Merge remote-tracking branch 'soapbox/develop' into events-

Signed-off-by: marcin mikołajczak <>
marcin mikołajczak 2 years ago
commit 859d93b289

@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ busybox unzip -o -d /opt/pleroma/instance
The change will take effect immediately, just refresh your browser tab.
It's not necessary to restart the Pleroma service.
***For OTP releases,*** *unpack to /var/lib/pleroma instead.*
To remove Soapbox and revert to the default pleroma-fe, simply `rm /opt/pleroma/instance/static/index.html` (you can delete other stuff in there too, but be careful not to delete your own HTML files).
## :elephant: Deploy on Mastodon

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
import loadPolyfills from './soapbox/load_polyfills';
import loadPolyfills from './soapbox/load-polyfills';
// Load iframe event listener
// @ts-ignore
require.context('./images/', true);
require.context('./assets/images/', true);
// Load stylesheet

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
# Custom icons
- fediverse.svg - Modified from Wikipedia, CC0
- verified.svg - Created by Alex Gleason. CC0
Fediverse logo:


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<stop id="stop46825" offset="0" style="stop-color:#904700;stop-opacity:1;"/>
<stop id="stop46827" offset="1" style="stop-color:#904700;stop-opacity:0;"/>
<radialGradient gradientTransform="matrix(4.9019612,0,0,4.9019612,-600.72836,-1264.1473)" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" r="72.85714" fy="330.93362" fx="152.85715" cy="330.93362" cx="152.85715" id="radialGradient46829" xlink:href="#linearGradient46823"/>
<radialGradient gradientTransform="matrix(3.3636365,0,0,3.3636365,-602.85717,-938.05096)" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" r="62.857143" fy="429.50507" fx="251.42857" cy="429.50507" cx="251.42857" id="radialGradient46837" xlink:href="#linearGradient46831"/>
<radialGradient gradientTransform="matrix(1.7317072,0,0,1.7317072,-145.78397,-287.44272)" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" r="58.57143" fy="470.93369" fx="132.85715" cy="470.93369" cx="132.85715" id="radialGradient46845" xlink:href="#linearGradient46839"/>
<metadata id="metadata46274">
<cc:Work rdf:about="">
<dc:type rdf:resource=""/>
<g transform="translate(-8.5714264,-218.07648)" id="layer1">
<circle r="140" cy="358.07648" cx="148.57143" id="path46817" style="color:#000000;display:inline;overflow:visible;visibility:visible;fill:url(#radialGradient46829);fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none;stroke-width:5;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:20, 5;stroke-dashoffset:0;stroke-opacity:1;marker:none;enable-background:accumulate"/>
<circle r="105.71429" cy="506.64789" cx="242.85715" id="path46819" style="color:#000000;display:inline;overflow:visible;visibility:visible;fill:url(#radialGradient46837);fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none;stroke-width:5;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:20, 5;stroke-dashoffset:0;stroke-opacity:1;marker:none;enable-background:accumulate"/>
<circle r="58.57143" cy="528.07654" cx="84.285713" id="path46821" style="color:#000000;display:inline;overflow:visible;visibility:visible;fill:url(#radialGradient46845);fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none;stroke-width:5;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:20, 5;stroke-dashoffset:0;stroke-opacity:1;marker:none;enable-background:accumulate"/>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.4 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 10 KiB

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
"compose_form.poll.add_option": "Add a choice",
"compose_form.poll.duration": "Poll duration",
"compose_form.poll.option_placeholder": "Choice {number}",
"compose_form.poll.remove_option": "Remove this choice",
"compose_form.poll.remove_option": "Delete",
"compose_form.poll.type.hint": "Click to toggle poll type. Radio button (default) is single. Checkbox is multiple.",
"compose_form.publish": "Publish",
"compose_form.publish_loud": "{publish}!",
@ -319,6 +319,7 @@
"poll_button.add_poll": "Add a poll",
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Remove poll",
"preferences.fields.auto_play_gif_label": "Auto-play animated GIFs",
"preferences.fields.auto_play_video_label": "Auto-play videos",
"preferences.fields.boost_modal_label": "Show confirmation dialog before reposting",
"preferences.fields.delete_modal_label": "Show confirmation dialog before deleting a post",
"preferences.fields.demetricator_label": "Use Demetricator",
@ -565,7 +566,7 @@
"compose_form.poll.add_option": "Add a choice",
"compose_form.poll.duration": "Poll duration",
"compose_form.poll.option_placeholder": "Choice {number}",
"compose_form.poll.remove_option": "Remove this choice",
"compose_form.poll.remove_option": "Delete",
"compose_form.poll.type.hint": "Click to toggle poll type. Radio button (default) is single. Checkbox is multiple.",
"compose_form.publish": "Publish",
"compose_form.publish_loud": "{publish}!",

