[batoto] update to new extractor interface

Mike Fährmann 10 years ago
parent 3c6161eea7
commit f3e208c0ab

@ -1,22 +1,73 @@
from .common import AsyncExtractor
from ..util import filename_from_url
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014, 2015 Mike Fährmann
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
"""Extract manga pages from http://bato.to/"""
from .common import AsynchronousExtractor
from .common import Message
from .common import filename_from_url
from urllib.parse import unquote
import os.path
import re
info = {
"category": "batoto",
"extractor": "BatotoExtractor",
"directory": ["{category}", "{manga}",
"v{volume:>02} c{chapter:>03} - {title}"],
"filename": "{manga}_v{volume:>02}_c{chapter:>03}_{page:>03}.{extension}",
"pattern": [
class Extractor(AsyncExtractor):
class BatotoExtractor(AsynchronousExtractor):
url_base = "http://bato.to/read/_/"
def __init__(self, match, config):
AsyncExtractor.__init__(self, config)
self.url = "https://bato.to/read/_/" + match.group(1) + "/_/1"
self.category = "batoto"
self.directory = match.group(1)
def images(self):
next_url = self.url
while next_url:
text = self.request(next_url).text
pos = text.find('<div id="full_image"')
next_url, pos = self.extract(text, '<a href="', '"', pos)
url, pos = self.extract(text, 'src="', '"', pos)
name = unquote( filename_from_url(url) )
yield url, name
AsynchronousExtractor.__init__(self, config)
self.chapter_id = match.group(1)
def items(self):
yield Message.Version, 1
url = self.url_base + self.chapter_id
while url:
url, data = self.get_page_metadata(url)
yield Message.Directory, data
yield Message.Url, data["image-url"], data
def get_page_metadata(self, page_url):
"""Collect metadata for one manga-page"""
page = self.request(page_url).text
_ , pos = self.extract(page, 'selected="selected"', '')
title, pos = self.extract(page, ': ', '<', pos)
_ , pos = self.extract(page, 'selected="selected"', '', pos)
trans, pos = self.extract(page, '>', '<', pos)
_ , pos = self.extract(page, '<div id="full_image"', '', pos)
image, pos = self.extract(page, '<img src="', '"', pos)
url , pos = self.extract(page, '<a href="', '"', pos)
mmatch = re.search(r"<title>(.+) - vol (\d+) ch (\d+) Page (\d+)", page)
tmatch = re.match(r"(.+) - ([^ ]+)", trans)
filename = unquote(filename_from_url(image))
name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
return url, {
"category": info["category"],
"chapter-id": self.chapter_id,
"manga": mmatch.group(1),
"volume": mmatch.group(2),
"chapter": mmatch.group(3),
"page": mmatch.group(4),
"group": tmatch.group(1),
"language": tmatch.group(2),
"title": title,
"image-url": image,
"name": name,
"extension": ext[1:],
