You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

357 lines
12 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
from gallery_dl.extractor import kemonoparty
from gallery_dl import exception
__tests__ = (
"#url" : "",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "fanbox"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyUserExtractor,
"#count" : 847,
"#url" : "",
"#comment" : "'max-posts' option, 'o' query parameter (#1674)",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "patreon"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyUserExtractor,
"#options" : {"max-posts": 100},
"#count" : range(200, 300),
"#url" : "お蔵入りになった",
"#comment" : "search / 'q' query parameter (#3385, #4057)",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "fanbox"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyUserExtractor,
"#urls" : (
"id": "8779",
"#url" : "",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "subscribestar"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyUserExtractor,
"#url" : "",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "subscribestar"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyUserExtractor,
"#url" : "",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "fanbox"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyPostExtractor,
"#pattern" : r"[0-9a-f]+\.jpg",
"#sha1_content": "900949cefc97ab8dc1979cc3664785aac5ba70dd",
"added" : "2020-05-06T20:28:02.302000",
"content" : str,
"count" : 1,
"date" : "dt:2019-08-10 17:09:04",
"edited" : None,
"embed" : dict,
"extension" : "jpeg",
"filename" : "P058kDFYus7DbqAkGlfWTlOr",
"hash" : "210f35388e28bbcf756db18dd516e2d82ce758e0d32881eeee76d43e1716d382",
"id" : "506575",
"num" : 1,
"published" : "2019-08-10T17:09:04",
"service" : "fanbox",
"shared_file": False,
"subcategory": "fanbox",
"title" : "c96取り置き",
"type" : "file",
"user" : "6993449",
"#url" : "",
"#comment" : "inline image (#1286)",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "fanbox"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyPostExtractor,
"#pattern" : r"https://kemono\.party/data/47/b5/47b5c014ecdcfabdf2c85eec53f1133a76336997ae8596f332e97d956a460ad2\.jpg",
"hash": "47b5c014ecdcfabdf2c85eec53f1133a76336997ae8596f332e97d956a460ad2",
"#url" : "",
"#comment" : " ->",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "gumroad"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyPostExtractor,
"#pattern" : r"https://kemono\.party/data/(a4/7b/a47bfe938d8c1682eef06e885927484cd8df1b.+\.jpg|c6/04/c6048f5067fd9dbfa7a8be565ac194efdfb6e4.+\.zip)",
"#url" : "",
"#comment" : "username (#1548, #1652)",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "gumroad"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyPostExtractor,
"#options" : {"metadata": True},
"username": "Kudalyn's Creations",
"#url" : "",
"#comment" : "allow duplicates (#2440)",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "patreon"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyPostExtractor,
"#count" : 2,
"#url" : "",
"#comment" : "allow duplicates (#2440)",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "patreon"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyPostExtractor,
"#options" : {"duplicates": True},
"#count" : 3,
"#url" : "",
"#comment" : "DMs (#2008)",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "patreon"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyPostExtractor,
"#options" : {"dms": True},
"dms": [{
"body": r"re:Hi! Thank you very much for supporting the work I did in May. Here's your reward pack! I hope you find something you enjoy in it. :\)\n\n\w+/",
"date": "2021-06",
"#url" : "",
"#comment" : "invalid file (#3510)",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "patreon"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyPostExtractor,
"#pattern" : r"907ba78b4545338d3539683e63ecb51cf51c10adc9dabd86e92bd52339f298b9\.txt",
"#sha1_content": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709",
"#url" : "",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "subscribestar"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyPostExtractor,
"#url" : "",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "subscribestar"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyPostExtractor,
"#url" : "",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "subscribestar"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyPostExtractor,
"#url" : "",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "subscribestar"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyPostExtractor,
"#url" : "",
"#comment" : "revisions (#4498)",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "patreon"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyPostExtractor,
"#urls" : "",
"file" : {
"hash": "88521f71822dfa2f42df3beba319ea4fceda2a2d6dc59da0276a75238f743f86",
"name": "wip update.jpg",
"path": "/88/52/88521f71822dfa2f42df3beba319ea4fceda2a2d6dc59da0276a75238f743f86.jpg",