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { Map as ImmutableMap } from 'immutable';
import { __stub } from 'soapbox/api';
import { mockStore, rootState } from 'soapbox/jest/test-helpers';
import { ReducerRecord, EditRecord } from 'soapbox/reducers/account_notes';
import { ReducerRecord, EditRecord } from 'soapbox/reducers/account-notes';
import { normalizeAccount, normalizeRelationship } from '../../normalizers';
import { changeAccountNoteComment, initAccountNoteModal, submitAccountNote } from '../account-notes';

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { Map as ImmutableMap } from 'immutable';
import { __stub } from 'soapbox/api';
import { mockStore, rootState } from 'soapbox/jest/test-helpers';
import { ListRecord, ReducerRecord } from 'soapbox/reducers/user_lists';
import { ListRecord, ReducerRecord } from 'soapbox/reducers/user-lists';
import { normalizeAccount, normalizeInstance, normalizeRelationship } from '../../normalizers';
import {

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { __stub } from 'soapbox/api';
import { mockStore, rootState } from 'soapbox/jest/test-helpers';
import { ListRecord, ReducerRecord as UserListsRecord } from 'soapbox/reducers/user_lists';
import { ListRecord, ReducerRecord as UserListsRecord } from 'soapbox/reducers/user-lists';
import { expandBlocks, fetchBlocks } from '../blocks';

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import {
fetchMe, patchMe,
} from '../me';
jest.mock('../../storage/kv_store', () => ({
jest.mock('../../storage/kv-store', () => ({
__esModule: true,
default: {
getItemOrError: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve({})),

@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ import { obtainOAuthToken, revokeOAuthToken } from 'soapbox/actions/oauth';
import { startOnboarding } from 'soapbox/actions/onboarding';
import snackbar from 'soapbox/actions/snackbar';
import { custom } from 'soapbox/custom';
import KVStore from 'soapbox/storage/kv_store';
import { queryClient } from 'soapbox/queries/client';
import KVStore from 'soapbox/storage/kv-store';
import { getLoggedInAccount, parseBaseURL } from 'soapbox/utils/auth';
import sourceCode from 'soapbox/utils/code';
import { getFeatures } from 'soapbox/utils/features';
@ -239,15 +240,25 @@ export const logOut = () =>
token: state.auth.getIn(['users', account.url, 'access_token']),
return dispatch(revokeOAuthToken(params)).finally(() => {
dispatch({ type: AUTH_LOGGED_OUT, account, standalone });
return dispatch(snackbar.success(messages.loggedOut));
return dispatch(revokeOAuthToken(params))
.finally(() => {
// Clear all stored cache from React Query
dispatch({ type: AUTH_LOGGED_OUT, account, standalone });
return dispatch(snackbar.success(messages.loggedOut));
export const switchAccount = (accountId: string, background = false) =>
(dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => {
const account = getState().accounts.get(accountId);
// Clear all stored cache from React Query
return dispatch({ type: SWITCH_ACCOUNT, account, background });

