You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2022 Mike Fährmann
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
"""Extractors for"""
from .lolisafe import LolisafeAlbumExtractor
from .. import text
import json
class BunkrAlbumExtractor(LolisafeAlbumExtractor):
"""Extractor for albums"""
category = "bunkr"
root = ""
pattern = r"(?:https?://)?(?:app\.)?bunkr\.(?:is|to)/a/([^/?#]+)"
test = (
("", {
"pattern": r"https://cdn\.bunkr\.is/test-テスト-\"&>-QjgneIQv\.png",
"content": "0c8768055e4e20e7c7259608b67799171b691140",
"keyword": {
"album_id": "Lktg9Keq",
"album_name": 'test テスト "&>',
"count": 1,
"filename": 'test-テスト-"&>-QjgneIQv',
"id": "QjgneIQv",
"name": 'test-テスト-"&>',
"num": int,
# mp4 (#2239)
("", {
"pattern": r"https://media-files\.bunkr\.is/_-RnHoW69L\.mp4",
"content": "80e61d1dbc5896ae7ef9a28734c747b28b320471",
# cdn4
("", {
"pattern": r"https://(cdn|media-files)4\.bunkr\.is/",
"content": "da29aae371b7adc8c5ef8e6991b66b69823791e8",
def fetch_album(self, album_id):
if "//app." in self.root:
return self._fetch_album_api(album_id)
return self._fetch_album_site(album_id)
def _fetch_album_api(self, album_id):
files, data = LolisafeAlbumExtractor.fetch_album(self, album_id)
for file in files:
url = file["file"]
if url.endswith(".mp4"):
file["file"] = url.replace(
"//", "//", 1)
file["_fallback"] = (url.replace("//cdn.", "//cdn3.", 1),)
return files, data
def _fetch_album_site(self, album_id):
url = self.root + "/a/" + self.album_id
data = json.loads(text.extr(
'id="__NEXT_DATA__" type="application/json">', '<'))
album = data["props"]["pageProps"]["album"]
files = album["files"]
except Exception as exc:
self.log.debug(exc.__class__.__name__, exc)
self.root = self.root.replace("bunkr", "app.bunkr", 1)
return self._fetch_album_api(album_id)
headers = {"Referer": ""}
for file in files:
name = file["name"]
cdn = file["cdn"]
if name.endswith((".mp4", ".m4v", ".mov", ".webm",
".zip", ".rar", ".7z")):
cdn = cdn.replace("//cdn", "//media-files", 1)
file["_http_headers"] = headers
file["file"] = cdn + "/" + name
return files, {
"album_id" : self.album_id,
"album_name" : text.unescape(album["name"]),
"description": text.unescape(album["description"]),
"count" : len(files),