You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

152 lines
5.1 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018-2023 Mike Fährmann
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
"""Extractors for"""
from .common import Extractor, Message
from .. import text
class PahealExtractor(Extractor):
"""Base class for paheal extractors"""
basecategory = "shimmie2"
category = "paheal"
filename_fmt = "{category}_{id}_{md5}.{extension}"
archive_fmt = "{id}"
root = ""
def items(self):
"ui-tnc-agreed", "true", domain="")
data = self.get_metadata()
for post in self.get_posts():
post["id"] = text.parse_int(post["id"])
post["tags"] = text.unquote(post["tags"])
post["width"] = text.parse_int(post["width"])
post["height"] = text.parse_int(post["height"])
yield Message.Directory, post
yield Message.Url, post["file_url"], post
def get_metadata(self):
"""Return general metadata"""
return {}
def get_posts(self):
"""Return an iterable containing data of all relevant posts"""
def _extract_post(self, post_id):
url = "{}/post/view/{}".format(self.root, post_id)
extr = text.extract_from(self.request(url).text)
post = {
"id" : post_id,
"tags" : extr(": ", "<"),
"md5" : extr("/_thumbs/", "/"),
"file_url": (extr("id='main_image' src='", "'") or
extr("<source src='", "'")),
"uploader": text.unquote(extr(
"class='username' href='/user/", "'")),
"date" : text.parse_datetime(
extr("datetime='", "'"), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"),
"source" : text.unescape(text.extr(
extr(">Source Link<", "</td>"), "href='", "'")),
dimensions, size, ext = extr("Info</th><td>", "<").split(" // ")
post["size"] = text.parse_bytes(size[:-1])
post["width"], _, height = dimensions.partition("x")
post["height"], _, duration = height.partition(", ")
post["duration"] = text.parse_float(duration[:-1])
post["filename"] = "{} - {}".format(post_id, post["tags"])
post["extension"] = ext
return post
class PahealTagExtractor(PahealExtractor):
"""Extractor for images from by search-tags"""
subcategory = "tag"
directory_fmt = ("{category}", "{search_tags}")
pattern = (r"(?:https?://)?(?:rule34|rule63|cosplay)\.paheal\.net"
example = ""
per_page = 70
def __init__(self, match):
PahealExtractor.__init__(self, match)
self.tags = text.unquote(
def _init(self):
if self.config("metadata"):
self._extract_data = self._extract_data_ex
def get_metadata(self):
return {"search_tags": self.tags}
def get_posts(self):
pnum = 1
while True:
url = "{}/post/list/{}/{}".format(self.root, self.tags, pnum)
page = self.request(url).text
pos = page.find("id='image-list'")
for post in text.extract_iter(
page, "<img id='thumb_", "Only</a>", pos):
yield self._extract_data(post)
if ">Next<" not in page:
pnum += 1
def _extract_data(post):
pid , pos = text.extract(post, "", "'")
data, pos = text.extract(post, "title='", "'", pos)
md5 , pos = text.extract(post, "/_thumbs/", "/", pos)
url , pos = text.extract(post, "<a href='", "'", pos)
tags, data, date = data.split("\n")
dimensions, size, ext = data.split(" // ")
width, _, height = dimensions.partition("x")
height, _, duration = height.partition(", ")
return {
"id" : pid,
"md5" : md5,
"file_url" : url,
"width" : width,
"height" : height,
"duration" : text.parse_float(duration[:-1]),
"tags" : text.unescape(tags),
"size" : text.parse_bytes(size[:-1]),
"date" : text.parse_datetime(date, "%B %d, %Y; %H:%M"),
"filename" : "{} - {}".format(pid, tags),
"extension": ext,
def _extract_data_ex(self, post):
pid = post[:post.index("'")]
return self._extract_post(pid)
class PahealPostExtractor(PahealExtractor):
"""Extractor for single images from"""
subcategory = "post"
pattern = (r"(?:https?://)?(?:rule34|rule63|cosplay)\.paheal\.net"
example = ""
def __init__(self, match):
PahealExtractor.__init__(self, match)
self.post_id =
def get_posts(self):
return (self._extract_post(self.post_id),)