@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ import { defineMessages, IntlShape } from 'react-intl';
import snackbar from 'soapbox/actions/snackbar';
import api from 'soapbox/api';
import { search as emojiSearch } from 'soapbox/features/emoji/emoji_mart_search_light';
import { search as emojiSearch } from 'soapbox/features/emoji/emoji-mart-search-light';
import { tagHistory } from 'soapbox/settings';
import { isLoggedIn } from 'soapbox/utils/auth';
import { getFeatures, parseVersion } from 'soapbox/utils/features';
import { formatBytes, getVideoDuration } from 'soapbox/utils/media';
import resizeImage from 'soapbox/utils/resize_image';
import resizeImage from 'soapbox/utils/resize-image';
import { showAlert, showAlertForError } from './alerts';
import { useEmoji } from './emojis';
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ import { getSettings } from './settings';
import { createStatus } from './statuses';
import type { History } from 'history';
import type { Emoji } from 'soapbox/components/autosuggest_emoji';
import type { AutoSuggestion } from 'soapbox/components/autosuggest_input';
import type { Emoji } from 'soapbox/components/autosuggest-emoji';
import type { AutoSuggestion } from 'soapbox/components/autosuggest-input';
import type { AppDispatch, RootState } from 'soapbox/store';
import type { Account, APIEntity, Status, Tag } from 'soapbox/types/entities';

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import axios from 'axios';
import * as BuildConfig from 'soapbox/build_config';
import * as BuildConfig from 'soapbox/build-config';
import { isURL } from 'soapbox/utils/auth';
import sourceCode from 'soapbox/utils/code';
import { getFeatures } from 'soapbox/utils/features';

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import type { DropdownPlacement } from 'soapbox/components/dropdown_menu';
import type { DropdownPlacement } from 'soapbox/components/dropdown-menu';

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { saveSettings } from './settings';
import type { Emoji } from 'soapbox/components/autosuggest_emoji';
import type { Emoji } from 'soapbox/components/autosuggest-emoji';
import type { AppDispatch } from 'soapbox/store';

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { defineMessages, IntlShape } from 'react-intl';
import api, { getLinks } from 'soapbox/api';
import { formatBytes } from 'soapbox/utils/media';
import resizeImage from 'soapbox/utils/resize_image';
import resizeImage from 'soapbox/utils/resize-image';
import { importFetchedAccounts, importFetchedStatus } from './importer';
import { fetchMedia, uploadMedia } from './media';

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { createAsyncThunk } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import get from 'lodash/get';
import KVStore from 'soapbox/storage/kv_store';
import KVStore from 'soapbox/storage/kv-store';
import { RootState } from 'soapbox/store';
import { getAuthUserUrl } from 'soapbox/utils/auth';
import { parseVersion } from 'soapbox/utils/features';

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import KVStore from 'soapbox/storage/kv_store';
import KVStore from 'soapbox/storage/kv-store';
import { getAuthUserId, getAuthUserUrl } from 'soapbox/utils/auth';
import api from '../api';

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
import type { ModalType } from 'soapbox/features/ui/components/modal-root';
export const MODAL_OPEN = 'MODAL_OPEN';
export const MODAL_CLOSE = 'MODAL_CLOSE';
/** Open a modal of the given type */
export function openModal(type: string, props?: any) {
export function openModal(type: ModalType, props?: any) {
return {
modalType: type,
@ -11,7 +13,7 @@ export function openModal(type: string, props?: any) {
/** Close the modal */
export function closeModal(type?: string) {
export function closeModal(type?: ModalType) {
return {
modalType: type,

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import { openModal } from 'soapbox/actions/modals';
import snackbar from 'soapbox/actions/snackbar';
import OutlineBox from 'soapbox/components/outline-box';
import { Stack, Text } from 'soapbox/components/ui';
import AccountContainer from 'soapbox/containers/account_container';
import AccountContainer from 'soapbox/containers/account-container';
import { isLocal } from 'soapbox/utils/accounts';
import type { AppDispatch, RootState } from 'soapbox/store';

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
import { Map as ImmutableMap, Set as ImmutableSet } from 'immutable';
import ConfigDB from 'soapbox/utils/config_db';
import ConfigDB from 'soapbox/utils/config-db';
import { fetchConfig, updateConfig } from './admin';
import type { AppDispatch, RootState } from 'soapbox/store';
import type { Policy } from 'soapbox/utils/config_db';
import type { Policy } from 'soapbox/utils/config-db';
const simplePolicyMerge = (simplePolicy: Policy, host: string, restrictions: ImmutableMap<string, any>) => {
return, key) => {

