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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Extractor for images in a generic web page."""
from .common import Extractor, Message
from .. import config, text
import re
import os.path
class GenericExtractor(Extractor):
"""Extractor for images in a generic web page."""
category = "generic"
directory_fmt = ("{category}", "{pageurl}")
archive_fmt = "{imageurl}"
# By default, the generic extractor is disabled
# and the "g(eneric):" prefix in url is required.
# If the extractor is enabled, make the prefix optional
pattern = r"(?ix)(?P<generic>g(?:eneric)?:)"
if config.get(("extractor", "generic"), "enabled"):
pattern += r"?"
# The generic extractor pattern should match (almost) any valid url
# Based on:
pattern += r"""
(?P<scheme>https?://)? # optional http(s) scheme
(?P<domain>[-\w\.]+) # required domain
(?P<path>/[^?#]*)? # optional path
(?:\?(?P<query>[^#]*))? # optional query
(?:\#(?P<fragment>.*))? # optional fragment
def __init__(self, match):
Extractor.__init__(self, match)
# Strip the "g(eneric):" prefix
# and inform about "forced" or "fallback" mode
if'generic'):"Forcing use of generic information extractor.")
self.url =":")[2]
else:"Falling back on generic information extractor.")
self.url =
# Make sure we have a scheme, or use https
self.scheme ='scheme')
self.scheme = 'https://'
self.url = self.scheme + self.url
# Used to resolve relative image urls
self.root = self.scheme +'domain')
def items(self):
"""Get page, extract metadata & images, yield them in suitable messages.
Adapted from common.GalleryExtractor.items()
page = self.request(self.url).text
data = self.metadata(page)
imgs = self.images(page)
data["count"] = len(imgs)
except TypeError:
images = enumerate(imgs, 1)
yield Message.Version, 1
yield Message.Directory, data
for data["num"], (url, imgdata) in images:
if imgdata:
if "extension" not in imgdata:
text.nameext_from_url(url, data)
text.nameext_from_url(url, data)
yield Message.Url, url, data
def metadata(self, page):
"""Extract generic webpage metadata, return them in a dict."""
data = {}
data['pageurl'] = self.url
data['title'] = text.extr(page, '<title>', "</title>")
data['description'] = text.extr(
page, '<meta name="description" content="', '"')
data['keywords'] = text.extr(
page, '<meta name="keywords" content="', '"')
data['language'] = text.extr(
page, '<meta name="language" content="', '"')
data['name'] = text.extr(
page, '<meta itemprop="name" content="', '"')
data['copyright'] = text.extr(
page, '<meta name="copyright" content="', '"')
data['og_site'] = text.extr(
page, '<meta property="og:site" content="', '"')
data['og_site_name'] = text.extr(
page, '<meta property="og:site_name" content="', '"')
data['og_title'] = text.extr(
page, '<meta property="og:title" content="', '"')
data['og_description'] = text.extr(
page, '<meta property="og:description" content="', '"')
data = {k: text.unescape(data[k]) for k in data if data[k] != ""}
return data
def images(self, page):
"""Extract image urls, return a list of (image url, metadata) tuples.
The extractor aims at finding as many _likely_ image urls as possible,
using two strategies (see below); since these often overlap, any
duplicate urls will be removed at the end of the process.
Note: since we are using re.findall() (see below), it's essential that
the following patterns contain 0 or at most 1 capturing group, so that
re.findall() return a list of urls (instead of a list of tuples of
matching groups). All other groups used in the pattern should be
non-capturing (?:...).
1: Look in src/srcset attributes of img/video/source elements
We allow both absolute and relative urls here.
Note that srcset attributes often contain multiple space separated
image urls; this pattern matches only the first url; remaining urls
will be matched by the "imageurl_pattern_ext" pattern below.
imageurl_pattern_src = r"""(?ix)
<(?:img|video|source)\s.*? # <img>, <video> or <source>
src(?:set)?=["']? # src or srcset attributes
(?P<URL>[^"'\s>]+) # url
2: Look anywhere for urls containing common image/video extensions
The list of allowed extensions is borrowed from the
extractor; other could be added, see
Compared to the "pattern" class variable, here we must exclude also
other special characters (space, ", ', >), since we are looking for
urls in html tags.
imageurl_pattern_ext = r"""(?ix)
(?:[^?&#"'>\s]+) # anything until dot+extension
|web[mp]|mp4|mkv|og[gmv]|opus) # dot + image/video extensions
(?:[^"'>\s]*)? # optional query and fragment
imageurls_src = re.findall(imageurl_pattern_src, page)
imageurls_ext = re.findall(imageurl_pattern_ext, page)
imageurls = imageurls_src + imageurls_ext
# Resolve relative urls
# Image urls catched so far may be relative, so we must resolve them
# by prepending a suitable base url.
# If the page contains a <base> element, use it as base url
basematch =
r"(?i)(?:<base\s.*?href=[\"']?)(?P<url>[^\"' >]+)", page)
if basematch:
self.baseurl ='url').rstrip('/')
# Otherwise, extract the base url from self.url
if self.url.endswith("/"):
self.baseurl = self.url.rstrip('/')
self.baseurl = os.path.dirname(self.url)
# Build the list of absolute image urls
absimageurls = []
for u in imageurls:
# Absolute urls are taken as-is
if u.startswith('http'):
# // relative urls are prefixed with current scheme
elif u.startswith('//'):
absimageurls.append(self.scheme + u.lstrip('/'))
# / relative urls are prefixed with current scheme+domain
elif u.startswith('/'):
absimageurls.append(self.root + u)
# other relative urls are prefixed with baseurl
absimageurls.append(self.baseurl + '/' + u)
# Remove duplicates
absimageurls = set(absimageurls)
# Create the image metadata dict and add imageurl to it
# (image filename and extension are added by items())
images = [(u, {'imageurl': u}) for u in absimageurls]
return images