You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

196 lines
4.4 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2023, yupix
# This file is distributed under the same license as the mipac package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: mipac \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-08-30 05:09+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language: ja\n"
"Language-Team: ja <>\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.12.1\n"
#: ../../mipac.actions.note.rst:2
msgid "mipac.actions.note module"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions:1 of
msgid "Bases: :py:class:`~mipac.actions.note.ClientNoteActions`"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:1 of
msgid "ノートを投稿します。"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:4 of
msgid "Parameters"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:5 of
msgid "content"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:-1 of
msgid "str | None, default=None"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:6 of
msgid "投稿する内容"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:8 of
msgid "visibility"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:-1 of
msgid "INoteVisibility, optional"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:8 of
msgid ""
"公開範囲, by default \"public\" Enum: \"public\" \"home\" \"followers\" "
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:10 of
msgid "visible_user_ids"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:-1 of
msgid "list[str] | None, optional"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:11 of
msgid "公開するユーザー, by default None"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:12 of
msgid "cw"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:-1 of
msgid "str | None, optional"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:13 of
msgid "閲覧注意の文字, by default None"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:14 of
msgid "local_only"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:-1 of
msgid "bool, optional"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:15 of
msgid "ローカルにのみ表示するか, by default False"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:16 of
msgid "extract_mentions"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:17 of
msgid "メンションを展開するか, by default False"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:18 of
msgid "extract_hashtags"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:19 of
msgid "ハッシュタグを展開するか, by default False"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:20 of
msgid "extract_emojis"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:21 of
msgid "絵文字を展開するか, by default False"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:22 of
msgid "reply_id"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:23 of
msgid "リプライ先のid, by default None"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:24 of
msgid "renote_id"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:25 of
msgid "リート先のid, by default None"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:26 of
msgid "channel_id"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:27 of
msgid "チャンネルid, by default None"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:28 of
msgid "files"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:-1 of
msgid "list[MiFile | File | str], optional"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:29 of
msgid "添付するファイルのリスト, by default None"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:31 of
msgid "poll"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:-1 of
msgid "MiPoll | None, optional"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:31 of
msgid "アンケート, by default None"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:34 of
msgid "Returns"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:36 of
msgid "Note"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:36 of
msgid "投稿したノート"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:39 of
msgid "Raises"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:40 of
msgid "ContentRequired"
msgstr ""
#: mipac.actions.note.NoteActions.send:41 of
msgid "[description]"
msgstr ""