"type": "file",
"attachments": [
"hash": "88521f71822dfa2f42df3beba319ea4fceda2a2d6dc59da0276a75238f743f86",
"name": "wip update.jpg",
"path": "/88/52/88521f71822dfa2f42df3beba319ea4fceda2a2d6dc59da0276a75238f743f86.jpg",
"type": "attachment",
"filename" : "wip update",
"extension" : "jpg",
"hash" : "88521f71822dfa2f42df3beba319ea4fceda2a2d6dc59da0276a75238f743f86",
"revision_id" : 142470,
"revision_index": 2,
"revision_hash" : "e0e93281495e151b11636c156e52bfe9234c2a40",
"#url" : "",
"#comment" : "unique revisions (#5013)",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "patreon"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyPostExtractor,
"#options" : {"revisions": "unique"},
"#urls" : "",
"filename" : "wip update",
"hash" : "88521f71822dfa2f42df3beba319ea4fceda2a2d6dc59da0276a75238f743f86",
"revision_id" : 0,
"revision_index": 1,
"revision_hash" : "e0e93281495e151b11636c156e52bfe9234c2a40",
"#url" : "",
"#comment" : "revisions (#4498)",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "patreon"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyPostExtractor,
"#pattern" : r"https://kemono\.party/data/88/52/88521f71822dfa2f42df3beba319ea4fceda2a2d6dc59da0276a75238f743f86\.jpg",
"#count" : 9,
"#archive" : False,
"revision_id": range(134996, 3052965),
"revision_index": range(1, 9),
"revision_hash": "e0e93281495e151b11636c156e52bfe9234c2a40",
"#url" : "",
"#comment" : "revisions (#4498)",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "patreon"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyPostExtractor,
"#exception": exception.NotFoundError,
"#url" : "",
"#comment" : "'published' metadata with extra microsecond data",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "patreon"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyPostExtractor,
"date" : "dt:2022-07-29 21:12:11",
"published": "2022-07-29T21:12:11.483000",
"#url" : "",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "discord"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyDiscordExtractor,
"#count" : 4,
"channel" : "608504710906904576",
"channel_name": "finish-work",
"#url" : "",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "discord"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyDiscordExtractor,
"#count" : 4,
"channel" : "608504710906904576",
"channel_name": "finish-work",
"#url" : "",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "discord"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyDiscordExtractor,
"#count" : 4,
"channel" : "608504710906904576",
"channel_name": "finish-work",
"date" : "type:datetime",
"#url" : "",
"#comment" : "pagination",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "discord"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyDiscordExtractor,
"#range" : "1-250",
"#count" : 250,
"channel" : "818343747275456522",
"channel_name": "wraith-sfw-gallery",
"#url" : "",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "discord"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyDiscordExtractor,
"#pattern" : r"https://kemono\.su/data/(e3/77/e377e3525164559484ace2e64425b0cec1db08.*\.png|51/45/51453640a5e0a4d23fbf57fb85390f9c5ec154.*\.gif)",
"#count" : ">= 2",
"hash": r"re:e377e3525164559484ace2e64425b0cec1db08|51453640a5e0a4d23fbf57fb85390f9c5ec154",
"#url" : "",
"#comment" : "'inline' files",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "discord"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyDiscordExtractor,
"#options" : {"image-filter": "type == 'inline'"},
"#pattern" : r"https://cdn\.discordapp\.com/attachments/\d+/\d+/.+$",
"#range" : "1-5",
"hash": "",
"#url" : "",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "discord-server"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyDiscordServerExtractor,
"#pattern" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyDiscordExtractor.pattern,
"#count" : 13,
"#url" : "",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "discord-server"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyDiscordServerExtractor,
"#pattern" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyDiscordExtractor.pattern,
"#count" : 13,
"#url" : "",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "posts"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyPostsExtractor,
"#count" : range(60, 100),
"#url" : "",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "favorite"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyFavoriteExtractor,
"#pattern" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyUserExtractor.pattern,
"#auth" : True,
"#count" : 3,
"#sha1_url": "902c656c8002a3257ef9e255cb69bca1937373d4",
"#url" : "",
"#category": ("", "kemonoparty", "favorite"),
"#class" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyFavoriteExtractor,
"#pattern" : kemonoparty.KemonopartyPostExtractor.pattern,
"#auth" : True,
"#count" : 3,
"#sha1_url": "4be8e84cb384a907a8e7997baaf6287b451783b5",