You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

344 lines
12 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019-2023 Mike Fährmann
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
"""Extractors for Mastodon instances"""
from .common import BaseExtractor, Message
from .. import text, exception
from ..cache import cache
class MastodonExtractor(BaseExtractor):
"""Base class for mastodon extractors"""
basecategory = "mastodon"
directory_fmt = ("mastodon", "{instance}", "{account[username]}")
filename_fmt = "{category}_{id}_{media[id]}.{extension}"
archive_fmt = "{media[id]}"
cookies_domain = None
def __init__(self, match):
BaseExtractor.__init__(self, match)
self.item =
def _init(self):
self.instance = self.root.partition("://")[2]
self.reblogs = self.config("reblogs", False)
self.replies = self.config("replies", True) = self.config("cards", False)
def items(self):
for status in self.statuses():
if self._check_moved:
if not self.reblogs and status["reblog"]:
self.log.debug("Skipping %s (reblog)", status["id"])
if not self.replies and status["in_reply_to_id"]:
self.log.debug("Skipping %s (reply)", status["id"])
attachments = status["media_attachments"]
del status["media_attachments"]
if status["reblog"]:
card = status.get("card")
if card:
url = card.get("image")
if url:
card["weburl"] = card.get("url")
card["url"] = url
card["id"] = "card" + "".join(
status["instance"] = self.instance
acct = status["account"]["acct"]
status["instance_remote"] = \
acct.rpartition("@")[2] if "@" in acct else None
status["count"] = len(attachments)
status["tags"] = [tag["name"] for tag in status["tags"]]
status["date"] = text.parse_datetime(
status["created_at"][:19], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
yield Message.Directory, status
for status["num"], media in enumerate(attachments, 1):
status["media"] = media
url = media["url"]
yield Message.Url, url, text.nameext_from_url(url, status)
def statuses(self):
"""Return an iterable containing all relevant Status objects"""
return ()
def _check_moved(self, account):
self._check_moved = None
# Certain fediverse software (such as Iceshrimp and Sharkey) have a
# null account "moved" field instead of not having it outright.
# To handle this, check if the "moved" value is truthy instead
# if only it exists.
if account.get("moved"):
self.log.warning("Account '%s' moved to '%s'",
account["acct"], account["moved"]["acct"])
BASE_PATTERN = MastodonExtractor.update({
"": {
"root" : "",
"pattern" : r"mastodon\.social",
"access-token" : "Y06R36SMvuXXN5_wiPKFAEFiQaMSQg0o_hGgc86Jj48",
"client-id" : "dBSHdpsnOUZgxOnjKSQrWEPakO3ctM7HmsyoOd4FcRo",
"client-secret": "DdrODTHs_XoeOsNVXnILTMabtdpWrWOAtrmw91wU1zI",
"pawoo": {
"root" : "",
"pattern" : r"pawoo\.net",
"access-token" : "c12c9d275050bce0dc92169a28db09d7"
"client-id" : "978a25f843ec01e53d09be2c290cd75c"
"client-secret": "9208e3d4a7997032cf4f1b0e12e5df38"
"baraag": {
"root" : "",
"pattern" : r"baraag\.net",
"access-token" : "53P1Mdigf4EJMH-RmeFOOSM9gdSDztmrAYFgabOKKE0",
"client-id" : "czxx2qilLElYHQ_sm-lO8yXuGwOHxLX9RYYaD0-nq1o",
"client-secret": "haMaFdMBgK_-BIxufakmI2gFgkYjqmgXGEO2tB-R2xY",
}) + "(?:/web)?"
