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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This is the maintainence launcher for the snap, make necessary runtime environment changes to make the snap work here. You may also insert security confinement/deprecation/obsoletion notice of the snap here.
set \
-o errexit \
-o errtrace \
-o nounset \
-o pipefail
# Use user's real home directory for canonical configuration path access
declare REALHOME="$(
getent passwd "${USER}" \
| cut --delimiter=: --fields=6
if ! test -f "${SNAP_USER_COMMON}"/marker_disable_interface_warning; then
# Warn if the `removable-media` interface isn't connected
if ! ls /media &>/dev/null; then
printf -- \
"It seems that this snap isn't connected to the \`removable-media\` security confinement interface. If you want to save the files under \`/media\`, \`/run/media\`, or \`/mnt\` directories you need to connect this snap to the \`removable-media\` interface by running the following command in a terminal:\\n\\n sudo snap connect %s:removable-media\\n\\n" \
"${SNAP_NAME}" \
printf -- \
"To disable this warning create an empty file at the following path:\\n\\n %s/marker_disable_interface_warning\\n\\n" \
# Finally run the next part of the command chain
exec "${@}"