@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
import {
Map as ImmutableMap,
} from 'immutable';
import IntlMessageFormat from 'intl-messageformat';
import 'intl-pluralrules';
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import api, { getLinks } from 'soapbox/api';
import compareId from 'soapbox/compare_id';
import { getFilters, regexFromFilters } from 'soapbox/selectors';
import { isLoggedIn } from 'soapbox/utils/auth';
import { compareId } from 'soapbox/utils/comparators';
import { getFeatures, parseVersion, PLEROMA } from 'soapbox/utils/features';
import { unescapeHTML } from 'soapbox/utils/html';
import { EXCLUDE_TYPES, NOTIFICATION_TYPES } from 'soapbox/utils/notification';
@ -149,13 +146,13 @@ const updateNotificationsQueue = (notification: APIEntity, intlMessages: Record<
const dequeueNotifications = () =>
(dispatch: AppDispatch, getState: () => RootState) => {
const queuedNotifications = getState().notifications.get('queuedNotifications');
const totalQueuedNotificationsCount = getState().notifications.get('totalQueuedNotificationsCount');
const queuedNotifications = getState().notifications.queuedNotifications;
const totalQueuedNotificationsCount = getState().notifications.totalQueuedNotificationsCount;
if (totalQueuedNotificationsCount === 0) {
} else if (totalQueuedNotificationsCount > 0 && totalQueuedNotificationsCount <= MAX_QUEUED_NOTIFICATIONS) {
queuedNotifications.forEach((block: APIEntity) => {
queuedNotifications.forEach((block) => {
} else {
@ -184,7 +181,7 @@ const expandNotifications = ({ maxId }: Record<string, any> = {}, done: () => an
const notifications = state.notifications;
const isLoadingMore = !!maxId;
if (notifications.get('isLoading')) {
if (notifications.isLoading) {
return dispatch(noOp);
@ -207,7 +204,7 @@ const expandNotifications = ({ maxId }: Record<string, any> = {}, done: () => an
if (!maxId && notifications.get('items').size > 0) {
if (!maxId && notifications.items.size > 0) {
params.since_id = notifications.getIn(['items', 0, 'id']);
@ -306,8 +303,8 @@ const markReadNotifications = () =>
if (!isLoggedIn(getState)) return;
const state = getState();
const topNotificationId: string | undefined = state.notifications.get('items').first(ImmutableMap()).get('id');
const lastReadId: string | -1 = state.notifications.get('lastRead');
const topNotificationId = state.notifications.items.first()?.id;
const lastReadId = state.notifications.lastRead;
const v = parseVersion(state.instance.version);
if (topNotificationId && (lastReadId === -1 || compareId(topNotificationId, lastReadId) > 0)) {

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { createPushSubscription, updatePushSubscription } from 'soapbox/actions/push_subscriptions';
import { createPushSubscription, updatePushSubscription } from 'soapbox/actions/push-subscriptions';
import { pushNotificationsSetting } from 'soapbox/settings';
import { getVapidKey } from 'soapbox/utils/auth';
import { decode as decodeBase64 } from 'soapbox/utils/base64';

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
import { getHost } from 'soapbox/actions/instance';
import { normalizeSoapboxConfig } from 'soapbox/normalizers';
import KVStore from 'soapbox/storage/kv_store';
import KVStore from 'soapbox/storage/kv-store';
import { removeVS16s } from 'soapbox/utils/emoji';
import { getFeatures } from 'soapbox/utils/features';

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import LinkHeader from 'http-link-header';
import type { AxiosInstance, AxiosResponse } from 'axios';
const api = jest.requireActual('../api') as Record<string, Function>;
const api = jest.requireActual('../index') as Record<string, Function>;
let mocks: Array<Function> = [];
export const __stub = (func: (mock: MockAdapter) => void) => mocks.push(func);