class MastodonUserExtractor(MastodonExtractor):
"""Extractor for all images of an account/user"""
subcategory = "user"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/(?:@|users/)([^/?#]+)(?:/media)?/?$"
example = ""
def statuses(self):
api = MastodonAPI(self)
return api.account_statuses(
not self.reblogs and
not and
not self.config("text-posts", False)
exclude_replies=not self.replies,
class MastodonBookmarkExtractor(MastodonExtractor):
"""Extractor for mastodon bookmarks"""
subcategory = "bookmark"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/bookmarks"
example = ""
def statuses(self):
return MastodonAPI(self).account_bookmarks()
class MastodonFavoriteExtractor(MastodonExtractor):
"""Extractor for mastodon favorites"""
subcategory = "favorite"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/favourites"
example = ""
def statuses(self):
return MastodonAPI(self).account_favorites()
class MastodonListExtractor(MastodonExtractor):
"""Extractor for mastodon lists"""
subcategory = "list"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/lists/(\w+)"
example = ""
def statuses(self):
return MastodonAPI(self).timelines_list(self.item)
class MastodonHashtagExtractor(MastodonExtractor):
"""Extractor for mastodon hashtags"""
subcategory = "hashtag"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/tags/(\w+)"
example = ""
def statuses(self):
return MastodonAPI(self).timelines_tag(self.item)
class MastodonFollowingExtractor(MastodonExtractor):
"""Extractor for followed mastodon users"""
subcategory = "following"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/(?:@|users/)([^/?#]+)/following"
example = ""
def items(self):
api = MastodonAPI(self)
account_id = api.account_id_by_username(self.item)
for account in api.account_following(account_id):
account["_extractor"] = MastodonUserExtractor
yield Message.Queue, account["url"], account
class MastodonStatusExtractor(MastodonExtractor):
"""Extractor for images from a status"""
subcategory = "status"
pattern = BASE_PATTERN + r"/@[^/?#]+/(?!following)([^/?#]+)"
example = ""
def statuses(self):
return (MastodonAPI(self).status(self.item),)
class MastodonAPI():
"""Minimal interface for the Mastodon API
def __init__(self, extractor):
self.root = extractor.root
self.extractor = extractor
access_token = extractor.config("access-token")
if access_token is None or access_token == "cache":
access_token = _access_token_cache(extractor.instance)
if not access_token:
access_token = extractor.config_instance("access-token")
if access_token:
self.headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + access_token}
self.headers = None
def account_id_by_username(self, username):
if username.startswith("id:"):
return username[3:]
return self.account_lookup(username)["id"]
except Exception:
# fall back to account search
if "@" in username:
handle = "@" + username
handle = "@{}@{}".format(username, self.extractor.instance)
for account in self.account_search(handle, 1):
if account["acct"] == username:
return account["id"]
raise exception.NotFoundError("account")
def account_bookmarks(self):
"""Statuses the user has bookmarked"""
endpoint = "/v1/bookmarks"
return self._pagination(endpoint, None)
def account_favorites(self):
"""Statuses the user has favourited"""
endpoint = "/v1/favourites"
return self._pagination(endpoint, None)
def account_following(self, account_id):
"""Accounts which the given account is following"""
endpoint = "/v1/accounts/{}/following".format(account_id)
return self._pagination(endpoint, None)
def account_lookup(self, username):
"""Quickly lookup a username to see if it is available"""
endpoint = "/v1/accounts/lookup"
params = {"acct": username}
return self._call(endpoint, params).json()
def account_search(self, query, limit=40):
"""Search for matching accounts by username or display name"""
endpoint = "/v1/accounts/search"
params = {"q": query, "limit": limit}
return self._call(endpoint, params).json()
def account_statuses(self, account_id, only_media=True,
"""Statuses posted to the given account"""
endpoint = "/v1/accounts/{}/statuses".format(account_id)
params = {"only_media" : "true" if only_media else "false",
"exclude_replies": "true" if exclude_replies else "false"}
return self._pagination(endpoint, params)
def status(self, status_id):
"""Obtain information about a status"""
endpoint = "/v1/statuses/" + status_id
return self._call(endpoint).json()
def timelines_list(self, list_id):
"""View statuses in the given list timeline"""
endpoint = "/v1/timelines/list/" + list_id
return self._pagination(endpoint, None)
def timelines_tag(self, hashtag):
"""View public statuses containing the given hashtag"""
endpoint = "/v1/timelines/tag/" + hashtag
return self._pagination(endpoint, None)
def _call(self, endpoint, params=None):
if endpoint.startswith("http"):
url = endpoint
url = self.root + "/api" + endpoint
while True:
response = self.extractor.request(
url, params=params, headers=self.headers, fatal=None)
code = response.status_code
if code < 400:
return response
if code == 401:
raise exception.StopExtraction(
"Invalid or missing access token.\n"
"Run 'gallery-dl oauth:mastodon:%s' to obtain one.",
if code == 404:
raise exception.NotFoundError()
if code == 429:
raise exception.StopExtraction(response.json().get("error"))
def _pagination(self, endpoint, params):
url = endpoint
while url:
response = self._call(url, params)
yield from response.json()
url = response.links.get("next")
if not url:
url = url["url"]
params = None
@cache(maxage=36500*86400, keyarg=0)
def _access_token_cache(instance):
return None