You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

76 lines
2.2 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
from gallery_dl.extractor import toyhouse
import datetime
__tests__ = (
"#url" : "",
"#category": ("", "toyhouse", "art"),
"#class" : toyhouse.ToyhouseArtExtractor,
"#pattern" : r"https://f\d+\.toyhou\.se/file/f\d+-toyhou-se/images/\d+_\w+\.\w+$",
"#range" : "1-30",
"#count" : 30,
"artists" : list,
"characters": list,
"date" : datetime.datetime,
"hash" : r"re:\w+",
"id" : r"re:\d+",
"url" : str,
"user" : "d-floe",
"#url" : "",
"#comment" : "protected by Content Warning",
"#category": ("", "toyhouse", "art"),
"#class" : toyhouse.ToyhouseArtExtractor,
"#count" : ">= 19",
"#url" : "",
"#category": ("", "toyhouse", "image"),
"#class" : toyhouse.ToyhouseImageExtractor,
"#sha1_content": "058ec8427977ab432c4cc5be5a6dd39ce18713ef",
"artists" : ["d-floe"],
"characters": ["Sumi"],
"date" : "dt:2021-10-08 01:32:47",
"extension" : "png",
"filename" : "40587320_TT1NaBUr3FLkS1p",
"hash" : "TT1NaBUr3FLkS1p",
"id" : "40587320",
"url" : "",
"#url" : "",
"#comment" : "direct link, multiple artists",
"#category": ("", "toyhouse", "image"),
"#class" : toyhouse.ToyhouseImageExtractor,
"artists" : [
"kroksoc (Color)",
"characters": ["Reiichi❀"],
"date" : "dt:2021-07-03 20:02:02",
"hash" : "bqhGcwcnU",
"id" : "36817425",
"#url" : "",
"#category": ("", "toyhouse", "image"),
"#class" : toyhouse.ToyhouseImageExtractor,