@ -9,18 +9,18 @@ import axios, { AxiosInstance, AxiosResponse } from 'axios';
import LinkHeader from 'http-link-header';
import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
import * as BuildConfig from 'soapbox/build_config';
import * as BuildConfig from 'soapbox/build-config';
import { RootState } from 'soapbox/store';
import { getAccessToken, getAppToken, isURL, parseBaseURL } from 'soapbox/utils/auth';
import type MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter';
Parse Link headers, mostly for pagination.
@see {@link}
@param {object} response - Axios response object
@returns {object} Link object
Parse Link headers, mostly for pagination.
@see {@link}
@param {object} response - Axios response object
@returns {object} Link object
export const getLinks = (response: AxiosResponse): LinkHeader => {
return new LinkHeader(response.headers?.link);
@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ const getAuthBaseURL = createSelector([
* Base client for HTTP requests.
* @param {string} accessToken
* @param {string} baseURL
* @returns {object} Axios instance
* Base client for HTTP requests.
* @param {string} accessToken
* @param {string} baseURL
* @returns {object} Axios instance
export const baseClient = (accessToken?: string | null, baseURL: string = ''): AxiosInstance => {
return axios.create({
// When BACKEND_URL is set, always use it.
@ -68,22 +68,22 @@ export const baseClient = (accessToken?: string | null, baseURL: string = ''): A
* Dumb client for grabbing static files.
* It uses FE_SUBDIRECTORY and parses JSON if possible.
* No authorization is needed.
* Dumb client for grabbing static files.
* It uses FE_SUBDIRECTORY and parses JSON if possible.
* No authorization is needed.
export const staticClient = axios.create({
transformResponse: [maybeParseJSON],
* Stateful API client.
* Uses credentials from the Redux store if available.
* @param {function} getState - Must return the Redux state
* @param {string} authType - Either 'user' or 'app'
* @returns {object} Axios instance
* Stateful API client.
* Uses credentials from the Redux store if available.
* @param {function} getState - Must return the Redux state
* @param {string} authType - Either 'user' or 'app'
* @returns {object} Axios instance
export default (getState: () => RootState, authType: string = 'user'): AxiosInstance => {
const state = getState();
const accessToken = getToken(state, authType);

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// @preval
* Build config: configuration set at build time.
* @module soapbox/build_config
* @module soapbox/build-config
const trim = require('lodash/trim');

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import * as React from 'react';
import React from 'react';
interface IInlineSVG {
loader?: JSX.Element,

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import React from 'react';
import { render, screen } from '../../jest/test-helpers';
import AutosuggestEmoji from '../autosuggest_emoji';
import AutosuggestEmoji from '../autosuggest-emoji';
describe('<AutosuggestEmoji />', () => {
it('renders native emoji', () => {

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import React from 'react';
import { normalizeAccount } from 'soapbox/normalizers';
import { render, screen } from '../../jest/test-helpers';
import AvatarOverlay from '../avatar_overlay';
import AvatarOverlay from '../avatar-overlay';
import type { ReducerAccount } from 'soapbox/reducers/accounts';

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import React from 'react';
import { render, screen } from '../../jest/test-helpers';
import EmojiSelector from '../emoji_selector';
import EmojiSelector from '../emoji-selector';
describe('<EmojiSelector />', () => {
it('renders correctly', () => {

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import classNames from 'clsx';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { defineMessages, useIntl } from 'react-intl';
import AutosuggestAccountInput from 'soapbox/components/autosuggest_account_input';
import AutosuggestAccountInput from 'soapbox/components/autosuggest-account-input';
import Icon from 'soapbox/components/icon';
const messages = defineMessages({

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
import * as React from 'react';
import React from 'react';
import { Link, useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';
import HoverRefWrapper from 'soapbox/components/hover_ref_wrapper';
import VerificationBadge from 'soapbox/components/verification_badge';
import HoverRefWrapper from 'soapbox/components/hover-ref-wrapper';
import VerificationBadge from 'soapbox/components/verification-badge';
import ActionButton from 'soapbox/features/ui/components/action-button';
import { useAppSelector, useOnScreen } from 'soapbox/hooks';
import { getAcct } from 'soapbox/utils/accounts';
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ const Account = ({
onClick={(event: React.MouseEvent) => event.stopPropagation()}
<div className='flex items-center space-x-1 flex-grow' style={style}>
<HStack space={1} alignItems='center' grow style={style}>
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ const Account = ({
{account.verified && <VerificationBadge />}
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ const Account = ({
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: account.note_emojified }}
className='mr-2 rtl:ml-2 rtl:mr-0'

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import React from 'react';
import unicodeMapping from 'soapbox/features/emoji/emoji_unicode_mapping_light';
import unicodeMapping from 'soapbox/features/emoji/emoji-unicode-mapping-light';
import { useSettings } from 'soapbox/hooks';
import { joinPublicPath } from 'soapbox/utils/static';

