfigMixin
from .. import text, config
import itertools
import operator
import re
class FoolfuukaThreadExtractor(SharedConfigMixin, Extractor):
"""Base extractor for FoolFuuka based boards/archives"""
basecategory = "foolfuuka"
subcategory = "thread"
directory_fmt = ["{category}", "{board[shortname]}",
"{thread_num}{title:? - //}"]
filename_fmt = "{media[media]}"
archive_fmt = "{board[shortname]}_{num}_{timestamp}"
root = ""
def __init__(self, match):
self.board, self.thread = match.groups()
self.session.headers["Referer"] = self.root
def items(self):
op = True
yield Message.Version, 1
for post in self.posts():
if op:
yield Message.Directory, post
op = False
if not post["media"]:
media = post["media"]
url = media["media_link"]
if not url and "remote_media_link" in media:
url = self.remote(media)
if url.startswith("/"):
url = self.root + url
post["extension"] = url.rpartition(".")[2]
yield Message.Url, url, post
def posts(self):
url = self.root + "/_/api/chan/thread/"
params = {"board": self.board, "num": self.thread}
data = self.request(url, params=params).json()[self.thread]
# sort post-objects by key
posts = sorted(data.get("posts", {}).items())
posts = map(operator.itemgetter(1), posts)
return itertools.chain((data["op"],), posts)
def remote(self, media):
needle = '<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; url='
page = self.request(media["remote_media_link"]).text
return text.extract(page, needle, '"')[0]
def _remote_simple(self, media):
return media["remote_media_link"]
def generate_extractors():
"""Dynamically generate Extractor classes for FoolFuuka instances"""
symtable = globals()
extractors = config.get(("extractor", "foolfuuka"))
if extractors:
for category, info in EXTRACTORS.items():
if not isinstance(info, dict):
root = info["root"]
domain = root[root.index(":") + 3:]
pattern = info.get("pattern") or re.escape(domain)
name = (info.get("name") or category).capitalize()
class Extr(FoolfuukaThreadExtractor):
Extr.__name__ = Extr.__qualname__ = name + "ThreadExtractor"
Extr.__doc__ = "Extractor for threads on " + domain
Extr.category = category
Extr.pattern = [r"(?:https?://)?" + pattern + r"/([^/]+)/thread/(\d+)"]
Extr.test = info.get("test")
Extr.root = root
if info.get("remote") == "simple":
Extr.remote = Extr._remote_simple
symtable[Extr.__name__] = Extr
"4plebs": {
"name": "fourplebs",
"root": "",
"pattern": r"(?:archive\.)?4plebs\.org",
"test": [("", {
"url": "07452944164b602502b02b24521f8cee5c484d2a",
"archivedmoe": {
"root": "",
"test": [
("", {
"url": "fdd533840e2d535abd162c02d6dfadbc12e2dcd8",
"content": "c27e2a7be3bc989b5dd859f7789cc854db3f5573",
("", {
"url": "ffec05a1a1b906b5ca85992513671c9155ee9e87",
"archiveofsins": {
"root": "",
"pattern": r"(?:www\.)?archiveofsins\.com",
"test": [("", {
"url": "f612d287087e10a228ef69517cf811539db9a102",
"content": "0dd92d0d8a7bf6e2f7d1f5ac8954c1bcf18c22a4",
"b4k": {
"root": "",
"remote": "simple",
"test": [("", {
"url": "cdd4931ac1cd00264b0b54e2e3b0d8f6ae48957e",
"desuarchive": {
"root": "",
"test": [("", {
"url": "3ae1473f6916ac831efe5cc4d4e7d3298ce79406",
"fireden": {
"root": "",
"test": [("", {
"url": "01b7baacfb0656a68e566368290e3072b27f86c9",
"nyafuu": {
"root": "",
"pattern": r"(?:archive\.)?nyafuu\.org",
"test": [("", {
"url": "bbe6f82944a45e359f5c8daf53f565913dc13e4f",
"rbt": {
"root": "",
"pattern": r"(?:rbt\.asia|(?:archive\.)?rebeccablacktech\.com)",
"test": [
("", {
"url": "61896d9d9a2edb556b619000a308a984307b6d30",
("", {
"url": "61896d9d9a2edb556b619000a308a984307b6d30",
"thebarchive": {
"root": "",
"pattern": r"thebarchive\.com",
"test": [("", {
"url": "e8b18001307d130d67db31740ce57c8561b5d80c",