You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

205 lines
7.0 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2021-2023 Mike Fährmann
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
"""Extractors for Gelbooru Beta 0.1.11 sites"""
from . import booru
from .. import text
class GelbooruV01Extractor(booru.BooruExtractor):
basecategory = "gelbooru_v01"
per_page = 20
def _parse_post(self, post_id):
url = "{}/index.php?page=post&s=view&id={}".format(
self.root, post_id)
extr = text.extract_from(self.request(url).text)
post = {
"id" : post_id,
"created_at": extr('Posted: ', ' <'),
"uploader" : extr('By: ', ' <'),
"width" : extr('Size: ', 'x'),
"height" : extr('', ' <'),
"source" : extr('Source: ', ' <'),
"rating" : (extr('Rating: ', '<') or "?")[0].lower(),
"score" : extr('Score: ', ' <'),
"file_url" : extr('<img alt="img" src="', '"'),
"tags" : text.unescape(extr(
'id="tags" name="tags" cols="40" rows="5">', '<')),
post["md5"] = post["file_url"].rpartition("/")[2].partition(".")[0]
post["date"] = text.parse_datetime(
post["created_at"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
return post
def skip(self, num):
self.page_start += num
return num
def _pagination(self, url, begin, end):
pid = self.page_start
while True:
page = self.request(url + str(pid)).text
cnt = 0
for post_id in text.extract_iter(page, begin, end):
yield self._parse_post(post_id)
cnt += 1
if cnt < self.per_page:
pid += self.per_page
BASE_PATTERN = GelbooruV01Extractor.update({
"thecollection": {
"root": "",
"pattern": r"the-collection\.booru\.org",
"illusioncardsbooru": {
"root": "",
"pattern": r"illusioncards\.booru\.org",
"allgirlbooru": {
"root": "",
"pattern": r"allgirl\.booru\.org",
"drawfriends": {
"root": "",
"pattern": r"drawfriends\.booru\.org",
"vidyart2": {
"root": "",
"pattern": r"vidyart2\.booru\.org",
class GelbooruV01TagExtractor(GelbooruV01Extractor):
subcategory = "tag"
directory_fmt = ("{category}", "{search_tags}")
archive_fmt = "t_{search_tags}_{id}"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/index\.php\?page=post&s=list&tags=([^&#]+)"
test = (
"/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=parody"), {
"range": "1-25",
"count": 25,
"/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=koikatsu"), {
"range": "1-25",
"count": 25,
("", {
"range": "1-25",
"count": 25,
def __init__(self, match):
GelbooruV01Extractor.__init__(self, match)
self.tags =
def metadata(self):
return {"search_tags": text.unquote(self.tags.replace("+", " "))}
def posts(self):
url = "{}/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags={}&pid=".format(
self.root, self.tags)
return self._pagination(url, 'class="thumb"><a id="p', '"')
class GelbooruV01FavoriteExtractor(GelbooruV01Extractor):
subcategory = "favorite"
directory_fmt = ("{category}", "favorites", "{favorite_id}")
archive_fmt = "f_{favorite_id}_{id}"
per_page = 50
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/index\.php\?page=favorites&s=view&id=(\d+)"
test = (
"/index.php?page=favorites&s=view&id=1166"), {
"count": 2,
"/index.php?page=favorites&s=view&id=84887"), {
"count": 2,
("", {
"count": 4,
def __init__(self, match):
GelbooruV01Extractor.__init__(self, match)
self.favorite_id =
def metadata(self):
return {"favorite_id": text.parse_int(self.favorite_id)}
def posts(self):
url = "{}/index.php?page=favorites&s=view&id={}&pid=".format(
self.root, self.favorite_id)
return self._pagination(url, "posts[", "]")
class GelbooruV01PostExtractor(GelbooruV01Extractor):
subcategory = "post"
archive_fmt = "{id}"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/index\.php\?page=post&s=view&id=(\d+)"
test = (
"/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=100520"), {
"url": "0329ac8588bb93cf242ca0edbe3e995b4ba554e8",
"content": "1e585874e7b874f7937df1060dd1517fef2f4dfb",
"/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=82746"), {
"url": "3f9cd2fadf78869b90bc5422f27b48f1af0e0909",
"content": "159e60b92d05597bd1bb63510c2c3e4a4bada1dc",
("", {
"url": "b416800d2d2b072f80d3b37cfca9cb806fb25d51",
"content": "3e3c65e0854a988696e11adf0de52f8fa90a51c7",
"keyword": {
"created_at": "2021-02-13 16:27:39",
"date": "dt:2021-02-13 16:27:39",
"file_url": ""
"height": "1200",
"id": "107213",
"md5": "2aaa0438d58fc7baa75a53b4a9621bb89a9d3fdb",
"rating": "s",
"score": str,
"source": "",
"tags": "blush dress green_eyes green_hair hatsune_miku "
"long_hair twintails vocaloid",
"uploader": "Honochi31",
"width": "1600"
def __init__(self, match):
GelbooruV01Extractor.__init__(self, match)
self.post_id =
def posts(self):
return (self._parse_post(self.post_id),)