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import classNames from 'clsx';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import AnimatedNumber from 'soapbox/components/animated-number';
import unicodeMapping from 'soapbox/features/emoji/emoji_unicode_mapping_light';
import unicodeMapping from 'soapbox/features/emoji/emoji-unicode-mapping-light';
import Emoji from './emoji';

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import { useSettings } from 'soapbox/hooks';
import Reaction from './reaction';
import type { List as ImmutableList, Map as ImmutableMap } from 'immutable';
import type { Emoji } from 'soapbox/components/autosuggest_emoji';
import type { Emoji } from 'soapbox/components/autosuggest-emoji';
import type { AnnouncementReaction } from 'soapbox/types/entities';
interface IReactionsBar {

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
import React from 'react';
import Icon from 'soapbox/components/icon';
import type { Attachment as AttachmentEntity } from 'soapbox/types/entities';
const filename = (url: string) => url.split('/').pop()!.split('#')[0].split('?')[0];
interface IAttachmentList {
media: AttachmentEntity[],
compact?: boolean,
const AttachmentList: React.FC<IAttachmentList> = ({ media, compact }) => {
if (compact) {
return (
<div className='attachment-list compact'>
<ul className='attachment-list__list'>
{ => {
const displayUrl = attachment.get('remote_url') || attachment.get('url');
return (
<li key={attachment.get('id')}>
<a href={displayUrl} target='_blank' rel='noopener'><Icon id='link' /> {filename(displayUrl)}</a>
return (
<div className='attachment-list'>
<div className='attachment-list__icon'>
<Icon id='link' />
<ul className='attachment-list__list'>
{ => {
const displayUrl = attachment.get('remote_url') || attachment.get('url');
return (
<li key={attachment.get('id')}>
<a href={displayUrl} target='_blank' rel='noopener'>{filename(displayUrl)}</a>
export default AttachmentList;

@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ import throttle from 'lodash/throttle';
import React, { useState, useRef, useCallback, useEffect } from 'react';
import { accountSearch } from 'soapbox/actions/accounts';
import AutosuggestInput, { AutoSuggestion } from 'soapbox/components/autosuggest_input';
import AutosuggestInput, { AutoSuggestion } from 'soapbox/components/autosuggest-input';
import { useAppDispatch } from 'soapbox/hooks';
import type { Menu } from 'soapbox/components/dropdown_menu';
import type { Menu } from 'soapbox/components/dropdown-menu';
import type { InputThemes } from 'soapbox/components/ui/input/input';
const noOp = () => {};
const noOp = () => { };
interface IAutosuggestAccountInput {
onChange: React.ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>,

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import React from 'react';
import unicodeMapping from 'soapbox/features/emoji/emoji_unicode_mapping_light';
import unicodeMapping from 'soapbox/features/emoji/emoji-unicode-mapping-light';
import { joinPublicPath } from 'soapbox/utils/static';
export type Emoji = {

@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ import { List as ImmutableList } from 'immutable';
import React from 'react';
import ImmutablePureComponent from 'react-immutable-pure-component';
import AutosuggestEmoji, { Emoji } from 'soapbox/components/autosuggest_emoji';
import AutosuggestEmoji, { Emoji } from 'soapbox/components/autosuggest-emoji';
import Icon from 'soapbox/components/icon';
import { Input } from 'soapbox/components/ui';
import AutosuggestAccount from 'soapbox/features/compose/components/autosuggest_account';
import AutosuggestAccount from 'soapbox/features/compose/components/autosuggest-account';
import { isRtl } from 'soapbox/rtl';
import type { Menu, MenuItem } from 'soapbox/components/dropdown_menu';
import type { Menu, MenuItem } from 'soapbox/components/dropdown-menu';
import type { InputThemes } from 'soapbox/components/ui/input/input';
type CursorMatch = [

@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ import React from 'react';
import ImmutablePureComponent from 'react-immutable-pure-component';
import Textarea from 'react-textarea-autosize';
import AutosuggestAccount from '../features/compose/components/autosuggest_account';
import AutosuggestAccount from '../features/compose/components/autosuggest-account';
import { isRtl } from '../rtl';
import AutosuggestEmoji, { Emoji } from './autosuggest_emoji';
import AutosuggestEmoji, { Emoji } from './autosuggest-emoji';
import type { List as ImmutableList } from 'immutable';

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import React from 'react';
import StillImage from 'soapbox/components/still_image';
import StillImage from 'soapbox/components/still-image';
import type { Account as AccountEntity } from 'soapbox/types/entities';

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import classNames from 'clsx';
import React from 'react';
import StillImage from 'soapbox/components/still_image';
import StillImage from 'soapbox/components/still-image';
import type { Account } from 'soapbox/types/entities';

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
import React, { useMemo } from 'react';
import { defineMessages, useIntl } from 'react-intl';
import IconButton from 'soapbox/components/icon_button';
import BundleContainer from 'soapbox/features/ui/containers/bundle_container';
import IconButton from 'soapbox/components/icon-button';
import BundleContainer from 'soapbox/features/ui/containers/bundle-container';
import { DatePicker } from 'soapbox/features/ui/util/async-components';
import { useAppSelector, useFeatures } from 'soapbox/hooks';

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
import { fetchBirthdayReminders } from 'soapbox/actions/accounts';
import { Widget } from 'soapbox/components/ui';
import AccountContainer from 'soapbox/containers/account_container';
import AccountContainer from 'soapbox/containers/account-container';
import { useAppDispatch, useAppSelector } from 'soapbox/hooks';
const timeToMidnight = () => {

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
// import classNames from 'clsx';
// import { injectIntl, defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
// import Icon from 'soapbox/components/icon';
import SubNavigation from 'soapbox/components/sub_navigation';
import SubNavigation from 'soapbox/components/sub-navigation';
// const messages = defineMessages({
// show: { id: 'column_header.show_settings', defaultMessage: 'Show settings' },

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ const CopyableInput: React.FC<ICopyableInput> = ({ value }) => {
className='rounded-r-none rtl:rounded-l-none rtl:rounded-r-lg'
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ const CopyableInput: React.FC<ICopyableInput> = ({ value }) => {
className='mt-1 h-full rounded-l-none rounded-r-lg'
className='mt-1 h-full rounded-l-none rounded-r-lg rtl:rounded-l-lg rtl:rounded-r-none'
<FormattedMessage id='input.copy' defaultMessage='Copy' />

@ -1,22 +1,24 @@
import * as React from 'react';
import React from 'react';
import HoverRefWrapper from 'soapbox/components/hover_ref_wrapper';
import HoverRefWrapper from 'soapbox/components/hover-ref-wrapper';
import { useSoapboxConfig } from 'soapbox/hooks';
import { getAcct } from '../utils/accounts';
import Icon from './icon';
import RelativeTimestamp from './relative-timestamp';
import VerificationBadge from './verification_badge';
import { HStack, Text } from './ui';
import VerificationBadge from './verification-badge';
import type { Account } from 'soapbox/types/entities';
interface IDisplayName {
account: Account
withSuffix?: boolean
withDate?: boolean
const DisplayName: React.FC<IDisplayName> = ({ account, children, withDate = false }) => {
const DisplayName: React.FC<IDisplayName> = ({ account, children, withSuffix = true, withDate = false }) => {
const { displayFqn = false } = useSoapboxConfig();
const { created_at: createdAt, verified } = account;
@ -28,11 +30,17 @@ const DisplayName: React.FC<IDisplayName> = ({ account, children, withDate = fal
) : null;
const displayName = (
<span className='display-name__name'>
<bdi><strong className='display-name__html' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: account.get('display_name_html') }} /></bdi>
<HStack space={1} alignItems='center' grow>
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: account.display_name_html }}
{verified && <VerificationBadge />}
{withDate && joinedAt}
const suffix = (<span className='display-name__account'>@{getAcct(account, displayFqn)}</span>);
@ -42,7 +50,7 @@ const DisplayName: React.FC<IDisplayName> = ({ account, children, withDate = fal
<HoverRefWrapper accountId={account.get('id')} inline>
{withSuffix && suffix}

@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ import React from 'react';
import { defineMessages, useIntl } from 'react-intl';
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import { unblockDomain } from 'soapbox/actions/domain_blocks';
import { unblockDomain } from 'soapbox/actions/domain-blocks';
import IconButton from './icon_button';
import { HStack, IconButton, Text } from './ui';
const messages = defineMessages({
blockDomainConfirm: { id: 'confirmations.domain_block.confirm', defaultMessage: 'Hide entire domain' },
@ -34,17 +34,12 @@ const Domain: React.FC<IDomain> = ({ domain }) => {
return (
<div className='domain'>
<div className='domain__wrapper'>
<span className='domain__domain-name'>
<div className='domain__buttons'>
<IconButton active src={require('@tabler/icons/lock-open.svg')} title={intl.formatMessage(messages.unblockDomain, { domain })} onClick={handleDomainUnblock} />
<HStack alignItems='center' justifyContent='between' space={1} className='p-2'>
<Text tag='span'>
<IconButton iconClassName='h-5 w-5' src={require('@tabler/icons/lock-open.svg')} title={intl.formatMessage(messages.unblockDomain, { domain })} onClick={handleDomainUnblock} />

@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ import { spring } from 'react-motion';
import Overlay from 'react-overlays/lib/Overlay';
import { withRouter, RouteComponentProps } from 'react-router-dom';
import { IconButton, Counter } from 'soapbox/components/ui';
import { Counter, IconButton } from 'soapbox/components/ui';
import SvgIcon from 'soapbox/components/ui/icon/svg-icon';
import Motion from 'soapbox/features/ui/util/optional_motion';
import Motion from 'soapbox/features/ui/util/optional-motion';
import type { Status } from 'soapbox/types/entities';
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ class DropdownMenu extends React.PureComponent<IDropdownMenu, IDropdownMenuState
data-method={isLogout ? 'delete' : undefined}
{icon && <SvgIcon src={icon} className='mr-3 h-5 w-5 flex-none' />}
{icon && <SvgIcon src={icon} className='mr-3 rtl:ml-3 rtl:mr-0 h-5 w-5 flex-none' />}
<span className='truncate'>{text}</span>
@ -259,6 +259,7 @@ export interface IDropdown extends RouteComponentProps {
text?: string,
onShiftClick?: React.EventHandler<React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent>,
children?: JSX.Element,
dropdownMenuStyle?: React.CSSProperties,
interface IDropdownState {
@ -369,7 +370,7 @@ class Dropdown extends React.PureComponent<IDropdown, IDropdownState> {
render() {
const { src = require('@tabler/icons/dots.svg'), items, title, disabled, dropdownPlacement, openDropdownId, openedViaKeyboard = false, pressed, text, children } = this.props;
const { src = require('@tabler/icons/dots.svg'), items, title, disabled, dropdownPlacement, openDropdownId, openedViaKeyboard = false, pressed, text, children, dropdownMenuStyle } = this.props;
const open = === openDropdownId;
return (
@ -403,7 +404,7 @@ class Dropdown extends React.PureComponent<IDropdown, IDropdownState> {
<Overlay show={open} placement={dropdownPlacement} target={this.findTarget}>
<RouterDropdownMenu items={items} onClose={this.handleClose} openedViaKeyboard={openedViaKeyboard} />
<RouterDropdownMenu items={items} onClose={this.handleClose} openedViaKeyboard={openedViaKeyboard} style={dropdownMenuStyle} />

@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import { usePopper } from 'react-popper';
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import { simpleEmojiReact } from 'soapbox/actions/emoji_reacts';
import { simpleEmojiReact } from 'soapbox/actions/emoji-reacts';
import { openModal } from 'soapbox/actions/modals';
import EmojiSelector from 'soapbox/components/ui/emoji-selector/emoji-selector';
import { EmojiSelector } from 'soapbox/components/ui';
import { useAppSelector, useOwnAccount, useSoapboxConfig } from 'soapbox/hooks';
import { isUserTouching } from 'soapbox/is_mobile';
import { getReactForStatus } from 'soapbox/utils/emoji_reacts';
import { isUserTouching } from 'soapbox/is-mobile';
import { getReactForStatus } from 'soapbox/utils/emoji-reacts';
interface IEmojiButtonWrapper {
statusId: string,

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